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Unique Hearts Photo Challenge

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This is it! This is my 350th post! (Cue Party Streamers and Balloons .... Richard Gear walks in....our eyes meet.....I'm wearing that slinky, sexy red dress......suddenly I want nothing more than to fall into.........) oh, sorry...I got carried away....back to the FAQ-350 celebration.

In all seriousness, I want to say that blogging has been a wonderfully therapeutic,inspiring and heart warming experience for me. I remember that I started blogging way back in 2006 because it seemed interesting to me. I remember seeing the word "blog" and thinking I wonder what that stands for. I still don't know and I don't care. Blogging narrowed my world so that I could connect with other like minded people. Suddenly, I was not the only one in the world that picked things up off the ground to make stuff.

I have learned so much from my girlfriends from all over the world. I have learned that we are all so similiar and yet so unique. Which brings me to this: When I was in nursing school, one of my instructors made my entire class learn this affirmation... ."I am a unique and precious human being always growing in wisdom and love." That was over 15 years ago and that affirmation has stuck in my head. It comes in times of stress...either in an outloud attempt at being funny to decrease stress or as a silent affirmation in my head. Today this affirmation comes to me as a great insight. All of my blog friends are unique and precious and they need to hear that from me. I love reading about your life, your families, and your adventures! I cry with you about your sorrows and heartaches. So, we may not see each other in person......but when I don't see an updated blog for some time......I begin to be concerned about you. So get to bloggin' sistah!


For those of you who want to get to the challenge part of this post: Since you are a unique a precious human being.....I challenge you to take a photo of a UNIQUE heart. Nothing typical please. Take a photo of something that is shaped like a heart or several things grouped together to make a heart shape. Show me your uniqueness here. Since all of us are unique and precious, the winner will be chosen randomly from all participants. Here is one I created tonight

I created this heart by using several white stones and I added the blue one as a reminder of our uniqueness. The winner will be announced on Feb 1st. You will receive a special crafty valentine from me.

  1. Create a unique heart and blog the photo with a link to my blog
  2. let me know you are participating

that is it!


Kim Mailhot said…
Woohoo ! Congrats on 350 !!! What a wonderful accomplishment - to have built, nurtured and loved your way through over 350 posts on you sweet meeting place ! It is quite amazing what this Blogland gives us, isn't it ? And I, for one of many, am so very glad that the Funky Art Queen is around ! Your enthusiasm and care and creative eye means so much to so many ! Keep up the great work !

Now, what can I use to make that HEART ! Gotta go sleep on it...
Love the other Queen
Good Morning FAQ! This looks like fun. I'm going to try & participate, but you know what all is going on, so we shall see. You know I'm one of your biggest fans! Love ya, Renea
Anonymous said…
wow! 350 posts? amazing.
i just found a rock shaped like a heart (sort-of!!) in our back yard...i might have to post about it!!!
Danita said…
Congratulations!!! 350 posts are a LOT!
Debbie said…
Now maybe, but no promises, this is an artistic assignment even I can manage! I will let you know when the creativity occurs.
And congrats on the 350! Love the Richard Gere dream. You go, girl!
Anonymous said…
I love how you worded this post. I've felt a lot of the same sentiments since joining the blog world, but didn't quite know how to arrange my words!
noodle and lou said…
WOW...350!!! congrats!!! I'm giggling so much about Richard Gere!!!! Here's to 350 more!! xox..jenn
Ronnie said…
Boy, you said that perfectly. I'm a new blogger of a few months, but I am already connected to folks I'll probably never meet (in person that is). I gotta think of that heart thing. I love a challenge!
david mcmahon said…
G'day from Australia. Congratulations on your landmark 350th post.
Sacred Yoli said…
This maybe what the doctor ordered!
I have been so blog constipated, it is not even funny! hehe, ok, maybe a little funny. Anyway, I just got a new camera, and what better way than to show it off?

I'll work on this challenge this week for sure!


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