Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak
Showing posts with label WELLNESS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WELLNESS. Show all posts

20 October 2014

WELLNESS - 4 ways to think yourself healthy

Changing your mindset really can transform you 
from the inside out. Annette Dasey discovers how

4 ways to think yourself healthy
Wish you could change your dress size by adjusting your attitude? You can. The key is to commit to transforming self-judgement into self-love, according to intuitive healer Inna Segal. In her book The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions (Rockpool Publishing), Segal explains that many people have a complicated relationship with their looks, shaped by past hurt, fear, guilt, anger or frustration. However, that relationship can be repaired in four steps, which all work to confront negative emotions and change the way you think, she says. “When we have emotions that we don’t know how to deal with, such as anger and frustration, we can turn to food. You eat, which raises blood sugar. That makes you feel better in the short-term but can become a self-punishing experience: I’ve done something bad, I feel bad and I’m going to punish myself by doing more of it.”

Step 1: Ask yourself, “am I hungry or angry?”

Identify unresolved negative emotions and how they impact your self-esteem and eating habits. Do you have little self-respect and allow people to mistreat you because you received negative criticism as a child? Focus on improving your confidence, standing up for yourself and setting better boundaries. Instead of automatically reaching for the Tim Tams, question your motivation. “Ask, ‘Am I hungry or angry or feeling bad about myself?’” Segal says. If you’re experiencing an emotion, focus on that emotion and how it’s affecting you. “When an emotion comes up that you feel uncomfortable dealing with, start to acknowledge it within 24 hours because whatever we resist persists.”
Step 2: Release the emotion
Once you’ve identified the feeling, physically release it. One technique is to do exercise such as running, boxing or dancing. “If you’re angry, move, shake your body, dance around, feel and breathe,” Segal says. “Use movement as an emotional release.”
Or put on some music. “Listen to a song that speaks to you in relation to that emotion, breathe through that feeling and recognise what it means,” Segal adds. “Ask, ‘Is this emotion coming from the past or present?’ It could be from prior trauma or future worries, which are usually fear-based.” Give that emotion a colour, say grey, and visualise that colour moving out of your body with your breath. Then imagine a colour that makes you feel better, such as yellow, and visualise drinking that colour into your body to replace the negative emotion. 
“Place your hands where you feel the emotion most, like your stomach, and ask yourself why you’re feeling it. Recognising where it’s coming from makes a huge difference. Massage or tap that part of the body then put on a sad song, acknowledge that emotion and allow yourself to let it go.”
Step 3: Discard old ways
We subconsciously attract what we feel we deserve into our lives. If deep down you’re feeling inadequate and worthless, you’ll allow people to treat you that way. Reject perfectionism and ensure making time for yourself is a daily necessity rather than a luxury. If this feels unnatural, remember that being kind to yourself will lead to happiness. “Ask, ‘Is the way I’m treating myself working?’” Segal says. “If the answer is ‘no’ then think about a person you love and treat yourself how you’d treat them.” Try it for a week. You won’t want to return to your old habits. 
Step 4: Embrace self love
How do you seize self-love after years of harsh self-criticism has become your norm? By embracing softness. Treat yourself with compassion and kindness. Create a list of healing experiences that make you feel nurtured, from meditating to catching up with a friend. Include exercise and healthy food alternatives to the comfort food you may usually turn to. 
Focus on how you can change your point of view about yourself. For example, stand in front of a mirror and look for positive rather than negative attributes. “When you try to lose weight it doesn’t work,” Segal says. “But when you focus on what wellness means in your life, and you create that lifestyle and are softer on yourself, it does.”
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

WELLNESS - Five healthy habits for life

Here are five habits you won't want to break

Five healthy habits for life
Make these healthy habits part of your daily rituals

