i've got some more cards to show from my most recent lcs visits. normally, the cards i pick up are dodgers, double plays, or cards that fit in other collections of mine. sometimes i will pick something up even though it doesn't 'fit'. like this 1992 megacards babe ruth card
the best thing about this photo, other than it being of (most of) the first hall of famers, is babe ruth's droopy socks. i actually have an 8x10 of this photo framed, i think it is so cool. no dodgers, unfortunately. also unfortunately, megacards identified one of the game's greatest players incorrectly. in 1936, five players - ruth, ty cobb, christy mathewson, honus wagner, and walter johnson - became baseball's first hall of famers. in 1937, they were joined by nap lajoie, cy young, and tris speaker. also voted in that year was connie mack (one of 13 19th century figures that were added to the hall between 1937 and 1939). the lone 1938 inductee was grover cleveland alexander, and in 1939 - the year that the hall officially opened - george sisler, eddie collins, and willie keeler (there's a dodger!) joined the ranks. that means that there were 11 living hall of famers in 1939 (mathewson and keeler had passed away), but the photo, taken at the opening of the hall of fame in cooperstown, only has 10. let's see what the back has to say about that
poor cy young. according to the card, he wasn't in the photo. in reality, he is seated to mack's left. it's ty cobb, the one who received the most votes for induction, who is missing. the way the story goes is that cobb either arrived too late for the photo due to poor planning, or he chose to be late out of spite for kenesaw mountain landis. it should be noted that lou gehrig was also voted into the hall in 1939, but his election came in a special ballot held in december of that year, so he was not a hall of famer at the time of the photo. anyway, that's a great card.
i picked up another from the same set, this one with the babe wearing his brooklyn hat and singing alongside kiki cuyler (if the back of the card can be trusted)
the card back features a story told by ruth's old teammate bill dickey that involves some locker room hijinks.
i grabbed a few 2006 upper deck cards of dodgers, including one of a guy in a phillies uniform
and another of a dodger in a red sox uni
plus one of a devil ray in a dodger uniform
and then there was a 1987 woolworth's don sutton card that i had not seen before
that highlighted sutton's 300th career win.
i am not sure why, but i also grabbed a 'rookie of the week' card that topps put out in 2006 of george brett
i was disappointed that there were no dodgers in the set, nor were there any 1978 topps styled cards included. i thought that maybe mike piazza would have been featured, or that eddie murray or paul molitor would have had their '78 cards restyled. no such luck.
speaking of rookies, here are some rauuuuuuuul mondesi cards i rescued from the bargain boxes. 1994 donruss triple play
1995 topps stadium cluband 1998 upper deck collector's choice starquest insert
i picked up a bunch of other dodger cards, too. that means there is one more lcs post on its way...