New allegations about CIA involvment in the murder of JFK put a glaring spotlight on the current bankster crisis. Those who pull off crimes are, naturally, most motivated to lie about them! The CIA, therefore, looks very guilty of two murders that ripped America apart: the murders of JFK and RFK.
As news broke this week that CIA lies about the JFK murder had been exposed, I recalled that among the motives for JFK's murder was his threat to abolish the FED, the very source of the government's 'funny money' and most certainly, the root cause of the current banking collapse. JFK had threatened to strip the power of the FED, smash the CIA into 'a thousand pieces' and abolish the oil industry's sacred cow: the Oil Depletion Allowance. No President since has dared piss off so many powerful and ruthless people.
JFK tried to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest
The move would have bypassed the Fed by restoring to the government the power and authority to issue currency. Executive Order 11110 gave the US government the ability to create its own money --backed by silver! It just might have put the FED out of business.
Some background and basic economics: to pay it's bills, the US government borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Notes are not backed up by anything. 'Silver certificates' issued under the authority of JFKs order would have been backed up by government owned silver. The government would no longer borrow from the FED to pay its obligations. It would have done so with 'silver certificates' issued by the government itself.
Like any commodity, Federal Reserve notes are subject to the laws of supply and demand. The demand for Federal Reserve notes might have collapsed altogether and the FED itself might have been forced out of business.
Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level. It would have would have made it possible for the government to repay its debt without having to borrow worthless 'notes' from the Fed and having to repay them later at interest.
Executive Order 11110 was never repealed. One wonders why no other President ever bothered to utilize it. Could it have had anything to do with the fact that JFKs order made him very, very unpopular throughout the banking establishment? JFK was brutally murdered in Dallas just five months after issuing the order. No more silver certificates were issued. The FED's gravy train was still intact.
FED owners do not have ready access to $trillions$ needed to float the U.S. debt and deficit. They don't need it! The FED 'creates' money with a bookkeeping entry, writing out a check to the US government in exchange for US bonds. Cashing the check is easy; the US Government banks at the Federal Reserve.
It's a scam in which no "real" money, no hard currency is exchanged. Government agents are never seen walking out of the FED offices --under armed guard --carrying bullion, coins, or, indeed, anything of real value. The Fed makes an 'entry' in the books! The government makes an entry in its books!
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."Thomas Jefferson, I believe, had foreseen what has happened in fact. That is the context in which the latest news should be considered.
--Thomas Jefferson
The October 17 Times story was another such example. It revealed, perhaps for the first time in any major US newspaper, that the CIA has been deceiving the public about its own relationship to the JFK assassination.
On the Kennedy assassination, the deceptions began in 1964 with the Warren Commission. The CIA hid its schemes to kill Fidel Castro and its ties to the anti-Castro Directorio Revolucionario Estudantil, or Cuban Student Directorate, which received $50,000 a month in CIA support during 1963. In August 1963, Oswald visited a New Orleans shop owned by a directorate official, feigning sympathy with the group’s goal of ousting Mr. Castro. A few days later, directorate members found Oswald handing out pro-Castro pamphlets and got into a brawl with him. Later that month, he debated the anti-Castro Cubans on a local radio station.
That the October 17 story was published at all is astonishing. According to Lexis Nexis, there have only been two earlier references to the CIA Joannides documents controversy in any major US newspaper: a brief squib in the New York Daily News in 2003 announcing the launching of the case, and a letter to the New York Times in 2007 (of which the lead author was Jeff Morley) complaining about the Times’ rave review of a book claiming that Oswald was a lone assassin.
--The JFK Assassination: New York Times Acknowledges CIA DeceptionsJust last year, the BBC reported that it was the CIA that was behind the murder of RFK, JFK's younger brother.
The new video and photographic evidence -- the result of a three year long investigation --"puts three senior CIA operatives" at the scene of the murder.
Three of these men have been positively identified as senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA's Miami base for its Secret War on Castro.
David Morales was Chief of Operations and once told friends: "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard."
Gordon Campbell was Chief of Maritime Operations and George Joannides was Chief of Psychological Warfare Operations. Joannides was called out of retirement in 1978 to act as the CIA liaison to the Congressional investigation into the JFK assassination. Now, we see him at the Ambassador Hotel the night a second Kennedy is assassinated.