1   Chew each mouthful 20-30 times
Naturopath, nutritionist and author of You Are What You Eat Dr Gillian McKeith recommends chewing slowly, and until each bite liquefies (the most easily digestible form). "Really savour each mouthful – feel the texture and capture the flavor of your food. It's when your saliva comes into contact with your food as it's being chewed that the digestive process begins," she explains. Good digestion allows your body to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from foods.
A 2006 study showed that chewing slowly and taking a break between each bite can cut 10 per cent off your daily calorie count, partly because it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full. That's a calorie-saving equivalent to 1.5 Caramello Koalas, based on a 1500-calorie a day diet.
2   Do a daily mini-cleanse
The average person carries up to 4.5kg of unhealthy toxic waste in their body, according to Dr Gillian McKeith. Fatty and sugary foods contain toxins, which overload your liver (your main detoxifying organ) if eaten regularly. The liver struggles to get rid of them, so they stay trapped in your body, damaging cells, affecting bodily functions, encouraging disease, and causing premature ageing and food sensitivities. To nip it in the bud, do a daily mini-cleanse by drinking a warm cup of water with a squeeze of lemon first thing in the morning, at least 30 minutes before eating.
3   Replace sugar with stevia
The average Australian consumes around 43kg of sugar per year, or 27 teaspoons per day. A high sugar intake can lead to a stack of health concerns, including heart disease, osteoporosis, headaches, and depression, according to Dr Nancy Appleton, author of Suicide by sugar (Square One Publishers; 2009) and Lick the sugar habit (Penguin; 1996).
An alternative to sugar is stevia: a zero-calorie, sugarless, carbohydrate-free herb, that's believed to lower blood sugar levels after eating by up to 18 per cent. But be warned, stevia packs a sweet punch. "It's 300 times sweeter than sugar, so taste as you go," advises nutritionist Lola Berry. As a guide, 3-4 drops is all you need for the average cuppa. You can buy stevia in powdered or liquid form from most health food stores. 
Did you know a 375ml can of soft drink contains around 10 teaspoons of sugar, a tablespoon of tomato sauce has 1 teaspoon and a Mars Bar has 8.5? To calculate how many teaspoons of sugar are in a food, divide the sugar-gram amount on the pack by 4. 
Fact: Your body can't burn fat when it's burning sugar.
4   Get to bed early
To allow the gallbladder to do its job (it detoxes the body from 11pm and 1pm; while the liver detoxes the best from 1am-3am), it's best to get some shut-eye early, according to Chinese medicine practitioner Jennifer Harper-Deacon. "It's important to be in bed before this element comes into power, as the liver is involved in filtering the blood. To do this effectively, the body needs to be horizontal because when you're up and about, the liver directs blood to the parts of the body needing it – the liver energy is diverted from its important physical function of cleaning and renewing the blood."
And make sure you eat before 8pm. "Any food you eat after 8pm will sit in your digestive tract all night, making you wake up feeling heavy, foggy and annoyed," warns nutritionist and naturopath Janella Purcell.
5   Breathe deeply
Shallow breaths deprive the brain, blood and cells of oxygen, affecting concentration and can make one tired, cranky and stressed. It stimulates the body's natural 'fight or flight' response – which is when adrenaline kicks in to help deal with a stressful situation. By leaving the 'fight' mode switched on the body remains clenched, oxygen-deprived and in crisis, which can affect overall health. Just taking a few deep, purposeful breaths can help switch off the response, and make you instantly calm and vibrant.
It's best to gently breathe in and out through your nose, advises breath expert and author of Free Your Breath, Free Your Life Dennis Lewis. "A long, slow exhalation helps harmonise your diaphragm and turns on your relaxation response," she says. "Sense the natural pause after exhalation; let yourself rest there for a moment…  [then] let your inhalation arise by itself, when it's ready."
6   What's more
  • Only drink 30 minutes either side of a meal (extra fluid dilutes digestive juices).
  • Drink before you get thirsty – thirst means you're already dehydrated.
  • Don't eat when stressed – "You physically cant' digest food properly if you are upset or have just had an argument," says McKeith.

Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

WELLNESS - 10 tips for stress-free holidays

10 tips for stress-free holidays
Planning, organizing and even going on holiday 
can be stressful, But help is at hand

