Showing posts with label Castlevania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Castlevania. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

You Are Banished From Death

Wednesday already? That's what I thought when I woke up this morning. I was though excited to release this list. I thought of it during my holidays and figured I would do it as the first one back. What list is that you ask? Well I was having an argument the other day on what I would define as an "Immortal" I see it as someone who cannot be killed without some highlander type stuff going on. So then I came up with this list of the best Immortal Characters in Video Games.

5. Ganondorf - Legend of Zelda

Now truthfully I am not 100% sure if he is actually immortal or it is just Ninetendo being lazy. I do though recognize his signifgance to the gaming world so he makes my list, but comes in at number 5.

4. Zasalamel - Soul Calibur

Generally in fighting games there really isn't that interesting of a backstory to characters. Zasalamel on the other hand has one of the deepest stories not only for a fighting game, but also most fantasy games out there.

3. Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy VII

I am sure many of you saw this coming. You may have thought he would have made it higher up the list though. Vincent has one of the most tragic stories of immortality there is. He was a human experiment who only became so because he ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time trying to do the right thing. On the plus side though has pledged his life to revenge.

2. Alucard - Castlevania

The child of Dracula who fights Dracula. Need I say more? Alucard really is exactly what everyone thinks when they think of gaming and immortals. Well at least anyone that I have been talking too.

1. Talion - Shadow of Mordor

So of all the Characters I have here none of these dies repeatably for you to see again and again. Talion is executed but is banished from death to serve a purpose. Sure you can die but you just keep coming back again and again to fight again.

There you have it this week's list. Sure there are people I missed and I will get ripped into about it, but really it doesn't matter make your own list!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

True Strength Lies Within Me

So this past Sunday's Game of Thrones got me thinking. If we were to match gaming characters vs other gaming characters in say a battle of skill using swords who would come out on top? No other powers or anything like that just pure skill with the blade. So thinking that way eliminated some people who could actually compete on the list. So after many hours of thought this is the list I came up with.

5. Zack Fair

One would ask why Zack makes the list Sephiroth and Cloud do not. Sephiroth is completely genetically engineered to be what he was, while Cloud by his own admission wasn't close to the fighter he was because of his exposure to Mako energy. So with that I went with Zack because honestly have you played the end of Crisis Core?

4.  Caim

Caim is one of the most well trained swordsmen in any game. This point is spoken to again and again about how he has developed his craft by any means necessary. He views every fight as a challenge to learn and this is what makes him dangerous. 


Alucard has speed and strength in the perfect combination. He just knows what has to be done and how to win. He will fight clean or dirty. Whatever it takes to rid the world of the influence of his father.

2. Auron

Auron became the youngest warrior monk in the history of Spira at the age of 25. He views his skills with the blade to be that of an art form. He believes every strike and every swing has a purpose and nothing ever should be put to waste.

1. Heishiro Mitsurugi

In a world where everyone is looking for more power Mitsurugi just wanted to prove he had enough. His only goal has been to prove he is the best in the world always seeking a new challenger. He has yet to find one who could prove him wrong.

There you have it. What do you think? Agree or Disagree let me know whats on your mind.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

My Life For Aiur

Merry Christmas everyone! For those who don't celebrate Christmas well a Merry Christmas to you too! Now with today being Wednesday and being all about lists and it being Christmas I figured I would make a list of my top 5 favourite Christmas gifts gamer wise as far back as I can possibly remember. Now this may date me but who the hell cares it is Christmas!

5. Castlevania III Dracula's Curse

Way back in a time when games were fun even though they were stupid hard I woke up Christmas morning to open this game. I played it to death not only that day but for years afterwards. An extremely difficult game which was tons of fun. I played adventure games before this one namely the previous Castlevania games but this is the game which truly made me love them.

4. Beanbag Gamer Chair

So this was a gift when I saw it there under the tree I was just excited because it was the biggest gift there. When you are a kid even a big kid the biggest gift being yours is a thing of beauty. Such a simple gift which made me feel like I was awesome. We would have competitions just to see who would get to sit in the chair. Before it bit the dust it was busted open distorted it all kinds of places but it was still my chair and it was still awesome.

3. NBA Street Vol. 2

So let me first say I am not really a fan of basketball or NBA games in general. So upon opening this I was unsure. After playing it I realized it wasn't anything remotely close to a real basketball game. You were more concerned with doing all these crazy tricks and the score just ended up being the thing which ended the game. And how could we ever forge the announcer 

2.  NHL 94

This game start a tradition. I received the newer addition of this game year after year. It almost became the thing. I never had to ask for the new NHL it just happened regardless. Love my hockey and love my Leafs and this just always fit.

1. Starcraft

I was always a gamer before this but this is the game that got me really seriously into gaming. It was competitive and I have always been an extremely competitive person. I thrived in this environment and this game is the reason I am the gamer I am today. So you can thank my father for purchasing this for me. Now if only I can one day actually explain to him how to play it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Endless Rage

Wednesday middle of the week, which as of late has turned into me making a sort of list. So why not come up with another one. When thinking of what to do I was thinking about when I was playing The Last Of Us on survival mode. Yes it was hard, but would I even consider it one of the hardest games I ever played? Not a chance really. I have played a countless amount of games over my lifetime and when trying to think of games I thought were the Hardest I ever played well those games came to my mind almost instantly. So here goes.

5. Castlevania

Castlevania is know for setting the standard for difficult games more so towards that is is at least it’s semi-fair. Well, sort of. Each level is laid out perfectly to make sure every single touch on your controller is perfectly timed. Also I remember countless times where the amount of enemies never seemed to end, and made me scream out WHY. Oh and the very fact that you cannot move while jumping ya that drove me insane. Overall though it will be a game I will never forget even if I cringe at times when seeing pictures.
4. Contra

Modern games have nothing on Contra with their auto saves and unlimited continues. Who needs those? In Contra you got 3 lives thats it. You had no health regen or any of those random things which exist nowadays. If you got hit by a bullet you died its over sucks to be you. Yes oh how this game caused countless screaming matches playing coop

3. Demon Souls

Most if not all modern games are user friendly where the developers are happy you took the time to play their game and believe you should expierence the content. Everyone should beat the game right? Well this is where Demon Souls came in and said a big Fuck you to evcryone. You die repeatly doing basics things and the only help you get is messages left by others who sadly came to the same fate. If you haven't had the pleasure or endless pain I suggest you take it for a spin.

2. Ninja Gaiden Black

This is a game in which I will always remember every single boss fight mostly because I spent countless hours trying to figure them out. Now it is not that the rest of the game was easy no is was brutally hard, but the boss fights and their mechanics where borderline unfair at times, and it drove you absolutely insane. A game that when and if you finally beat it you truly are proud of yourself.

1. Battletoads

Widely consider impossible to beat in single player and friendly fire exists in coop. It is a game that I compare all game difficulties too. Now you may say well you played this a long time ago and there is no way it  compares to Demon Souls  or  Ninja Gaiden and I will tell you that both of those games with all of the time I put into them are basically Hello Kitty Island Adventure in comparison. This is a game where screaming cursing and anything else happened again and again. Ask anyone who has ever had the Battletoads experience what they think and I am sure they will go on and on about how difficult it was.

There you have it there is my Rage list. Do you have one? Agree or Disagree let me know.