Faudzil @ Ajak

Faudzil @ Ajak
Always think how to do things differently. - Faudzil Harun@Ajak
Showing posts with label MEN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MEN. Show all posts

27 December 2014

HAIR - Treating Hair Loss in CFS and Fibromyalgia

Tuesday, 01 May 2012 02:00

Treating Hair Loss in CFS and Fibromyalgia

Written by  Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

Hair loss or thinning is a common and important issue, especially in those who have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. If you’re experiencing hair loss in a generally thinning way (diffuse), then treating: nutritional deficiencies and an underactive thyroid are especially important.
Low iron is a key nutrient for hair growth, and standard testing misses most cases of iron deficiency. In fact, despite the fact that most physicians consider a ferritin blood test (the best measure of iron deficiency or excess) over 12 to show adequate iron, a recent study in patients with chronic illness and even mild anemia (a description fitting most people with CFS) showed that a ferritin under 100 was diagnostic of iron deficiency!

In addition, for those with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) and a ferritin under 60, iron can be more effective than the medication Requip, and can eliminate RLS as well as your iron levels optimize.
In CFS and fibromyalgia patients, as in any chronic illness, a very common cause of unusual hair loss is a condition called “Telogen Effluvium.” This is when the normal cycles of natural growing and falling out of the hair follicles become jolted out of their usual random phase due to illness. In this condition, a severe physical stress — such as pneumonia or a CFS flare up — can produce unusual hair loss which doesn’t begin until 3–9 months later. This type of hair loss is reversible, although it can take 3– 9 months. It often grows in more quickly than this, but it’s better to be pleasantly surprised than to feel disappointment and abandon the needed RX too quickly.
To treat hair thinning:
1. Optimize overall nutritional support. The Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder is excellent for this, plus take a 29 mg iron tablet for 6–12 months (until the ferritin is over 100). Do not take iron if the ferritin is over 200 (and have your doctor check for iron excess called hemochromatosis, which is easy to treat but life threatening if missed). 2. Optimize thyroid function—even if your thyroid labs are “normal.”
Treating with the S.H.I.N.E. Protocol overall will also help hair growth as well as dramatically improve the quality of life in CFS and fibromyalgia. Please note that the above applies only to stress-induced hair loss, which is evidenced by widespread thinning. Other patterns have a different cause. For example:
1. Autoimmune issues. In this condition, hair loss appears as multiple coin-shaped bald spots called alopecia areata.
2. Male pattern baldness. If present in a woman, this suggests elevated testosterone and DHEA. If these are present, and a fasting morning insulin blood test is over 10 (showing insulin resistance), this would suggest the presence of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This improves by treating the insulin resistance with the medication metformin (very safe and helpful in PCOS) and eliminating excess sugar.

Source: http://www.totalhealthmagazine.com/features/mens-health/treating-hair-loss-in-cfs-and-fibromyalgia.html

HEALTH - Nutritional Needs of Men

Sunday, 27 November 2011 15:37

Nutritional Needs of Men

Written by  Dallas Clouatre, PhD

You don’t need to believe that “men are from Mars, women are from Venus” in order to accept that men and women have different nutritional needs. Men lead in eight of the top ten causes of death in the United States. As is often observed, because men are more reluctant than women to seek medical care, when they do so, their illnesses typically have advanced to a more serious degree. It would seem that men, even more than women, would do well to adopt defensive measures to preserve their health. Women are not only the fairer sex, but when it comes to health, they are in general, also savvier. However, men should not depend on the supplements used by their wives or women friends. Some preventative measures are strictly gender-specific. For example, whereas calcium and iron are good for women, these minerals may not be good supplement choices for men.