1   Getting there
Whether you're driving or flying, let the internet be your guide. Websites such as www.travelmate.com.au can help you plan your trip, right down to creating custom maps for your itinerary.When traveling with kids, Cathy Wagstaff, editor of the Holidays With Kids website, says: "Give each child a map and a highlighter so they can mark off each town as you reach it. It stops them asking, 'Are we there yet?'"
To stave off boredom, portable dvd players, toys and games can all entertain kids while you're on the move. But it's also vital to let kids burn some energy while you rest. "Pack a frisbee or ball so the kids can run around and have some fun at the rest stops," Wagstaff says.
2   Excess Baggage
Airlines are cracking down on excess baggage, with many airlines now charging per kilogram for luggage over the allowance. Check your airline's website for weight limits and weigh your bags before you leave, allowing for a difference of a kilo or more between scales.Travel Journalist Ewen Bell says we need to think about what we really need . "The one essential to packing smart is buying a smaller bag. Then you have to decide what to leave at home."
What about the rolling and stuffing clothes trick? Forget it, Bell says: "Rolling and stuffing means you fit in more stuff, which means more weight. Packing light is easy once you decide to make do. Pack less and rinse out your clothes and let them dry in your room overnight."
3   Quick Confirmation
Airport delays can cause stress. To check your latest flight details, many airlines and airports now offer flight confirmation via SMS. If you're flying out of Sydney airport, text 199 00747 with your flight number and you will be sent a message with your departure and arrival details. Alternatively, visit Google and type in your airline and flight number. Your airline's website is also a smart place to visit for insider travel information, route maps and weather forecasts.
4   Budget-Busting Finance
Writer Justine Davies says a budget can help keep your holiday spending on track."A great, free online budgeting tool is available at www.understandingmoney.gov.au, and you can then use it as a template for next year's holiday," Davies says.
When it comes to working out what to spend your money on, Davies suggests making it a family affair. "Involve the kids in the budgeting process too. You can sit down together and work out how you can afford to do the things you want to do."
5   Perfectly packed
Facebook isn't just a spot to share your travel pics: it can help you organise your holiday too. Two Facebook applications, My Travel Checklist and Travel Calendar, can help organise your trip. For serious assistance, visit www.packinglistonline.com, which allows you to type in your destination, where you're staying and what you're doing, then devises a list of what you should pack based on the weather conditions during your holiday.
6   Healthy Travelling
A long drive is made more pleasant with a little forethought. Pack an Esky with water bottles, fruit and sandwiches. "Don't set a ridiculous deadline," Wagstaff says. "And factor in plenty of rest stops on a long road trip."
When travelling by plane, loading up on big meals isn't a good idea when your metabolism is slowed by enforced inactivity. "Minimise what you eat on a plane," says stress management consultant and British Airways spokesman Neil Shah. "Stay away from chocolate and coffee and keep yourself topped up with light snacks.
7   Stressing Less
Fitness expert Martha Lourey-Bird says our bodies are so used to running on high levels of adrenaline that stress becomes almost a normal state of mind and this can make it hard to switch off and relax when on holiday. Luckily, the best stress reliever is a little exercise.
Lourey-Bird says holidays are the perfect chance to form good habits. "When you're booking a holiday think of what active opportunities there will be. Whether it's walking tours or surfing lessons, holidays are the perfect time for all the family to get moving."
8   Compromise
Before you head off on holiday, check out what's on offer at your destination and ask everyone in the family what's on top of their to-do list. Then set an agenda, making sure that everyone has a chance to do what they would like at some stage.
9   Be a Tourist in Your Town
Stay home and get the holiday experience, Davies says. "Check out what your council has on offer for free or cost-effective days for kids," she says. "And don't overlook activities such as packing a picnic and going to the park, or going on a family bike ride."
10 Enjoy Yourself
The second you've shut the front door, you're on holiday, so leave your worries behind and enjoy every minute.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

19 October 2014

WELLNESS - Holiday health hazards

The last thing you want is to get sick or injured while 
you are on holiday. Follow our guide to staying safe

Holiday health hazards
Nobody plans to get sick or injured on holiday, but it happens. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, more than 1200 Australians are hospitalised while travelling overseas each year, while up to 900 Australians die overseas annually. Brett Robinson, CEO of travel insurance company Mondial Assistance Australia, says the old rule of thumb - "if you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel" - still rings true.
"In Australia in 2008, we handled over 61,312 travel insurance claims and more than 10,362 medical assistance cases," he says. "We also arranged for 245 medical repatriations for Australian travellers who needed to be brought home." Your chances of staying safe and healthy on holidays are greatly improved with a bit of pre-planning, clever packing and risk assessment. Here are the big six travel health hazards to watch out for.