As with the 1963 murder of JFK in Dallas, lingering questions dog the official theories. Powder burns indicated that three shots had been fired from very close range from 0 to 1-1/2 inches though no witness could place Sirhan closer than three feet. Sirhan's gun held only eight bullets but a total of ten were recovered. Three were found in Kennedy. Two were lodged in a pantry door frame. One was found in an airspace. Presumably four more were found elsewhere. Significantly, four bullets 'touched' Kennedy to include the three that were recovered --lodged --in his back. At no time was Sirhan ever behind RFK.[See also: CIA Involvement in the assassination Of Robert Kennedy]--Evidence That the CIA Murdered RFK
--CIA role in Kennedy killing
Inexcusably, the door frames were burned, the Los Angeles Police Dept. claimed no bullets were found lodged in the "bullet holes", and two expended bullets (inexplicably dug out of wood) were soon found in the front seat of Sirhan's car. The LAPD then destroyed their records of the tests that had been done on the "bullet holes" in the doorframe.
--Facts about the Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
- No competent or sane sniper/hit man would choose to shoot anyone from the TSBD. The 'view to a kill' was obscured by branches and leaves as photos taken that day prove! It was and remains the worst of several possible locations!
- Zapruder frame 313 proves conclusively that the fatal shot came from the front, the so-called Grassy Knoll
- No sniper in his right mind would choose a kill spot providing no possibility of egress or escape! Oswald would have had to have ditched his rifle and run down some six flights! No 'hit man' would have tried it! It's stupid! The place would have been 'sealed'!
- I have visited Dealy Plaza! The picket fence afforded cover, egress and a clear unobstructed shot of the 'target' from a distance about one third that of a site in TSBD.
- From TSBD, the motorcade is moving laterally and then away; from the picket fence, the target's lateral motion relative to the 'shooter' is minimal. A non-expert could have made the shot but, in fact, it was an expert who did!
Referred to in the literature of the assassination as the "little girl in the red dress", she is seen in the Zapruder film running along the south side of Elm Street. Her father, Phillip Willis, taking 35mm color slides, can also be seen in the Zapruder film, looking forward at his daughter, perhaps calling to her. She stops suddenly just as the Presidential limousine is partially blocked by a sign between the motorcade and Abraham Zapruder's camera.
The FBI seized the Willis photos but returned them years later. I looked at them on a light table with a loupe. I immediately recognized Dealy Plaza, the limousine, the motorcade, the Texas School Book Depository, the Pergola, the Grassy Knoll, the Triple Underpass, place names now burned into the consciousness of a scarred nation.
One Phillip Willis took a series of 12 photos of Dealy Plaza, where Kennedy was shot, in the minutes before and after the assassination. Mr. Willis' photos and testimony before the Commission appear in the report.
He was not questioned about the eighth photo, a shot of the Book Depository entrance shortly after the shooting. As Willis later pointed out, one of the men in the photo "looks so much like (Jack Ruby), it's pitiful". FBI agents questioning Willis agreed with him that the man bore a powerful resemblance to Ruby. When Willis mentioned this to the Commission, no interest was shown. When the photo was published in the Warren Report, a considerable part of the face of the Ruby look-alike had been cropped away.
--JFK Conspiracy TheoriesAt last, Rosemary (if I may be so familiar) pointed out some especially interesting slides. One of them was a shot of the Pergola, above the grassy knoll, taken from her father's position on the south side of Elm Street. Through the columns, all was clear. Then Rosemary produced an old copy of Look Magazine and turned to a double page spread. Reproduced over facing pages was her father's photograph of the limousine with the Pergola behind it.
"Do you notice anything unusual?" she asked.
I had noticed something, something which I now believe was the result of FBI complicity in the cover-up of a murder! In the magazine spread, a train locomotive could plainly be seen between the columns. Indeed, there are railroad tracks in that area to this day as Google earth reveals. Those tracks were there in 1963 as well --as photos of the time reveal. It was in that rail yard that three "tramps" had been arrested prior to the Kennedy assassination. [See: JFK Conspirator Wanted Every Kennedy Dead ]
But why was there a locomotive in the published picture but no locomotive in the "slide"? Rosemary explained that after Look Magazine published her father's pictures, FBI agents took all her father's slides. As I recall, the slides were kept for several years. When they were returned at last, every slide that had depicted the train had been doctored. The train was gone. Only the FBI could have 'removed' the depicted train --but why?
