Showing posts with label DAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAM. Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 187 - 365/2014

Day One Hundred Eighty-Seven

Today I got back to the business of staining the pieces of wood from Detroit Artists Market that will become "Woodly" (or some variation of that name) for my submission to DAM's Call for Art "If You Build It, They Will Come".

I decided to see what the base piece would look like if I put a coat of the black stain over the first coat of blue stain...since I was not so sure if I liked the look of it.  I figured if worst comes to worst I can always re-coat the base piece one more time with black stain...or I can paint it.  In the meantime, I tried just the black stain on the other pieces of wood...I like how it looks.

Back outside on the deck to stain the wood...this time I put the stain in a plastic dish and used a sponge brush to apply it, then rubbed it off with an old cut up t-shirt.  This first piece is black stain over yesterday's blue stain...not so sure about that right now.
I like how the black stain looks...I like the stripey effect.
All of the wood.
It felt like it was going to rain so I brought everything inside to dry in the guest bathroom.
The four leg pieces of wood were originally two pieces of wood that had very deep splits in them.  On the surface where the pieces came apart there are small bits that sanded smoothly but that will not accept the matter how many time I try to apply it, it just rubs right back off...I will most likely leave it like that...unless I think of something else...maybe acrylic paint will stick there.
Here you can see the difference between the piece of wood that is the base (with black stain over blue) compared to the plain black stained legs...I am still not sure about it.
The pieces all stacked the way it will be assembled.  I still need to get some help with the drilling of the holes for the long thin wood screws...they will need to be pretty precisely drilled -- one shot because the wood is not that wide...but I think it can work as long as I am not the one doing the drilling.

I am pretty sure I will still paint some sort of really simple face...perhaps a very simple pattern overall as well...again, not totally sure yet.  But you know -- I am pretty pleased so far with the way this is turning out...considering I had originally thought I'd be plaster cloth'ing on top of the wood -- using it mostly as a sort of armature...but this show is more about the five pieces of wood being incorporated into the piece...a good deal of it really show be featured.  And oh yeah...I think Woodly may still need some sort of a tail.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 164 - 365/2014

Day One Hundred Sixty-Four

This morning started off with Bootsy modelling my Keeper of Secrets plaster cloth snake guy.

Then I made a run to Detroit -- Detroit Artists Market is having an open call for art called "If You Build It, They Will Come" -- you get to choose five pieces of wood and then decide what you'd like to do with it...2D, 3D, incorporate it into a painting, collage, etc...make a long as it is no larger than 24" x 24" it is up to you how you use the wood.

Arriving at the back entrance to DAM.
The area where you choose your five pieces of wood.
I brought a bag for my five pieces of wood...I had no idea what sizes would be available.
Here are the five pieces I brought home.
I feel very lucky to have found two matching sections (although they are not the same length) of wood that have a deep split in them...all I need to do is pull them apart -- instant arms/legs for a creature -- no sawing needed!

Then I checked my email late today and was absolutely thrilled and delighted to get the jury selected results for the 2014 Members Biennial Exhibition at Paint Creek Center for the Arts.  I am so excited -- I submitted 5 pieces for consideration --  one 3D piece (Djubi) and two 2D pieces (Time for a Nap, Creatura Lupus Ursus) were accepted!   

Now I need to figure out how to finish the frame for Creatura Lupus Ursus.  It is fairly chewed up so I am planning on covering it in nice paper(s) and then sealing it with matte varnish.

Creatura Lupus Ursus -- and the frame that came with the canvas.
The frame is pretty chewed up all the way around.
I was thinking one of these papers might work...
...but then they seemed a little too stark...this paper is used in the collage...maybe I can continue it onto the frame and darken it a bit with ink or paint or chalks or something.

This will take a day or so to think about...or maybe I will just "have" to make a trip to Ann Arbor to Hollanders in Ann Arbor for some new papers -- hmmm...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

365 Day 165

PLENTY to keep me busy!

I need to get down to work -- I have quite a bit to do! Two Art-o-mat series and plaster cloth pieces for a couple of upcoming local shows that I hope to submit work for.

These are the Penciled In blocks (for Art-o-mat) that I have to finish off. I transfer my images onto the small blocks and Juana Moore brings them to life with incredible color combinations. Now I need to paint the edges of the blocks, finish making the little hangers for the backs and print out the labels. We made 100 blocks this time!

Yep, more Kettle-y goodness! Kettle (John Soukup) and I team up for the Art-o-mat series called KT Goodlove. Kettle paints his characters (lots of pickles, girls, and rabbits) on the blocks then I add my collage elements. There are 50 of these to do.

These are 9 plaster cloth guys I am working on for the Small(er) show at the Detroit Artists Market. I hope I get the majority of them done in time for the submissions deadline!
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