Food poisoning

Without doubt, the most common ailment to affect travellers is diarrhoea or vomiting associated with consuming contaminated food or water. "Cook it, peel it, boil it or forget it," says Tonia Buzzolini, a registered nurse and national operations manager for travel health service company Travelvax. "Stick to foods that are well cooked, hot in temperature and freshly prepared. Salads washed in local water are out. Nonpasteurised dairy products are out."
Buzzolini says no matter how diligent you are, there's still a good chance you'll get a touch of Delhi belly. Some travellers like to take anti-diarrhoea drugs at the first signs, though medical wisdom these days says it might be better to let the diarrhoea run its course. "Don't block yourself up, but if you have to sit on a 12-hour bus ride to Kathmandu with the runs, you'll want to take something to sort out the situation,"Buzzolini says.
Action plan: Avoid food or water that may be contaminated. Pack anti-diarrhoea drug Imodium, anti-nausea drug Stemetil and rehydration powders in your medicine kit.

Moped mishaps

Travel insurance companies receive multiple calls daily from sore and sorry travellers who have taken off on a moped only to hit the ground with a thud. "I would say one of the most common hazards is broken limbs from biking," Robinson says. Buzzolini is clear in her advice on moped or motorbike riding: "Don't get on one!" she says. "We don't know the roads, we don't know the rules.
If you are going to do it, make sure your travel insurance covers you fully" Countless travellers end up with burn scars on their calves after jumping off a moped or motorbike. "If you do get burnt, stand under a cold shower for at least 20 minutes," Buzzolini says. "Don't pull off any clothing that may have melted and stuck to the skin, as this will do more damage."
Action plan: The best idea is not to ride a moped or scooter overseas, but if you insist, make sure you have adequate travel insurance.

Contagious concerns

A host of nasties lurk in some of the most popular places Aussies travel to: tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, rabies, dengue fever, cholera, measles, mumps and rubella, just to name a few. "Always make sure you're up to date with childhood immunisations because you just never know," Buzzolini says.
Action plan: Check with your doctor or a traveller's health service before you depart to get up to date with vaccinations.

Dodgy pedicures

The thrill of the cheap can be tempting in South-East Asia when it comes to $5 pedicures and cut-price tattoos. Beware, you might be taking home more than you bargained for. Reports of hepatitis B and HIV contracted from dodgy blades, needles and nail files in places such as Thailand, India and Indonesia are more common than you think.
Action plan: Insist on clean, fresh, sterilised pedicure tools and razors at salons.


Nobody expects their holiday romance to end with genital warts or worse. The obvious advice for avoiding infection from gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections(STIs) is to abstain from sexual activity or be very careful about practising safe sex at all times. "Pack condoms and be sure to check the expiry dates," Buzzolini says.
Action plan: If it's not on, it's not on. Unprotected sex is never a good idea, but even more so in foreign countries where there may be a higher prevalence of potentially deadly STIs.

Adventure gone awry

Holidays in far-flung destinations bring out the adventurer in us all. But before you sign up for that four-day Himalayan trek or deep-sea dive in Malaysia, consider the risks - broken bones, dislocated ligaments, the bends - and how far you'll be from help if disaster strikes. "Remember, you might be seeking medical assistance in some rural place where there's no guarantee they will be using clean needles at the medical centre, if indeed there is a medical centre at all," Buzzolini says.
Action plan: Book adventure activities with reputable firms. Ensure your travel insurance covers you for accident, emergency and medical evacuation. Pack a clean needle and syringe pack.

SOURCE: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

WELLNESS - Definition of Wellness


Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. "...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Source:  The World Health Organization.

The state of being in good physical and mental health
Source: Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition

The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal
Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Source: http://www.who.int/about/definition/en/print.html

WELLNESS - What is the difference between “Fitness” and “Wellness”?

There's so much confusion with the definition of "fitness" and "wellness." 

So many individuals and companies use those words interchangeably to mean different things depending on the context, or the message they're trying to convey, or even the product or service they're trying to sell. And so it is that those words are often misused or get lost in translation or interpretation. So let's back track and clarify things... 

The word “fitness” means the ability to perform physical activities. This includes discussions on the strength of your muscles, joints and ligaments; the state of your endurance; and the power in which your body is capable of moving. This does NOT mean “health.”

A person who is fit may not necessarily be healthy, and a person who is healthy may not necessarily be fit. "Health" covers a wide array of components which are usually under the umbrella word, "wellness."

"Wellness," in essence, covers all areas of health: mental health, emotional health, physical health, spiritual health, social health, relationship health, and so on. Basically, these are all the different components in a person's life that can affect their overall "well-being."

