secondly, i wanted this card because of the photo. we are treated to a nice image of downing pitching in dodger stadium during the 1976 season. we know it is 1976 because of the patch on downing's sleeve. we also know it is dodger stadium because of the home whites, the yellow field level seats, and the field level scoreboard, complete with the union 76 logo which is partially obscured.
the player partially obscuring the unocal logo is another reason why i wanted this card. that is, of course, steve garvey lurking over there at first base, coming off the bag as the pitch is delivered. it's always nice to find steve garvey lurking around, but he's not the only dodger lurker to join downing on an autographed card.
i mentioned a couple of paragraphs ago that i have picked up some certified downing autos. well, here's one of them - from 2003 upper deck yankees signature series
yes, it's another autograph series that panders to yankee fans. and another card that i purchased because of the dodger connecton. well, two dodger connections, actually. the card, of course, features downing from his time with the bronx bombers. and, even though the upper deck logo gives the dodger player some anonymity, i am pretty sure it's johnny podres. this photo was likely taken during the 1963 world series, and downing and podres were the game 2 starters, with game 2 held at yankee stadium. it all makes sense to me. as does collecting al downing autographs.