For men, the primary health issues today probably are cardiovascular disease and conditions affecting the prostate. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and prostate cancer is the seventh. Are matters improving? It is hard to tell. For instance, the incidence rate of prostate cancer went up in the period from 1995 to 2000, although the death rate appeared to have stabilized. Fortunately, the rate of lung cancer continues to decline. As for heart disease, our current emergency medical interventions are so effective that the death rate is declining. However, actual cardiovascular health is not improving—the rate of occurrence of first heart attacks is going up. How could it be otherwise? Obesity, diabetes and hypertension are all increasing. Diabetes in adults males over the age of 20 is estimated to now occur at a rate of 9.3 percent (data for 1999–2000) compared to 7.9 percent in the period from 1988 to 1994. For men aged 60 or over, the rate in 1999–2000 was roughly 19 percent. The following suggestions are designed to help men take charge of their health while the ball is still in their court.
Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular health is a common topic of conversation. The reason, of course, is that heart disease in its various forms is the leading cause of death in adults and is especially prevalent in males. By age 60, one in five men will have already suffered a heart attack. The conditions to watch usually have been taken to be dysregulated blood lipids, homocysteine levels, hypertension, and obesity. More recently, it has been suggested that chronic low-level inflammation is a major causal factor in cardiovascular disease and that the Metabolic Syndrome (insulin resistance) is the actual underlying condition responsible for many or even most of the risk factors traditionally treated as indicators of heart and circulatory health.
Antioxidants, Essential Fatty Acids and Minerals
So-called “bad” cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (or LDL), according to much current thinking, is only harmful if it has been damaged by oxygen and/or free radicals. Therefore, a protective program might include vitamin C (500 mg—2 grams daily) taken along with vitamin E as gamma-tocopherol (200 IU daily) and plant antioxidants. Tocotrienols, compounds from the same family as vitamin E, may be even more protective. A spate of studies have shown that the beneficial effects of vitamin E are much more pronounced in the gammatocopherol form and that vitamin E should not be supplemented alone, but rather in conjunction with vitamin C and the other antioxidants mentioned here. Indeed, many researchers now believe that the vitamin antioxidants are much more effective if used together and along with a variety of plant-derived antioxidants.
Grape seed extract (100–300 mg daily) is commonly used in Europe by individuals who experience vascular and general circulatory problems. According to epidemiological data, safe and effective means of reducing heart disease risks include the ingestion of many such flavonoids, catechins and other polyphenols found in fruit extracts and tea. With regard to tea, these benefits come not just from green tea, but also from the theaflavins found in black and oolong teas. Another set of plant compounds that support heart health are lignans. Flax is especially rich in lignans. Tea, of course, is a beverage and flax is a food. Other food sources being mined for special antioxidants include olives and various highly colored berries.
Similarly useful nutrients include the combination of L-carnitine (500–1,500 mg daily) and coenzyme Q-10 (30– 300 mg daily). Specialty forms of L-carnitine include L-carnitine fumarate, GPLC (glycine propionyl L-carnitine hydrochloride) and acetyl L-carnitine. Alpha-Lipoic acid (100–300 mg daily) is another good choice, and one with a particularly broad range of benefits. Minerals to supplement are chromium (200–600 mcg daily), magnesium (400 mg daily, preferably as magnesium aspartate) and selenium (200 mcg daily). A good broad-spectrum mineral supplement containing the Reference Daily Intake of copper should be considered if using the higher recommendation of vitamin C or if elevated triglycerides are a problem. Emerging evidence also supports supplementation with the lesser-known mineral silicon in the form of orthosilicic acid.
Of great importance, for instance, in controlling inflammation, is the right balance of fats in the diet. It is accepted by most researchers that the modern Western diet is very poor in the essential fats known as omega-3 fatty acids. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids are flaxseed oil (1–2 tablespoons daily) and fish oil capsules (follow manufacturers’ recommendations). Just how important are these oils? Well, when the fish-supplemented trials are removed from statistical analyses of the standard low-fat dietary interventions routinely touted in medical circles, the benefits with regard to heart disease are marginal and overall mortality rates actually increase! Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA, 100–300 mg daily) can be taken in conjunction with omega-3 fatty acids for further protection against inflammation and to maintain immune balance when large amounts of fish oils are ingested. Finally, to protect against elevated blood homocysteine levels, supplement with vitamin B-6 (15–50 mg daily), vitamin B-12 (250 mcg daily) and folic acid (400 mcg daily).
Prostate Health