So when it comes to "fitness"... a person may be fit — be active, participate in sports, be able to lift weights, change the shape of their body, run, jump, and increase their cardiovascular capacity — but this does NOT mean that the state of their body, or their overall "well-being," is in good health.

The movement and oxygen produced from "fitness-type" activities can hugely benefit the well-being of the body, BUT it is NOT the only factor that determines the overall health — the "wellness" — of the person. 

So for example: If a person is always in a state of negatives thoughts or feeling negative emotions (due to an unhealthy relationship with the Self or with others); or if a person regularly eats highly acidic foods, or doesn't eat balanced meals with proper nutrients; or even if he/she doesn’t learn how to breathe deeply, stretch properly or meditate to quiet the mind, this will all affect the overall "wellness" of that person. 

This is why "wellness," not just fitness, is so important. Wellness is the state of health, state of balance, if you will, in not just your physical body, but also your energy body (in other words, your spirit), your mind (the way you think and how it affects your life), and your emotions (the way you understand them, feel them and use them as guides).

So essentially, "wellness" covers the overall "well-being" or "health of a being" from mind, body to spirit. And this makes "fitness" only a component of wellness: it is only a part of the whole. 

So don't be only concern with fitness. If you want an overall healthy, happy, balanced life, you have to put your attention and appreciation towards all the other components of health in your life. Gift yourself all aspects of what "wellness" has to offer.

Posted by  Penny Phang 

Source: http://www.wellnesswithpenny.com/2011/09/what-is-difference-between-fitness-and.html

WELLNESS TOURISM - The growing trend of wellness vacations

More and more holidaymakers are trading in the traditional 
“sunbathing and sipping cocktails” style of escape for yoga 
sessions and green smoothies. Fiona Baker investigates 
the booming industry of wellness tourism

The growing trend of wellness vacations
Going on holiday used to be all about excess – excess sleep, excess food, excess alcohol. But holidaymakers are now seeking something different, and using their time away to become healthier and happier.
Wellness tourism is booming. Recent figures show that $1 in every $7 spent on tourism goes on wellness pursuits – this translates to a market of about $480 billion, which is tipped to reach $750 billion by 2017.  
Susie Ellis, chairman and CEO of Global Spa & Wellness Summit, believes this holiday about-face comes from “the rise in chronic diseases and obesity, the unprecedented 24/7 stress of modern life, and people’s increasingly diminished time off. 
“These factors mean that what people want to achieve with travel is undergoing a sea change. Millions more each year are demanding destinations that deliver physical, emotional, spiritual and environmental health – along with enjoyment,” Ellis says.

What’s happening here?

On a local level, research suggests that even though Australians are seeking such experiences, the boom is more subdued within the domestic industry, which is likely due to our high Australian dollar.
A 2013 report on our wellness industry says Australia’s ageing population is set to ensure that demand for health and wellness tourism continues to build. However, it adds that destination spas in Australia “may not be the major beneficiaries of this”. 
Instead it predicts that if the exchange value of the Australian dollar remains high, “consumers will likely be driven overseas to Bali, Fiji and Thailand for more affordable spa tourism in more exotic locations”.
Despite the challenges of our strong dollar, Sharon Kolkka, general manager of luxury Queensland retreat Gwinganna, says that since they opened eight years ago, they’ve seen a significant growth in the domestic interest for wellness holidays. 
“Guests are seeking ways to feel better and enjoy their time off in different and more fulfilling ways,” Kolkka says. “Wellness tourism has the opportunity to provide something that can help us develop better health at a time of overload and high stress, with increasingly alarming statistics on blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.” 
Like Ellis, Kolkka predicts the concept will continue to grow as lifestyles become faster-paced and more technology-driven, and “wellness” gets harder to maintain.
Healthy revenue raisers
Research has pinpointed wellness tourists to be “high-yield” travellers who spend 130 per cent more than the average tourist. Seeing this revenue potential, major hotel brands that traditionally cater to higher-end business travellers are jumping on the wellness bandwagon. The Westin group, for example, has incorporated new health features such as a sports shoes “rental” program and running maps for guests.
“Guests know that keeping fit and eating healthily keeps them performing at their best,” Brian Povinelli, global brand leader for Westin Hotels & Resorts and Le Méridien, says. “So we’re ensuring that when they stay with us, they have the opportunity to leave feeling even healthier than when they arrived.”
There was a time when luxury wellness resort Chiva-Som, in Thailand, was one of a select group offering the intensive “total wellness” packages. Now such retreats are dotted around the globe and are no longer purely the domain of the wealthy. 
Chiva-Som general manager Sheila McCann has noticed that as people become busier and more time-poor, they’re prepared to spend more on healthy eating options, varied exercise programs and expert health advice – and it’s not just the pampered rich who are checking in for a life detox.
“I’ve been in the spa and wellness industry for more than three decades,” McCann says. “During that time, many people have shifted from taking a more ‘indulgent’ approach of understanding treatments such as massage for their pampering benefits to understanding their full value in holistic wellness.” 
She adds that people are starting to wake up to the fact that they need to take responsibility for their own wellness and kick-start a healthier way of living. And a good time – “often the only time” – to do this is while they’re on holiday.
Source: http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/

