Because I made this guy for --> ME <-- I feel like I can keep trying things out on him until I finally stumble upon a look that I like -- if I don't like it I can always change it...but I hope this works.
I really love this guy. But I really messed him up when I spray painted his undercoat(s). Then after that he really really got messed up when I sprayed the varnish on his antlers and it was too humid out and it gunked up and got cloudy in areas.
I like the "oh what?" look from this angle.
Well...I will tell you "now what" buddy...
I have several sheets of this way cool decorative paper (I really ought to look it up to see what it is called) with these neat inclusions in it.
The surface of the spray paint rubs off if you touch just balls up and poofs can see down to the plaster cloth in this photo.
I am hoping that I will be able to see some color through the paper when it dries.
I applied a lot of matte medium -- I wanted the paper to get very wet. I tore a strip in a somewhat triangle shape so that it would follow the curves and bumps of this guy's surface.
Next I slathered on more matte medium and really pounced the (now disposable/cheap) brush, pushing the glop into the paper.
Eeeeeew -- what's a whole new material...LOL
You can see the paint and paper fiber in the (now) frothy matte medium.
The I-don't-know-about-this look.
You can see the paint specks in the froth.
I left it sit for a bit to really soak in, then I smoothed it out as carefully as possible. I wanted to get as many air pockets out as I could but I wanted to avoid overworking the paper and tearing it.
I deliberately left unpapered sections so it might look like stripes...we'll see.
I am also hoping that the matte medium will dry on the painted parts and hold on the paint.
And look -- I cleaned up the mess! Wow!