What can go wrong with the prostate? Plenty. Prostate problems typically can be catalogued under four headings: prostatitis, prostatodynia, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. Prostatitis is really a catch-all term for several types of prostate problems. It always involves inflammation of the prostate and may also include considerable pain, whereas BPH may not involve any pain (as opposed to discomfort). Prostatitis is fairly common in adult males. It sometimes has a bacterial infectious component, but it often has no clear cause. Abstaining from alcohol and spicy foods helps in some cases. Prostatodynia, which is most common in young and middle-aged men, often appears as pain and/or discomfort in the groin, perineum, testicles, lower back, and penis. Smooth muscle spasms in the prostatic portion of the urethra and in the neck of the bladder are at work here. Fatigue in the muscles in the pelvic region and emotional stress appear to be powerful contributory factors in prostatodynia.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (formerly called hypertrophy) involves the renewed growth in the number of prostate cells late in life. Unfortunately, nearly 60 percent of men age 40 to 59 are likely already to suffer from BPH. This usually does not present a noticeable problem until after age 50, but by the age of 80, some 85 percent of all men suffer from one or more symptoms of BPH. The primary effect of BPH is a progressive decrease in the ability to empty the bladder as the prostate enlarges and applies pressure to the urethra. BPH should not be confused with prostate cancer,although there is an overlap of symptoms between the two. Men over age 50 should regularly visit their urologists to discover and distinguish between these two conditions. Fortunately, prostate cancer is one of the slowest growing of all cancers. Antioxidants, Essential Fatty Acids and Minerals
Prostate problems are far easier to prevent than to deal with after they have manifested. Moreover, especially in the case of prostate cancer, epidemiological studies routinely find that eating more fruit and vegetables is strongly protective, whereas consuming large amounts of milk (especially more than two glasses per day) appears to have a strongly negative effect upon prostate health. Studies suggest that supplementing with vitamin E (200 IU daily), lycopene (5–10 mg daily), and the minerals selenium (400 mcg daily) and zinc (15 mg daily) are good protective measures. Flaxseed oil (1–2 tablespoons daily) can be quite beneficial, as can the regular consumption of pumpkin seeds. Men should avoid margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils and fried foods whenever possible. The jury is still out with regard to the effects of calcium supplementation in men. Some epidemiological studies indicate that higher intakes of calcium are correlated to higher risks of prostate cancer, perhaps through a negative effect upon the levels of active vitamin D in the body or through some other mechanism. The work of E. Giovannucci of Harvard Medical School has been instrumental in uncovering the calcium/prostate cancer connection and the protective effects of fruit consumption nd an adequate intake of vitamin D (but not more than 400 IU daily).
Isoflavone Herbal Preparations
Although it may surprise most men, many of the same isoflavones and phytoestrogens that are helpful to women are also helpful to men. Men and women both produce estrogen. As males age the ratio of testosterone to estrogen is reduced. This reduced ratio of testosterone to estrogen appears to be the key cause of prostate problems. Plant estrogens, which are very weak in comparison with the estrogen itself, can actually reduce the impact of hormonal estrogen at the level of cell receptors. Isoflavones found in soybeans and red clover represent a promising approach to prostate health management. Also useful are extracts of saw palmetto berries and flower pollen. Indeed, specialty flower pollen extracts (from mostly rye pollen) have an unusually broad range of benefits for the prostate in that they have proven to be useful not only in cases of BPH, but also in prostatitis and prostatodynia.
Prolonged stress poses a very real health risk, one with which men are less physiologically equipped to cope than are women. Higher rates of heart disease and high blood pressure are but two results. In the pre-modern world, many or even most threatening or challenging situations (“fight or flight” situations) led to a physical response which consumed and directed the energy made available by the release of hormones such as epinephrine into the blood stream. Physical responses, however, are not usually possible or even desirable in the face of stalled traffic or office frustrations. In such cases, the released energy is “bottled up,” as it were. This results in disturbances in sleep, immune function, blood pressure regulation and other bodily systems. As the “fight or flight” reference suggests, the best responses to stress are often physical. Try to get some vigorous physical exercise every day, but also consider practicing yoga or some similar form of relaxing physical therapy.
Nutrients and Herbs for Relaxation
Generalized emotional and physical stress leads to oxidative stress. Therefore, a broad-spectrum antioxidant mixture is an excellent countermeasure. Be sure to include in the diet, as well, the recommended daily intake of all of the B vitamins. The amino acids taurine (500 mg to 1 gram daily) and glutamine (750 mg to several grams daily) play important roles in the body’s response to stress. These are best utilized if taken between meals with a small carbohydrate snack. The bioflavonoid known as chrysin (1–3 grams daily) is an important stress-reducing compound, as are theaflavin, valerian and skullcap (see manufacturers’ directions). Also useful are calming herbal teas. The best known of these is chamomile.