25 March 2014

PEOPLE - Top 10 Ways to Overcome Exams Tension

Article by Upasana Bandyopadhyay

“Hey Google! Wanna sit next to me during the exam?” More the knocking on the door, more such thought revolves around us. Isn’t it? Why the power of Renaissance could not cast slightest of its spell on nightmare of exam? Since ages the situation is same when a student’s mind gets totally blank more the so called “Never Welcomed” day approaches. Deep anxieties,nervousness reduces the ability for logical thinking and also hampers confidence level of a student. But suppose if there was not any system called Exam, how the life would have been? Will we ever take the pain of opening the book even? Believe me, life would have definitely turned out completely boring because being a human being we are unable to move on same track throughout the life. And thus some kind of charged up things have to be there. What say? So let’s take some chill pill and let’s go through these brilliant ideas to invite exam in a cool way.
10) Hit the peak of confidence:-
exam confidence
“OMG! Wish me luck, I have my Exam.” Why do we behave in such a way as if we are going to be hanged to death? We should adopt an attitude as if we know everything and nothing can able to defeat us. A phobia would make us forget even those things which we know by heart. Do not allow people to make you nervous. Always wear a steady face. Also remember that exam isn’t the last thing in life. So crack it with a chilled out mood. Scare the answers before they grab you.
9) Do not simply mug up without understanding:-
do not memorize
A slight twist and turn of question, and we submit a blank sheet of answer. This is the most seen occasion. Never memorize any lesson before knowing it entirely. This is the most vital thing a student should always adhere to. Always try to understand the meaning of the lesson. This will help you to remember the very lesson till the end. Make sure that you have utmost command on the medium of language you are opting to answer. And if you know the background of the lesson then you can easily be able to frame it in your own words. Creative answers would always fetch high marks than answers being mugged up from books.
8) Avoid too many discussions with friends:-
too many discussion with friends.
“How much did you complete? Oh God! I am done with nothing.” Isn’t such conversation creates panic? If yes then start avoiding even those people who are creating such nuisance. Because before exam we are not supposed to allow any type of stress to rule us. Avoid sending text to friends frequently and asking them about their exam preparation is going on. Such activity breaks the concentration on studies and brings no fruitful results. Let’s also stop asking our friends regarding their method of preparation. Always remember different people have different style of preparing and cannot be followed by others. Also try and avoid group studies because they are the complete wastage of time.
7) Do not go for last minute preparation:-
last minute prep
Exam is now at the door step and are you still planning to start with a new chapter? If yes then please drop the idea. Because last minute preparation gets us nowhere. If we start with something new then we might not able to remember it properly. Last minutes are there for revising the chapters which we are already familiar with entirely. And if we plan to spend that very hour in some new things then there are all possibilities of getting doomed in all respect. Also a new chapter at the peak time would grow us anxieties. Thus revise only those lessons which you are confident about. Attempting few questions and getting full marks on it is always preferable.
6) Devote time in meditation:-
Stress, anxieties, tension can be cured in one medicine and that is MEDITATION. It happens that we are very well prepared but stress makes us forget important things. And in such case meditation helps us to deal with such negativeness. Meditation helps us to sooth our mind and helps us to wear a tension free smile every time. It is always recommendable to a student to meditate just for 5 to 10 minutes daily before the exam. And if it can be followed in early morning then it would definitely bring colorful result.
5) Avoid quarrels, fights with friends and families:-
no fight before exam
Bitter talks makes you hot headed and ultimately do not allow you to concentrate on your studies. So let’s join hands and enjoy friendship with all at least during exam. Try to avoid getting indulge in any conversation which would make us angry. We should remember that at this juncture our only work is to study and not bringing the hero out of us though fights and arguments. If you really want to boss around then achieve the status through good result.
4) Stick to the Syllabus:-
stick to syllabi
Extra readings are good but a big NO before the exams. Extra readings definitely get us good marks sometimes but what if we forget everything and even the basics which are most necessary? Before exam we should always stick to the main syllabus which can at least fetch us 80% marks. Always remember that the examiner always sets the question paper based on the syllabus and a through revise to it brings the best. Already the huge syllabus overburden a student. so there is no need of doing any extra work alongside.
3) Jot down important points and make notes:-
jot down notes
It’s bad when we need to search for an important definition at the last hour when each single second is damn precious. So what should be done? Let’s make some notes of the important chapters and jot it down on a fresh paper. Also we can make a notes copy where in one section we would keep a track of all important definitions. In the next section there can be all formulas and so on. This will help us to get all necessary information in one bunch at a time. It also serves as a perfect example of last minute suggestion. But this activity should be carried on before 15 to 20 days of exam. So that you get ample time to cover up each subject completely.
2) Arrange previous year’s question papers:-
question papers previous year
Random reading will not help alone. It is best if we get some hints of the paper pattern so that we can prepare accordingly. So Go fetch some previous year’s question paper from any senior and firstly prepare those questions which have already been given. In many cases there are huge possibilities of question getting repeated. So revise a chapter and prepare the relevant question given on it in previous years. But do not omit any chapter if you do not find any questions based on it previously. Also it is recommendable to write the answers which you have prepared in a note book only for once because it says that 50 times reading is equivalent to single time writing. It is a perfect way to reduce tension because ultimately you will find that you have got a grip of it.
1) Prepare a timetable 15 days-20 days before exam:-
 “Just 20 days left for exam and you have started feeling the Goosebumps, isn’t it?” DO NOT PANIC. Prepare a time table by your own. Start with the subject you are not at all prepared. Assign a perfect time period for it, for example 3 days. And like wise assign suitable time span for each subject. Make yourself firm and determined to complete those subjects within those limited time. Remember that at this juncture each single second is precious and thus you need to utilize it to the core. Try to give very less time for amusement and relaxing.You Should study till late at night if you are not much into waking up early. Also a strong coffee at night in regular intervals serves the best when we start giving our 100%. Good luck
Source: http://listdose.com

