Showing posts with label eisenreich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eisenreich. Show all posts

02 March 2010

and now i wait...

about 11 months ago, i jumped into the ttm fray.  i had sent out a couple of requests in february '09 (along with one or two in the early 2000's), but didn't decide to really get into it until the end of march which means i pretty much missed out on spring training.  i decided i would give myself a year of sending out ttm requests, with the last ones going out at the start of spring training 2010, and so, over the last couple of weeks i have sent out about 50 requests to current and former dodgers c/o their spring training addresses, with a couple of other players thrown in.

the focus of my requests has been on guys who either played or coached (or announced!) for the dodgers, followed by players and managers featured in the 1978 topps set.  in addition to that there are players that i followed during my youth or guys that are good about ttm for whom i happen to have a few cards laying around.

in total, i have sent out about 450 requests in the past year, and to date have received 259 back (not all of which i have posted yet), which means i'm running just below 60%.  i would expect to wind up around 70% when all is said and done, but then that's the beauty of ttm - you never know just how long you might have to wait.

just in the last couple of days, i have received the first of my spring training requests back in the mail - it's a 2010 topps jon garland
a 9-day 'wait', sent c/o the padres.

i do reserve the right to send out an occasional request going forward, because it's just too cool to get stuff like this back in the mail

29 October 2008

last minute campaign chavez ravine

on the field for camera day, it's candidate jim eisenreich and his 1999 upper deck card. fans are roped off while the players walk around inside a viewing area. camera day was the first time i was ever on the field at dodger stadium - i was about 8 or 9. anyway, jim seems to have his campaign strategy down: eye contact, firm handshake, and lick those lips before kissing the babies.

nice shot of the right field pavilion and scoreboard in the background, too.