It was clear to me that the answer to that question might very well have solved the JFK murder case! The removal of the train was intended to protect the guilty and it was equally clear that by removing the evidence, the FBI was overtly obstructing justice, protecting the identity/identities of murderers and traitors! The murder of JFK was not just a murder. It was an act of high treason!
Why would the FBI find it necessary to remove a train? What did the FBI find threatening about a train? I've speculated that the train was the egress, the perfect getaway for the assassins who fired the fatal shot from the grassy knoll just as Mark Lane had theorized years ago. That raises the question: why would the FBI protect an assassin's get-away? Unless the FBI was a part of the plot, lately called a coup d'etat, it would not.
However speculative my thoughts, it is fair to say that when you have uncovered the FBI's motive for removing the seemingly innocent picture of a train, you will have gone a long way toward explaining why the Warren Commission insisted upon the theory that the fatal shot came from the rear when any examination of the Zapruder film will reveal otherwise. Those who cover up are guilty! Count on it!
Here's more about Rosemary Willis from Wikipedia:
Rosemary Willis (born 1953) was a close witness during the assassination of President Kennedy.
Clearly seen in the Zapruder film at the start of the assassination wearing a white, hooded coat and a red skirt, located to the limousine's left, she runs southwestward and parallel with the limousine. She races for a short while when the limousine was to her direct right.
At Zapruder film frame 190 (hereafter "Z-190"), she is seen slowing, then she stops running. Simultaneous with her slowing/stopping, she slightly turns her head to look upward toward the southwest corner of the Texas School Book Depository.
Immediately after the sitting upright President Kennedy is first hidden at Z-207 by the "Stemmons Freeway" traffic sign in the Zapruder film, Rosemary suddenly, and beginning at Z-214, snaps her head very rapidly 90 to 100 degrees westward --completely away from the depository southwest corner-- within only 0.16 second to then face Abraham Zapruder and the grassy knoll by Z-217.
Precisely 0.60 second after starting her extremely quick westward headsnap towards Mr. Zapruder and the grassy knoll, President Kennedy's head then emerges back into the Zapruder film view at Z-225 still sitting upright with his face and arms already displaying a physical reaction to having already been impacted by a bullet.
Importantly, in 1978 Rosemary was interviewed by investigators from the House Select Committee on Assassinations and stated that she heard at least 4 shots during the assassination. She also stated to the HSCA that while she was still facing the grassy knoll picket fence, she was attracted to view the quick movement of a person who quickly dropped down behind a "wall" out of her view. Rosemary was also documented in the HSCA report that her father, military veteran Phillip Willis, became upset when the Dallas policemen, sheriffs, and detectives --who first quickly ran onto the grassy knoll where he thought the shots came from-- then the authorities ran away from the grassy knoll.
Rosemary's sister, Linda, stated to assassination researcher and author Richard Trask (“Pictures of the Pain” 1994) that after the assassination she and Rosemary also saw someone find a piece of the president's head that had landed in the grass located at least twenty-two feet to the left of the president.
After the assassination Willis, along with her sister, father (Phillip), and mother (Marilyn) were present at the Kodak photographic laboratory getting her father’s assassination related photo slides developed when the Zapruder film was also developed and first shown to approximately nineteen persons.
Rosemary Willis was never called to testify to the Warren Commission.
--Wikipedia, Rosemary Willis
Excellent JFK Documentary
Len Hart -
are you interested in the pdf of case against the banksters?
Larry said he has contacted you about this AND our idea to use art as ways and means to raise money to continue in law suit AS WELL AS the pdf to serve the "commoner".
Best, Biloxi
please let us know you received
To my mind the most damning evidence of a government conspiracy in both assassinations is the tampering with evidence after the fact of the main crime. There is simply no other way to explain that. Or maybe someone can tell me how Castro or Kruschev, or some Mafia Don, or any of the other possible suspects could have for example made JFK's brain disappear after an autopsy that was wildly out of synch with the testimony of attending physicians at Parkdale? Not bloody likely.
And that's only considering the myriad of unofficial conspiracy theories that posit a suspect outside of government/military/law enforcement/intelligence. Let alone the possibility that somehow the official suspect Lee Harvey Oswald managed these acts of legerdemain (coffin swaps, planting the magic bullet, etc.) from the brain -- from the grave! Logically the probability tends toward absolute zero.