Sports Aches and Pains of the Weekend Warrior
Exercise is important. In some studies, men who exercised regularly had a 70 percent reduced risk of death from all causes and a 39 percent reduced risk of death from heart attack. This is the good news. The bad news is that those of us who are sedentary for five days out of the week and then try to make up for this in the remaining two days of the weekend may find that we end up with more than our share of aches and pains. The body responds best to regular exercise, which is to say, exercise at least every other day. Cramming a week’s worth of exercise into the weekend is asking for trouble. And, of course, as we get older our ability to “bounce back” from strenuous physical exertion diminishes. Fortunately, there are some ways to prevent problems and to help make them go away once they develop.
Conditioned athletes are actually able to produce more of certain antioxidant enzymes within their bodies to cope with this heightened demand, and this fact indicates that training may produce a type of “reserve capacity” for antioxidants. However, it is still true that exercise puts oxidative stress on the body. In various studies, athletes who ingested an antioxidant “cocktail” before working out experienced faster recovery and fewer aches and pains than those who did not take the antioxidants. The daily antioxidant intake might include vitamin C (500 mg–2 grams), vitamin E (100–200 IU as gammatocopherol), coenzyme Q-10 (30–300 mg), alpha-lipoic acid (100–300 mg), plus a number of plant antioxidants, such as mixed citrus bioflavonoids (1,000–3,000 mg). Individuals who are involved in contact sports might consider either grape seed or pine bark extracts (200–300 mg) to help prevent bruising. Glutamine (750 mg to several grams daily) recently has become one of the favored supplements by serious athletes because of its benefits in recovery and in sparing the destruction of lean tissues due to excessive exertion.
Nutrients for Repair
Ligament and cartilage injuries are common in sports. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are often recommended in osteoarthritis to improve the repair of cartilage, and these compounds can also be used to speed up repair—or to improve general resilience—of the joints, ligaments and tendons in sports. (Follow manufacturers’ directions.) Sadenosylmethionine (SAMe) is another nutrient that improves tissue repair and indirectly reduces pain and inflammation; the dosage is typically 400–800 mg of SAMe per day. Expect to wait from one to four weeks to experience the benefits of these supplements if you are just starting to use them. These items improve the body’s ability to heal itself and are not directed at symptoms as such.
Hair Loss
Roughly one half of the men in Western industrialized countries suffer from Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), and this syndrome accounts for some 90 percent of all cases of hair loss. However, the presence of MPB does not mean that other factors are not at work, such as reduced circulation. For instance, increases in hair loss in certain areas of the scalp correlate with the development of heart disease. For example, extreme thinning specifically on top of the head (rather than merely receding from the front) appears to be more strongly associated with circulatory disease than is balding elsewhere on the head. Hence, this problem is not always cosmetic and concern may not be limited to vanity.
Hair Nutrients
Deficiencies in the B vitamins biotin, inositol, pantothenic acid, and PABA are particularly linked to hair loss and to premature graying. A number of nutritionists have suggested that high-potency supplementation with the entire range of B vitamins, with special attention paid to biotin, inositol and pantothenic acid, may prove to be helpful. Vitamin C (1–2 grams daily) is important for the circulation, but also for the production of collagen, a component of the hair. Coenzyme Q-10 (30–300 mg daily) is another antioxidant often suggested to improve scalp circulation. Alpha-lipoic acid (100–300 mg daily) similarly appears to be effective and seems to be useful in hair loss if supplemented for at least six months. The amino acid cysteine (1–3 grams daily), also supplemented as Nacetyl-cysteine (NAC, 500–750 mg daily), can help to increase the speed at which the hair grows. A new and really interesting item that improves the quality of the hair is choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (BioSil™)—it is worth a shot. No major improvements in scalp health or hair loss should be expected in less than three months’ time (the hair follicles need to be activated and the hair must grow out). For many men, increasing protein in the diet may also prove useful in increasing the rate at which the hair grows. This may reflect an effect upon thyroid function, in which case, adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet is also a good idea.
Men’s nutritional needs differ from those of women. It is not difficult however, to meet these special needs. A well-structured program of nutritional insurance should include as a foundation a balanced multivitamin/mineral supplement. Then plan in advance to provide nutritional support for any special needs. As always, it is recommend that you tell your doctor or health care provider what supplements or herbs you are taking. Even if he or she is not overly familiar with them, this knowledge is useful for monitoring your health.

