OK, so I ventured off again! I'm ADD like that. I'm back! I have recently decided that I truly AM the Funky Art Queen. Funky in that I can't stay on any one task for too long of a period! LOL.....I like making jewelry which is what I have been doing. But, I have to be able to move freely about the craft world and I figure since I have deemed myself Queen, then I can do that. Any objections? LOL It has been a very inspiring week for me. Almost too much wonderful and creative stimulation to share! But, of course I have to share...... onelatenight Did you know that Lady Gaga and Polaroid teamed up last year for creative ideas? Either go to Google and search for Lady Gaga+Polaroid or go to Polaroid.com and check it out. That is if you care anything about Polaroid. I'm a finnatic actually. Now, take a look at the picture above. That is a "Plush" are you familiar with Plushes or Plushies? I kind of knew about them but then I heard the best Po