29 November 2013

SINGING - Top 10 Reasons Why Singing is Good for you

Article by Bhavana Narayan

What do you do when you are happy? What do you do when you are excited? What do you do when you are not so happy? How do you express your emotions? Emotions are the subtleties of the human mind and psychology. They form the basis for thought and expression. Our emotions and how we express them make us who we are. Okay that’s enough talk about emotions! Back to the question! What are the ways we express our emotions? It is through art, through visual and performing arts. Be it dance or music. Music always has a special place in every person’s heart. It makes you sway, it makes you dance, it moves you and touches your soul! Music is rightly called as ‘food for the soul’. And when we are vocal with music, then it’s even better!
Singing is a natural art form, where you use your vocal chords to express yourself. It’s an inborn, natural musical instrument that every human is gifted with. All you need is a sense of frequencies and rhythms, for it to show up. Many times, aren’t you caught unawares, when you sing something along without realizing it, when you’re in the shower or when you cook etc.? That’s the effect of singing. It’s as if you’re singing a lullaby to yourself! You are happily crooning, without even realizing it! You can sing practically anywhere! While you’re driving, while at school, college, work, in the shower, just about anywhere!  Now let’s try and answer another question! Why sing? Because it makes you feel good about yourself. It releases a host of ‘feel good’ endorphins that can make you feel very refreshed. You don’t have to be a professional singer to sing! It’s totally okay to just sing! Go easy on the intricacies! You don’t have to sound good, necessarily, when it is just a hobby. Think of it as a source of recreation, and then things will fall into place. But please do not think of it as a waste of time! That’s totally the wrong idea! The kind of satisfaction and peace that it can give you! Well, you have to experience it yourself! This article talks of ten reasons why singing is good. Actually, I can give you plenty more! Nevertheless, read and discover that an act as simple as singing can do wonders to you!
10. Can help prolong life
Are you aware that healthy and happy singing is the key to a longer life? Once again, you need not be a performing artiste for you to experience this miracle! It does not depend on how well you sing. If you sing everyday, you can have a longer life too! Research proves this right. Singers do have a greater life expectancy than most average adults. If you croon everyday, knowingly or unknowingly, you’re adding more days to your life. You will realize the benefit of this in the long run.
9. Boosts memory
Using music and singing as tools for better memory is not unheard of! This is what our ancestors practiced. You remember the lyrics. You remember the notes. You keep a track of the pitch and the rhythm. All this involves the use of memory, involuntarily. With more of such use, your memory improves. Music helps us remember better, and also more easily. This is especially true with children. Not only that, pronunciation and mnemonics improve too. Studies have found that people with dementia have got cured through singing.
8. Makes you creative
Singing, like any other art form is about being creative. With just seven fundamental harmonic frequencies and eight octaves, music is ad infinitum! There are umpteen possibilities to sing a song differently. In the end you sound different, and this is being creative. You explore a multitude of options to sing. It’s as if your mind and vocals go on a roller coaster ride! Singing is a creative pursuit, where you discover yourself and devise newer methods of expression.