Source: http://www.totalhealthmagazine.com/features/mens-health/nutritional-needs-of-men.html

18 October 2014

MEN - 13 important facts about prostate health

Thirteen user friendly facts and tips about the prostate

13 important facts about prostate health
All men need to know about the prostate.

1. It keeps sperm healthy

Located just below the bladder, the prostate is a walnut-sized gland found only in men. The urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis, runs through it. Its main role is to produce prostatic fluid to provide nutrients for sperm.

2. STIs can cause prostate infection

Prostatitis, inflammation or infection of the prostate, mainly affects men under 40 and can develop from a urinary tract infection. Symptoms can include pain when urinating and ejaculating and pelvic pain. The cause can be anything from bacteria to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia. It can be treated with antibiotics.

3. Prostatitis may link to cancer

Evidence suggests men who have had prostatitis may be more at risk of developing prostate cancer. The inflammation, especially combined with a lack of vitamin D, may encourage the cancer to develop.

4. Vitamin D is good for prostate health

Good genital hygiene and condoms can help prevent urinary tract infections and prostatitis. There is also increasing evidence that vitamin D promotes resistance to infections.

5. The prostate can enlarge with age

At least 60 per cent of men over 60 have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate. Symptoms include difficulty urinating and needing the toilet often. If symptoms are mild, no treatment is needed, but in severe cases, medication to shrink the gland or surgery can improve quality of life.

6. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men

One in nine men develop prostate cancer, about 20,000 are diagnosed annually in Australia and 3300 die from it. Almost two-thirds of those diagnosed are older than 65. Men of Afro-Caribbean descent have an increased risk, as do those who have a close relative with the disease. Having an STI at a young age can also be a risk factor.

7. Genes can play a part in prostate cancer

Up to 10 per cent of prostate cancer cases have an inherited component. For example, the BRCA2 gene, which can cause breast cancer in women, is also associated with prostate cancer.

8. Prostate cancer can be symptomless

Although some men have lower back or hip pain, prostate cancer may have few or no signs in the early stages. A PSA blood test checks whether levels of prostate-specific antigen, a chemical made by the gland, are raised, which may indicate cancer. In advanced prostate cancer the sufferer may experience bone, pelvic or back pain, weight loss and blood in the urine or semen.

9. Diagnosis of prostate cancer is improving

A new test, PCA3, measures a protein only produced by cancer cells and is about 80 per cent accurate. A definite diagnosis can be made with a biopsy.

10. Prostate cancer is often slow-growing

The challenge is to find out whether the cancer is aggressive or slow-growing as treatment can cause serious side effects, including incontinence and impotence. Most cancers are slow-growing. Post mortems show that 80 per cent of men aged 80 have cancer cells in the prostate that may have been present for 20 to 25 years and they have died of other causes.

11. Treatment for prostate cancer varies

Doctors decide on treatment based on a man's age, how aggressive the cancer appears, PSA test results and the man's attitude. Out of every 100 men diagnosed, about two-thirds have aggressive treatment. The other third opt for monitoring through regular blood tests, biopsies and digital rectal examinations.

12. There are often no side effects from prostate cancer treatment

Treatment can include removing the prostate, radiotherapy, freezing or heat treatment to destroy the gland. There is little difference in survival rates between treatments, although freezing and heating are quite new. Due to better techniques, serious side effects from treatment are less common.

13. Tomatoes are good for the prostate

Several studies show that men who eat foods containing lycopene, found in tomatoes and tomato-based foods, have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Getting enough exercise also appears to reduce the risk. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and don't smoke.
Source: http://man.bodyandsoul.com.au/

6 October 2014

MEN - Men avoid facing up to who they are

Some men convince themselves and those around them 
that they are something they're not.

Men avoid facing up to who they are
Samantha could no longer cope with Jeremy's drinking and partying. She told him their marriage was over. Jeremy begged and cried. Samantha only softened when he agreed to see me and move out until he got himself together. He then pounded on Samantha's door at two in the morning in torn shirtsleeves and wasn't sure how he had got there or where his money and keys were. Samantha gave the taxi driver Jeremy's address and $50. His keys were his landlord's problem.
Jeremy suffers from a certain cluelessness that afflicts countless men. I have seen men soused in alcohol, clutching at an affair, threatening suicide and seeing prostitutes - anything to avoid facing their own emptiness. All that they've worked for and achieved doesn't mean anything. They subconsciously believe that who they are is not enough.
When searching for your inner voice, it is necessary to have quiet. Quiet is confrontational, it exposes the inner emptiness. Only in the quiet can you discern the difference between the advertisement about who you are and the product you're advertising. The product is the real thing, not the jingle. But the jingle is louder than the product.
Jeremy's saving grace was that he had a son. He saw how easy Ben's authenticity was. The reward for being real with Ben was immediate. Jeremy needed to see that being in a relationship with Ben was no different from being in a relationship with an adult or himself.

