Showing posts with label Toby Millman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toby Millman. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 25 - 365/2014

Day Twenty-Five

I guess I'm in Arto-production mode now...finally.  Last night I decided on what the background(s) would be for this edition of Animal People.  I will use up some more of my alcohol-ink-and-water-overspray-on-butcher-paper that I have not been able to just throw away.   Every once in a while it comes in handy and it doesn't take up that much space in the studio to store it is half of the composition color battle for me...yep, this is me justifying why I still have it. 

See...those papers don't take a lot of space...just one brown paper bagful.
I guestimated the first piece...
...then used the paper cutter to get more of a system going for the other ninety-nine.
This is one of the older collages from an edition of Animal People that used the same papers for the background(s).

Today I put magnets on the backs of another one of my favorite Art-o-mat series from my personal collection.  Toby Millman made this delightfully helpful series of screen prints to help you find your way back to Earth should you get abducted.  You can read the explanation in the photo below.  I hung them on one of the baking sheet/magnet boards in the kitchen near the skylights so that they can soak up sunlight all day and then glow their directions at night.  This house has three areas with skylights -- they look cool but I've never really felt the need for a skylight before.  It seems like anyone (or a creepy squirrel or raccoon or other creature I'd rather not even think about) could just sit on the roof and watch everything you do...seems to me like an easy access point for an alien abduction ray, eh?

MORE affixing magnets on Art-o-mat blocks today!
My collection of Toby Millman Art-o-mat pieces.
The the picture for easier reading.
I think the display turned out pretty well. about this for a coincidence?  Snow on the kitchen skylights sure do resemble a giant alien's eyes looking in!

This evening I started back into the next step of the production mode for preparing the collage blocks.  So far I have only the first 10 of 100 blocks front-wrapped.  It takes time to glue, smooth, check edges, trim edges, etc.!

Get to it, Took!
I love the colors on these random but still pretty...some look kind of like leather...some look like a deliberate attempt at a water color me.
The first ten of the first fifty.

I sincerely hope I will go back to gluing paper to blocks tonight...but I might not...but I might.
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