7. Good health and well being
Singing and good health are synonymous. Singing has similar effects on the body and mind, like Yoga. It ensures well being: physical, mental, psychological and social. It improves the posture and breathing. There’s no better breathing exercise, than singing. It increases the capacity of the respiratory system. It improves immunity, so you’ll be less likely to get infected by diseases, when you sing. Basically, singing is an aerobic activity that increases oxygen flow to the body.
6. Healing effects
Apart from time, it is music that heals. The healing effects of music on the mind and the soul are very well known. When you are sad you listen to music. It makes you feel better in no minute! Singing fills the brain with healthy chemicals, so you end up feeling good when you sing. Singing is a mood lifter. It has therapeutic effects.  When you sing, you are always in a good mood. It evokes positive emotions. There is no room for gloom!
5. A way to express yourself
Singing is the most natural form of expression. You don’t have to carry any instrument! You can stand or sit right where you are and sing. It is a way to communicate, creatively and effectively. You can show yourself through the way you portray and paint your emotions, through your singing. Singing is a free and uninhibited channel to express yourself. It gives you a feeling of liberation. “Music is what feelings sound like”
4. Connects you to people
When you sing, it is not only you who can feel the emotions, but also the audience who listen to you. They sway to your tunes. It touches their hearts too! Singing brings you closer to more number of people. Through your music, you can reach out to practically anyone in the world, for music transcends everything! Singing is great for a community life. It increases the bonding between people and makes a society healthy, in terms of culture and morals.
3. The greatest stress buster!
Music is the best and the greatest stress buster! Singing can make you ‘be in the moment’, helping you forget all else. You forget all your worries and sorrow. You forget the world, you forget yourself! It can help reduce fear, hopelessness, anxiety, depression and insecurity. All negative emotions that pull you down will be gone in seconds if you sing! It is nature’s way of helping you feel good, and it’s in your own control! It increases confidence and builds self-esteem and hence, you will never feel low! It reduces feelings of isolation. Sing everyday, and keep stress at bay!
2. Makes you a better person
With everything positive, singing ought to make you a better person. No angst, no regret, no feelings grudge, betrayal and anger! Yes, vicious thoughts do affect your mind when you feel let down or when you feel that injustice has prevailed. But unfortunately, we cannot always hope for things to happen how we want them to! We aren’t always lucky. Sometimes, you need to brace yourself for changes. You have to accept things as they come. There are few things we cannot control, and it is best to let go of them.
When you start singing, you stop worrying about all the unnecessary stuff. Your positive side is at its peak. Say goodbye to the devil!
1. Makes you happy- sing for joy!
Nothing can make you happy the way music can! The best reason to sing is that it makes you feel fabulous and fantastic! It adds zest to your life. Singing is for enjoyment. It greatly enhances the quality of your life. Sing for the pure delight of it, for the inexplicable yet mesmerizing joy of it! I think the primary purpose of singing is because it makes you happy. It keeps you free-spirited and light throughout the day.
“ The only thing better than singing, is more singing”