sheet 41 of the steve garvey binders takes us from world series heroes in 2002 to donruss legends in 2003. have a look.
those cards are:1. 2002 upper deck world series heroes classic world series moments (with catfish hunter relic)
2. 2002 upper deck world series heroes classic world series moments (with thurman munson relic)
3. 2002 upper deck world series heroes classic world series moments gray relic (with dave winfield)
4. 2002 upper deck world series heroes classic world series moments white relic (with dave winfield)
5. 2003 donruss classics legend
6. 2003 donruss classics legend timeless tributes
7. 2003 donruss classics legend significant signatures auto
8. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer
9. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer auto (black ink)
more relic color variants, and now we'll see some signature variants as well. the nine cards on that page feature only two different photos of the garv.
here are the backs:
sheet 42 also contains 9 cards with only two different photos:
those cards are:
1. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer auto (blue ink)
2. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer auto notations (81 ws)
3. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer auto century notations (6)
4. 2003 donruss signature series legends of summer auto century notations (81 ws)
5. 2003 donruss team heroes
6. 2003 donruss team heroes glossy
7. 2003 donruss team heroes chicago collection
8. 2003 donruss team heroes master set
9. 2003 donruss team heroes statline
here are the backs:
while the second card on the sheet is numbered to 75, the century notation cards are numbered to 100, and donruss obviously had garvey go back and add different notations to his sticker sheets in order to produce planned notation variants. why they varied the print run and type of cards with the same notation (81 ws) is beyond me, but at least the variations are documented. there are also notations of his mvp year and one other i think.
sheet 43 brings the padres back to the collection:
those cards are:
1. 2003 donruss team heroes auto
2. 2003 fleer flair greats
3. 2003 fleer flair greats home team
4. 2003 fleer flair greats home team cuts relic
5. 2003 padres carl's jr.
6. 2003 playoff prestige signature impressions auto
7. 2003 topps all-time fan favorites
8. 2003 topps all-time fan favorites refractor
9. 2003 topps all-time fan favorites auto
a couple of notes worth making - the flair greats home team card was from a kind of extension to the regular flair greats set. the dodgers, along with the giants and a couple of other teams had a few of these extra cards. also, i recall the all-time fan favorite card being referenced in beckett's review of the product as one of the cards that misses the mark. a photo of garvey from 1980 on the 1973 design does look odd, i will agree.
here are the backs:
good to see the carl's jr happy star on the back of the middle card. western bacon cheeseburgers were a staple of my college days in socal. i also find it interesting that the cartoon from garvey's original 1973 topps card was kept for the atff set, still factual, but given the drama surrounding his relationship with cyndy, topps could have opted for something else since they had to update the stats on the back anyway.
plenty more garvey goodness to come - stay tuned...