Facing the music
Jeremy is scared his real self is boring. People have tolerated his "proving" self, the act he has done a thousand times. But the only thing that is truly interesting about any of us is our authenticity.
Jeremy has a dependant relationship with Samantha. Her role is to keep Jeremy's insecurities under control.
Does he love her? It's all mixed in with him needing her to stop him going to pieces, psychologically and emotionally. This presents itself as clinginess and sullenness; he is inferring that she doesn't love him enough. It is manipulative and needy.
Jeremy's self-respect should be greater than his need to be emotionally babysat. It is time to be his own man.
Jeremy's breakthrough came at Ben's soccer game. Ben said he was glad Jeremy was there. Jeremy cried from relief at not having to try anymore. Who he was was enough.
It was Jeremy's first experience of standing still, being present, listening and responding from the quiet of his real self. The hardest part was over.
Source: http://man.bodyandsoul.com.au/

MEN - How men can beat anger

Anger can be a sign of underlying issues we look at 
how men can beat their anger issues.

How men can beat anger
We've all enjoyed watching Tony Soprano shoot a rival gangster, but do TV shows such as The Sopranos and Underbelly and violent console games send the message to men that a violent expression of rage is okay? Dr Kara-Jane Lombard, author of a Curtin University study on new media and youth extremism, points out it is futile to deny that what we see and hear in the media affects us, since the entire advertising industry is based on this premise.
Lombard's research suggests that men with angry or violent dispositions are likely to seek out TV shows or games that strengthen these tendencies, while when women feel angry, they are more likely to choose entertainment that prevents aggression, such as comedies or feel-good movies or TV shows."It's widely recognised that the active nature of media such as games and the internet have many features that facilitate aggression or violence - active involvement, identification with violent characters and the reinforcement of violent acts," Lombard says.

Fight or flight

Of course, not every bloke who watches the odd bit of gangster drama is violent by nature. Men might not be incited to violence by the vicious ways anger is dealt with on screen, but it can affect how they deal with anger in other ways. "Some men see these scenes and think, 'I better not get angry in case I blow my top like that',"psychologist Dr Elizabeth Celi says.
"People make out that anger is such a negative thing, but it's a normal human emotion - it's what we do with it that counts." The problem for men is that often they've never been shown how to express their feelings and emotions. David Nugent, who runs Heavy METAL, a Victorian counselling service that helps men control anger, says: "Men get stuck in a habit of either turning to fight or flight - one is very aggressive, the other is extremely passive. You have to find a middle ground."

The upside of anger

In the absence of any positive examples of coping with anger, men can be more prone to the influence of what they see on TV- but usually, when a male character gets angry, something gets broken or someone gets hurt. Between rage and a state of suppressed fury, there is a productive expression of anger that Dr Celi says can be a "gateway" to deeper feelings. "Expressing anger opens a door to talking about frustration, hurt, sadness and disappointment, then processing these underlying emotions in a healthy way."
Dr Celi says healthy anger requires you to be in control of yourself and emotionally aware so that you can express your needs without hurting others. When anger hits, men should stop, take five deep breaths and acknowledge that the anger is there, rather than trying to suppress it - going silent and bottling up your feelings usually doesn't help in the long run.
"Ask yourself what the feeling is specifically related to so that you can develop a productive response. That could involve verbalising something in an assertive manner or walking away from a situation; it could mean discussing what got you upset or rectifying a wrong, such as a misjudgment or a misinterpretation of something that you said or did."

Actions vs words

Frustrations can surface between a man and a woman when dealing with a challenging issue. Dr Celi points out that while men tend to want to express themselves physically, by doing something or fixing a problem, women often want to express themselves emotionally."But all that talking can make men feel like they're caught in a verbal loop, which makes them even more agitated - often they'd be better off going for a walk until they feel better and then talking about the problem," Dr Celi says.
Just as men prefer actions to words, your average guy doesn't want to watch drug lords and crooked cops calmly talking through their differences. But will watching violent shows or playing violent games make men more violent? Dr Lombard says innate aggression or a history of family violence are much more likely to produce a man who is violent when angry than exposure to violent TV shows, films and console games, but her concern is that such media portrays and encourages a behaviour where violence through anger is seen as the norm.
The key, Dr Celi says, is that men need to acknowledge that the world of organised crime and controller-operated carjackers doesn't show the full range of ways to deal with anger. "Everything's shown as black or white - you're either not angry or you're aggressive and violent, but there's a whole spectrum in the middle where men can express anger in a way that contributes to reducing mental health problems."
Source: http://man.bodyandsoul.com.au/

