Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ask Gauss

Sunday! Here we are the first week back and now it is time to do my first Ask Gauss of the year. Now you all can stop complaining that everything I say is about first, because well they are now all over with. So for those of you who are new to the blog this is where I answer questions sent to me throughout the week in a variety of ways all of which can be seen on the upper right side of the blog or you can go ahead and just email me at So why don't we get right to it!

How would you rate 2015 as a year for gaming?

We saw many great titles come out in 2015. Not nearly as much as people would like, but to say it was a disappointment that would be discounting some of the great games, which we all got to play. Now as I was talking about on Thursday there will be much more selection this year so the number of people who will be happy will be much more significant. Overall though if giving a 1-10 arbitrary score for the year I would give 2015 a score of 7. There were some great games just not a large amount and there was some waiting in between especially for those who have specific tastes.

Do you feel Starcraft needs to do more about balance for Legacy of the Void?

Now we just had a patch and sure there were not any major changes and I agree with it at the moment. People are still getting used to the new units and finding ways to deal with them. Do I think some things need to be adjusted? Yes, of course, I do, but it is the how which is more important to me. I much prefer changes that end up happening once rather than changes that have to keep getting tweaked over and over again. Leaving players to adapt and adapt. I like the open concept feedback that they are having with Legacy and I hope they stick to it.

Why did you feel the need to take a long vacation?

Well sometimes the world gives you too many Bagellords.

There you have it this week's questions all answered. Thank you to everyone who sent something in, and thank you to all those who have been extremely patient waiting for me to get back to them with the backlog that I have. This really wouldn't be possible without all of you so know I will get to yours eventually.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

You Fail At Being Ready For 2016 If...

Fail Day! Here we go another year and even more ways to fail. If there is one thing that is consistent it is that people always find a way to amuse me in the ways that they fail. So 2016 is going to be no different, but to start the year why no go into how people are not even ready to be failing in 2016 yet.

You Fail At Being Ready For 2016 If...

  • You are not aware of the any of the games coming out
  • You don't think there are any good games coming out
  • You think there is just a focus on sequel games this year
  • Your wallet is not prepared
  • You have not been binge watching trailers
  • You have yet to pre-order anything
  • You still don't have a next gen console
  • You think an xbox one counts as a next gen console
  • You still have yet to play some of the must play titles from 2015
  • You cannot wait to play the Final Fantasy 7 Remake this year
  • You think you will continue with a normal social life if you get all the must plays this year

and finally

  • You are still working on 2015

There you have it this week's edition of Fail. Hope you all enjoyed it and will be ready for this great year in the world of gaming.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Life Of An Assassin

So I'm back my holiday was pretty good as I hope yours was as well. Truthfully I am still in the recovery stages but I am pretty sure that is the way with everyone. 2016 is a big year for gaming so many great things are on the horizon let's hope the blog can keep up with it all. As always you are all the ones that make this possible. It is your passion, your ideas, and your critism which pulls everything together so don't forget that.

Now to get on with why you are probably actually here is to see if the blog was back and what is being showcased. Well Assassin's Creed Universe strikes again with this tribute to a life as an Assassin. Enjoy!

And years to many more posts to come in 2016

Friday, December 18, 2015

Let the Holidays Begin

So today would normally be a Reader Post, but today isn't any regular day. It is the start of my holidays from the blog. Yes I know it hurts and I know people will say how will I survive without it and can't you just take 30 minutes out of your day to write your blog. I would say to that "do you honestly think it only takes me 30 minutes?".

No I have shopping to do people to see and I just don't like to be on a schedule for things when that is the case. I like to have my posts up and going by 9am everyday and I just don't think that is possible during the holiday season.

So with that I hope you all have a safe and Merry Christmas or whatever other holiday you choose to celebrate or not. Also a very Happy New Year as I will be back after I have recovered from that wonderful Holiday.

Hopefully will see you all back here reading for another year of Gaussafication.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

You Fail At Gaming In 2013 If...

Fail Day! Not to mention the last one of the year at that. So really there was only one thing I could possibly think of to do for Fail Day today. You see some people call themselves gamers, but they just play Call Of Duty 12 hours of day sitting in their mother's basement. So really let's see who does and doesn't fail at gaming this past year.

You Fail At Gaming In 2013 If...

  • You don't remember the whole "used game issue"
  • You have not learn the joys of the life of a pirate
  • A smile isn't put on your face upon hearing "Holy Shit Joel"
  • You were unaware there was a new generation of Consoles
  • You don't know what all of this Warlords Of Draenor thing is all about.
  • You didn't bare witness to the death of Arcturus Mengsk
  • The phrase "Bigger maps will not be available" means nothing to you
  • You didn't catch the name change of Final Fantasy Verus to Final Fantasy XV
  • You didn't know this game called "Rift" went Free to Play
  • You didn't know Blizzard made this card game called Hearthstone which turns minutes of playtime into days
  • You don't miss Aiden
  • You still don't know how awesome Esports is
  • You don't know how Blizzard finally decided on the name of their MOBA
  • You have never heard of this game call GTAV and all those sales records it broke
  • You were not aware of the Uncharted Series coming to PS4

and finally

  • You have used this year to stock up on all things to sell on the RMAH for when Reaper Of Souls comes out.

There you have it. Hope you all enjoyed it. Once again thank you all for the support this year and every year before. Here is to another great year ahead.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ask Gauss

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes it is now 2012 the last year this world will see. Don't laugh it has been proven to be true... Look it up! Anyways, it is a New Year and it is Sunday, and you all should know that Sunday means it is time for Ask Gauss. The post of the week where I answer your questions right on here for everyone to see. If you are still clueless how to do this, since it is a happy day I will explain. You can click on the fancy link on the top right of the page or you can just email them to With that all out of the way let's get to it.

With a new year close to us, what was your biggest noob moment of the year?

Well this is actually very simple for me to say. I was working towards the fish catching achievements last February when I start to fish for Summer Bass. Without thinking at all I was sitting there fishing for 2 plus hours wondering why I wasn't getting any at all. This is not a rare fish it is actually a common one I thought to myself. I was thinking this was the WoW gods looking down on me just like I was fishing for the turtle, because we all know how that goes. Then I thought to myself I am a tool it is a summer fish.

So what do you have planned for the New Year?

Well I hope to have posts together for not just WoW, but other games as well for all of you that have asked. I do play other games and it is something I would enjoy sharing my adventures in other games as well as more games means more chances for great stories of encountering noobs.

Rolling a Pally come the New Year?

Drilling a hole in my head come the new year?

There you have it these weeks edition of Ask Gauss and the first post of the new year. For all those waiting for it I want to know your New Years WoWalution. It is just what you think it is, and yes I made up that word like 3 seconds ago. As always you have until Thursday Night to get your submissions in.

Have a safe and Happy New Year Everyone!