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Showing posts with the label contests

50 States In 3 Months Challenge

I have been thinking about this for awhile....being the list maker and checker offer that I am.  I love to conquer my lists and goals!  I decided that I would make a goal of selling something in each of the 50 United States.  But, to make it fun....(and a little bit easier to achieve) I decided to do this with a friend who is also crafty and goal oriented: My Friend Renea ( Pocket Full of Prettys ) was excited to join me in this self imposed goal/deadline.  We decided to give ourselves 3 months to make a sale in every state of the U.S. by April 24th, 2011.  Between the two of us, surely we can sell items in every state!  So, it is on!   Now, we simply can't do this by ourselves.  Wouldn't it be more fun if our Etsy friends joined us in this lofty goal?  We say find a fellow Etsy Artisian and jump in to try this challenge!  Let us know if you are participating and keep us posted on your progress.  This could turn into something HUG...

A Christmas Long Ago Contest

Christmas is fast approaching......before you know it, St. Nick will have come and gone....cookies in his pockets...milk to go please. For some reason I was telling Renea ( Pocket Full of Pretty's ) about this photo of me and my step brother sitting on Santa's lap. I did not have this photo but I remembered it being in my mother's collection of pictures. I emailed my mom and she did all the hunting and scanning and sent it to me---thanks Mom. Mom tells me I was "3" and brother was "5". It just really made me happy to see this.....and a little sad. I miss "little" Ronnie. Anyway, I would love to see your favorite "Christmas Long Ago"pictures. Hmmmm......sounds like a good idea for a contest. Let's do it! A CHRISTMAS LONG AGO CONTEST Here are the rules! Prize INFO At the Bottom of this post! 1. Blog the photo from your favorite "Christmas Long Ago" and tell the story 2. Put a link to my blog in that entry and tell three ot...

Holiday Decorations

I'm enjoying my holiday decorating this year. Here is a picture of the shelf in my newly redecorated guest room. I loved working on this and I like to think of it as a constant work in progress. That way, I can change the shelf according to the season/holiday. It is just entertaining to me. On another note, excuse me if I gloat......I WON I WON. I WON THE PRIZE ON THE QUEEN OF ARTS 100TH POST GIVEAWAY . She decided the prize would be whatever the winner chose from her etsy site. I had my eye on those Diva magnets several days before the contest. How lucky am I? I'm excited. Kim, the a lovely person. She is so wise and says the wisest things that both inspire me and cause me to think a little harder about things. She is a gifted encourager and artist. So, it will be an honor to have something that she created. Now, for those of you that know me well, you can disreguard this next paragraph as you already know this. But, for those of you who are just getting to know m...

250 Posts and Metal Art

THIS IS MY 250TH POST!!!! I started this blog in January of 2006. It is hard to believe that I have posted 250 times. How could I possibly have that much to say? I have to say that this blog has been such a wonderful experience for me. It has been my outlet for venting, my place to share, my place to make new friends, and a place to explore my thirst for new and creative ideas. I have developed some awsome friendships through my blog and seriously, I don't know how I would have made it through the last 2 years without them and their support. We are so blessed to have this avenue of finding those with common interests. I just can't say enough about it. That being said, I want to celebrate this moment (250 posts) by sponsoring a give away. I'm going to give one (random drawing) person a 20.00 gift certificate from Dick Blick art supplies. In order to participate you must; Post a comment here about one of my 2006 blog entries . You can find them by searching the dated posts o...


ArT SuPpLy SwAp Have you been participating in that unwritten contest of 'whoever dies with the most art supplies wins'? Do you have tons of art supplies and even some that you suspect that you will not ever use? I know I do.....I can't stand to throw anything away because just as sure as I do, I will find an article in CPS or Somerset that tells you how to use this supply. But, realisticly, I think I would be happy to know that I don't have that one supply or media because I shared it with someone else in an art supply swap. In response to this New Year and my need to organize and renew....I have several items I would love to swap. So, that inspired me to sponsor an art supply swap. But, how will I organize it? How will I ensure that everyone who participates is pleased? I can't promise anything but if based on the trust and artist sisterhood system....I think we will all come out well. Here is how it will go: Send me your address I will pair ...

I Want to Win an Ipod Shuffle

First, I would like to thank Stacey for making me want to do a little google blog search for "blog contests". Now I have something else to add to my list of addictions. I'm supposed to be getting ready for work and instead...I am blogging to win an ipod. Further, I can't wait to get home and see what else I can try for. I just found out that Brandon Hopkins is having a contest for an iPod shuffle. All you have to do is link to him and link to this site about free business cards and you’re entered. So now I’m entered. I would love to have an Ipod Shuffle since everyone in my family, including my husband has one and I don't. I feel very behind the times because, I never even got an MP3 player! I'm sure my children will have to show their technically challenged mother how to use this ipod but I know I will have fun with it. I HOPE I WIN!!! Now...let's see what else I can try for! Oh, it's 6:40a.m. and we have our morning meeting at work-(sigh) guess I ...