2 October 2014

MEN - Viagra 'may cause blindness': Ingredient in the drug can permanently affect sight, doctors warn

Viagra 'may cause blindness': Ingredient in the drug can permanently affect sight, doctors warn

  • Viagra may cause loss of vision in men with retinitis pigmentosa
  • Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare inherited eye condition causing sight loss 
  • Some people have normal vision but carry one gene for the condition
  • Ingredient in Viagra linked to degenration and death of cells in the retina
  • People with retinitis pigmentosa and those who carry the gene at risk 

Viagra could cause blindness in men with eye problems, and even those with seemingly normal vision, a new study has found.
Australian researchers say an ingredient in anti-impotence drugs may permanently affect the vision of men with an inherited eye condition.
It could also affect those with normal sight who carry one gene which is linked with developing eye problems.
Scroll down for video 
Viagra could cause blindness in men with inherited eye condition retinitis pigmentosa - or those with normal sight who carry the gene for the condition, Australian researchers have found
Viagra could cause blindness in men with inherited eye condition retinitis pigmentosa - or those with normal sight who carry the gene for the condition, Australian researchers have found
One theory is that erectile dysfunction drugs may obstruct an enzyme which is important for transmitting light signals from the retina to the brain.
It is already known that sildenafil, the active ingredient in the erectile dysfunction medication, can cause temporary vision problems in some healthy people.
Doctors have now warned it could also cause permanent damage to the eyes of people retinitis pigmentosa.
People with normal sight that carry the gene for the condition may also be at risk, experts warn.

    Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare hereditary condition that causes the cells in the retina - the area of the back of the eye which detects light - to degenerate and die.
    This can lead to difficulty seeing in dim light, loss of peripheral vision, and sometimes blindness. 
    About one in 50 people are likely to be carriers of genes which lead to the degeneration of cells in the retina.


    Loss of hearing
    In 2011, Viagra and similar impotence drugs were linked to hundreds of cases of sudden hearing loss around the world.
    Research published in the journal The Laryngoscope said it was not clear how long the problems lasted, but this type of hearing loss - more commonly due to infections and exposure to loud noise - usually causes permanent damage in up to a third of cases.
    Skin cancer
    Earlier this year, American researchers found that men who used Viagra were 84 per cent more likely to get melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer.
    It is thought the impotence drug may affect the same genetic mechanism that enables skin cancer to become more invasive.
    In the new study, researchers from the University of New South Wales, Australia,  tested sildenafil on healthy mice and mice with one copy of this mutant gene.
    They found the healthy mice experienced problems with their eyes for about two days.
    However the drug affected the vision of mice who carried the mutant gene for two weeks.
    The researchers also found early signs that the cells in the mice's eyes were dying, suggesting sildenafil may cause loss of vision in people who carry the gene for the disease but have normal vision.
    Dr Lisa Nivison-Smith, of the UNSW School of Optometry and Vision Science, said: 'If cells actually die in the retina that would lead to blindness.'
    People who have normal vision, but who carry a single copy of the mutant gene for retinitis pigmentosa, could be more susceptible to changes caused by sildenafil, she added. 
    The study was published in the journal Experimental Eye Research.The news comes after reports that Britain is braced for a 'Viagra boom' after the drug's patent ran out last year.
    The cost plummeted by 93 per cent as cheaper generic versions of the drug became available.  
    Previous studies have linked Viagra and other anti-impotence drugs to side effects such as deafness.
    American researchers also found that men who used Viagra increased their risk of developing skin cancer. 
    Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare hereditary condition that causes the cells in the retina - the area of the back of the eye which detects light - to degenerate and die
    Retinitis pigmentosa is a rare hereditary condition that causes the cells in the retina - the area of the back of the eye which detects light - to degenerate and die

    Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

    24 September 2014

    HEART HEALTH - The secret to a long life? 80% of men could avoid a heart attack with just four simple lifestyle changes

    The secret to a long life? 80% of men could avoid a heart attack with just four simple lifestyle changes

    • Not smoking, taking exercise and drinking in moderation key to reducing risk
    • Healthy diet and having a waist measuring below 37 inches also crucial
    • Giving up each individual bad habit lowers the risk of heart attacks
    • Reduced risk was observed even in men who took medication

    Four out of five men could avoid a heart attack if they give up cigarettes, cut back on alcohol, eat a healthy diet and exercise, a new study has warned.

