Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fair Trade - Coffee

Kopi sememangnya menjadi kegemaran masyarakat di Eropah. Di Jerman, kesedaran pengguna tentang tanggungjawab masing-masing adalah tinggi sehingga mereka mampu mengubah polisi negara untuk mendapatkan produk yang selamat dan berkualiti serta beretika. Oleh kerana itu juga, penggemar kopi juga bertindak memilih kopi daripada Fair Trade, bagi membantu penanam kopi mendapat untung yang setimpal dengan usaha mereka. Sekiranya anda ke cafeteria terutama di dalam universiti, pastinya ada pilihan kopi berlogokan fair trade ini. Harga kopi ini juga sama seperti kopi yang bukan dari Fair Trade. Jadi tiada alasan untuk turut sama membantu petani-petani kecil mendapat ganjaran sewajarnya.

MORE about Fair Trade from Wikipedia

Artiker from Buying power

Flowers are now a fair trade item

Since 1993, REWE has offered fair trade products such as coffee, tea and chocolate and tried to make the consumer aware that he or she also had the power to do something.

Peter Klas, a customer, said he tries to buy fair trade flowers.

"I often buy fair trade and right now for flowers I find it somehow very important because the majority come from Africa and the people there must work under very bad conditions" Klas said. "I hope that with fair trade will ensure that these people are paid regularly and also can work under decent conditions."

Independent inspectors regularly test to make sure fair trade conditions are being met. Importers pay a fair trade premium that is at least 12 percent of the purchase price. A committee made up of representatives of workers and managers decides together on how the premium money can best be used for the good of the worker.

Flowers are now a fair trade itemThe quality of fair trade flowers becomes obvious from their popularity. Since starting to carry fair trade flowers in March, REWE has sold two million roses. Other companies have also opted for fair trade flowers. People can also buy fair trade flowers from florists involved in the program or from grocery stores with the fair trade approval seal.

Consumers get peace of mind.

"I think that I can contribute something very concrete for fair trade and worldwide trade and that's my little contribution." Klas said. "Yes, every person should do a little something to make the world better."

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