The final element that I personally think narrows the true suspect list to ONE INDIVIDUAL is the very real likelihood that both Oswald and Sirhan were patsies; subjects of psychic driving techniques. Those techniques were the product of MK ULTRA, which was in turn based on the 'take' from the OPERATION PAPERCLIP program - which program was from its inception under the exclusive control of Allen Dulles.
SadButTrue sez...
Or maybe someone can tell me how Castro or Kruschev, or some Mafia Don, or any of the other possible suspects could have for example made JFK's brain disappear after an autopsy that was wildly out of synch with the testimony of attending physicians at Parkdale? Not bloody likely.
Indeed! It's amazing these CLOWNS have been able to get away with it. They would have fucked up a wet dream! Only in America is STUPIDITY so richly rewarded. I am determined to live long enough to see some of the CIA criminals HANG for their crimes.
Lee Harvey Oswald managed these acts of legerdemain (coffin swaps, planting the magic bullet, etc.) from the brain -- from the grave!
Indeed !! And Lee has reincarnated as Chris Angel!
both Oswald and Sirhan were patsies; subjects of psychic driving techniques. Those techniques were the product of MK ULTRA, which was in turn based on the 'take' from the OPERATION PAPERCLIP program - which program was from its inception under the exclusive control of Allen Dulles.
Sadly, Sad, I think Allen IS the culprit but he had lots of help and had surely annointed an equally EVIL successor. The US Govt is owned by K-street, a 'middle man' which holds an on-going auction. Qui Bono? Even Dulles was owned!
At the heart of this conversation lies the fact that our Dollar is backed up by hot air. There is no economic depression never has been always will be.
David B. Dancy said...
At the heart of this conversation lies the fact that our Dollar is backed up by hot air.
You hit the nail on the head, David.
Among the several frauds the govt has perped on us, this may be the most egregious. Perhaps we should call it the 'hot air economy"?
RE: "are you interested in the pdf of case against the banksters?"
Damn straight I am. Larry should find a message in his facebook inbox.
Thanks for the follow up. It's crazy on this end --as usual.
Ok Len, hello hello
Larry did receive an email and it was from you - not exactly "clear" so I came to confirm, here.
Learning FACEBOOK. Don't av-a-clue as to how to be high techie, but youngest son (not so young, but still my youngest forever) is working with me in that regard.
I've decided that the imagination is everything, what a surprise. AND, although the idea of the corrupted imaginations ("leaders") ravages about - the beast that IT is ...
.... it is our collective imagination that MUST agree to accept IT.
Perhaps technology is the wild card, after all?
2012 is coming up again and again. We are in for a wild ride Mr. Cowboy!
xo Biloxi Marx
Anonymous sez...
Ok Len, hello hello
Perhaps technology is the wild card, after all?
No worries : ) The eagle has landed!
Before WWI there was a very strong socialist Party in the U.S. During and after Saint Woodrow's War, the real "left' was driven out of mainstream politics by methods and means all to familiar to those of us able to look back over a century of manipulation and lies.
The fact that there can be no capital without labor is a simple idea which is deliberately obscured by layer upon layer of bankers, economists, experts and professional mouthpieces of money.
The idea that democracy equals capitalism has been planted firmly in the minds of those few giving such rarified ideas any attention at all.
The continuous warfare state is accepted as the natural order of things in a world which is always portrayed as hostile, dangerous and ever seeking to destroy this "city on the hill". Fear of those enemies which are trying to destroy the righteous republic which is the hope of mankind is a steady drum beat which drowns out any criticism or attempts at sane analysis of the true nature of our situation.
Criminality is so commonplace as to merit small reaction from a press which is controlled, by and large, by the same criminals making the news.
It may be that mass political action must rely upon slogans and sound bites, I hope not.
There are basic human ideas which are expressions of liberty and justice which, if somehow these ideas could have more content than a soap commercial, have genuine power.
Like you, and many others, I wonder at the transparency of the criminal acts which have occured, and which continue, without any real reaction from the people supporting these psychopathic monsters.
The answer may be in psychology- Freud said that the state served as a parent substitute.
I hope to see the ideals of decency and justice take hold in a meaningful way before I die.
Every little push toward that goal is worthwhile.
Some idea must strike a spark, some anger at the countless dead which add up year after year in this melancholy madness must appear.
Don Smith
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