    Adopting a healthy lifestyle may could dramatically reduce the risk of early death - and giving up each individual bad habit lowers the risk.

    The younger the men change, the more protection against heart attacks they accrue, Swedish researchers found. 

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    Four out of five men could reduce their risk of heart attacks by making lifestyle changes like stopping smoking, taking exercise, switching to a healthy diet and drinking alcohol moderately, Swedish researchers found
    Four out of five men could reduce their risk of heart attacks by making lifestyle changes like stopping smoking, taking exercise, switching to a healthy diet and drinking alcohol moderately, Swedish researchers found

    Men with the optimum lifestyle were non-smokers who walked or cycled for at least 40 minutes per day, exercised at least one hour per week and had a waist circumference below 37 inches.

    They also drank moderate amounts of alcohol, and ate a diet packed with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, reduced-fat dairy products, whole grains and fish.

    The study followed 20,721 healthy Swedish men aged 45 to 79 over 11 years.
    Their belly fat was measured and they were questioned about their lifestyle.

      The study found a clear reduction in risk for heart attack for each individual lifestyle factor the participants tackled.

      For example, having a healthy or low-risk diet, together with a moderate alcohol consumption, led to an estimated 35 per cent lower risk of heart attack compared to the high-risk group, who adopted none of the low-risk behaviours.


      Men with the optimum lifestyle:
      • Didn't smoke 
      • Walked or cycled for at least 40 minutes per day
      • Exercised at least one hour per week
      • Had a waist circumference below 37 inches
      • Drank moderate amounts of alcohol
      • Ate a diet packed with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, reduced-fat dairy products, whole grains and fish
      Men who combined the low-risk diet and moderate alcohol consumption with not smoking, being physically active and having a low amount of abdominal fat, reduced the risk by 86 per cent.

      Researchers found similar results in men with hypertension and high cholesterol levels.

      Professor Agneta Akesson, from the Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said: 'It is not surprising that healthy lifestyle choices would lead to a reduction in heart attacks.

      'What is surprising is how drastically the risk dropped due to these factors.'

      The study also found even in those who take medication, an additional reduction in risk for chronic heart disease has been observed in those with a healthy lifestyle.

      Professor Akesson said: 'It is important to note that these lifestyle behaviours are modifiable, and changing from high-risk to low-risk behaviours can have great impact on cardiovascular health.

      'However, the best thing one can do is to adopt healthy lifestyle choices early in life.'
      The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

      Men with the optimum lifestyle walked or cycled for 40 minutes a day, and the younger the men changed their behaviour, the more protection against heart attacks they accrued
      Men with the optimum lifestyle walked or cycled for 40 minutes a day, and the younger the men changed their behaviour, the more protection against heart attacks they accrued

      Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/

      22 September 2014

      HAIR VITAMINS FOR MEN - Vitamins and Nutrition for Healthy Hair Growth

      Vitamins for Hair Loss in Men

      • Hair loss occurs due to an inadequate diet, dietary deficiencies. Vitamin B complex, biotin, inositol and folic acid; vitamin C and vitamin E are important for good hair growth.
      • Men who are deficient in vitamin B6 lose hair. When there is a folic acid deficiency, men tend to become completely bald.
      • On the other hand, taking huge doses of vitamin A for a prolonged period, triggers hair fall. Essential fatty acids improve hair texture and check dry, brittle hair.

      Vitamins for Hair Growth for Men

      • B vitamins are necessary for healthy and luxuriant hair.
      • Beans, legumes, whole cereals, peas, cauliflower, soy, nutritional yeast, bran, and nuts are rich sourses of vitamin B.
      • Biotin is essential for hair health. Biotin is known to prevent hair loss in men.
      • Food sources of biotin include: brown rice, nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, brewer’s yeast, bulgur, lentils and legumes, green peas, oats, soy, and sunflower seeds. Biotin supplements are also recommended by hair care experts, to boost hair growth and stimulate follicular health. 50 mg 3 times daily is advocated.
      • Inositol in a dosage of 100 mg twice a day helps hair growth tremendously.
        It halts hair loss, promotes scalp health and stimulates dormant follicles.
      • Vitamin C improves scalp circulation and gives sheen to the hair. Rich sources are: cherries, berries, limes, oranges, sweet limes, capsicum, papaya, etc.
      • Vitamin E enhances the oxygen uptake, which boost circulation to the scalp. It supports hair growth. 400 IU daily is recommended, gradually, increasing to 800-1,000 IU per day.

      Source: http://www.simple-remedies.com/