Showing posts with label liriano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liriano. Show all posts

09 April 2015

an abbreviated run through the 1997 mother's cookies dodger set

1997 was all about the 50th anniversary of jackie robinson's major league debut, and the mother's cookies dodger set that year included a special card with the anniversary logo.
that's the logo that the dodgers wore - remember, while all teams wore a similar patch, the dodgers, marlins, and expos put their own twist on it.

here are a few more cards from the 1997 mother's cookies dodger set

bill russell
the manager!

and his coaches!
plus, the five straight rookies of the year - eric karros
mike piazza
raul mondesi
hideo nomo
and todd hollandsworth
here's the current diamondbacks manager, chip hale
in what may well be his only dodger card

darren hall
has a couple of dodger cards, but not many.

does anyone recall nelson liriano as a dodger?
he played in 76 games for the 1997 dodgers, and his lone home run in dodger blue was a 9th inning game winner against the cubs.

here's one more - scott radinsky
if it weren't for these mother's sets, i don't think i would have more than one card of the pulley lead singer and current dodger minor league pitching coach.

thanks again to mr. haverkamp for brokering the deal that netted me these sets.