Showing posts with label Halliburton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halliburton. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Oil Junkies for Jesus

by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy

Face it – the United States and foreign affairs always seem to be awkward at best. At the very worst, the United States comes away having lost a friend! Involvement in Iraq was complicated by what I would call “weird” theology.

Fundamentalist Christians insist upon an unconditional pro-Israeli policy no matter what! Israel is God's chosen nation. To oppose Israel, they say, is to damn the opposing nation to hell.

Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its, a commandment.

SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that U.S. oil production would peak in the early 1970s.

For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point that the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.

The situation is complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists and, perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications were easily assuaged: just stick a flaq on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!

Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the US attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil. That is revisionist history.

The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Hussein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in".

It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy. The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had done about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.

Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political advisors nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system". His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline.

When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell us reporters:

'All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance,' said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal." The future may be seen in our own past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.

Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.

It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice; that is significant. Every other idiot made money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did find “the Lord" in a hell hole” –Odessa/Midland.

By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped oil's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.

A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?

In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.

The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.

Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.

Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.

Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.

There are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have –as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.

It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why they have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?

Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its a commandment.

SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that US oil production would peak in the early 1970s.

Others predicted a peak occurring right about now. For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point: the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.

The situation was complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications of this were easily assuaged: just stick a flag on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!

Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the U.S. attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil.

That is revisionist history. The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Husein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in". It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy.

The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.

Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political gurus nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system".

His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline. When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell me and other reporters: "All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance," said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal."

The future may be seen in our past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.

Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.

It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. The fact that George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice is significant. Every other idiot was making money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did manage to find “the Lord" in a hell hole” – the oil fields just outside Odessa/Midland.

By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped it's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.

A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?

In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.

The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.
Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.

Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.

Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.

More generally, there are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have --as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.

It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why the have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Seize BP While it Still Has an Asset!

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

BP is busted. Penalties already assessed BP exceed 60 $billion. The cost of the cleanup will run about $760m but that figure was 'operative' before the last failed attempt to plug up the hole. Damages increase daily, hourly as the hole remains unplugged, as the oil continues to spew!

Associated Press reports that damages have already wiped out some $75 billion in market value. By every definition, BP is bankrupt, finished! Kaput!
Firm's stock sale nearly twice as large as any other institution; Represented 44 percent of total BP investment
The brokerage firm that's faced the most scrutiny from regulators in the past year over the shorting of mortgage related securities seems to have had good timing when it came to something else: the stock of British oil giant BP.
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman's sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP's stock during the quarter.
--Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill
And then --yet to be tallied --the costs of clean up and environmental damages to coast lines, damage that has yet to occur!.
...under US law, BP is liable for $1,100 in civil penalties for each spilt barrel of oil and gas, to be paid to the US federal and affected state governments. If BP is found to have acted with gross negligence – and there is no evidence so far that it has – this fine would rise to $4,300 for each barrel.
The issue of legal liability for the accident is complex, involving US federal and state laws. City analysts’ calculations of the bill faced by BP have ignored the potentially ruinous cost of civil penalties.
--BP Faces Extra $60 Billion Legal Costs As US Loses Patience
I propose that the governments of the United States and Britain act quickly to seize the assets of BP, plan a fair distribution of all assets and put into place a mechanism by which damages to homes and other coastal properties are addressed without additional layers of PR flack, corporate bureaucracy and 'spin'.
On Tuesday alone, the first trading day since BP’s latest attempt at a fix failed, and the day the government announced it had opened a criminal probe into the disaster, its stock took a hit of 15 percent.
The British oil giant is worth $75 billion less on the open market than it was when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded six weeks ago. Other companies involved in the spill — Transocean, Halliburton and Cameron — have all lost at least 30 percent in value.
And as oil seeps unchecked into the Gulf, nearby states, businesses, environmental regulators and injured workers and cleanup crews are eyeing damages that could total billions more.
--As Gulf Oil Spill Grows, Do Does BP's Liability; $75 Billion in Market Value Already Wiped Out
The Gulf disaster has now eclipsed the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, which, after two decades of lawsuits, cost Exxon Mobil $4.5 billion. According to analyst Blake Fernandez with the Howard Weil investment firm, that comes to about $654 per gallon today.
ON JUNE 2nd the White House announced that BP, an oil firm, would be subject to a criminal investigation over the oil spilling out of the Deepwater Horizon rig. The company's share price, along with that of Halliburton, an oil-services company that is also implicated in the Gulf of Mexico spill, fell sharply on the news. This contrasts with the price of ExxonMobil's stock in the weeks following the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 (when the company was plain Exxon). Cleaning up after Exxon Valdez ultimately cost Exxon about $4 billion, much less than had seemed likely at first, because a Supreme Court decision in 2008 allowed punitive damages to be slashed from $2.5 billion to $507.5m.
--The Economist, How the share prices of BP and Exxon have fared after big oil spills
Many are of the opinion that it is time to restore the 'corporate death penalty: seize BP, freeze, confiscate assets, prosecute whatever management is guilty of criminal negligence and/or or malfeasance of any type or terminology. Seizing BP effectively ends that company's existence as a corporation. Any assets remaining after damages are paid are then controllable by the public; the current management is put put out of a job if not prosecuted. Secondly --seizing BP puts an end to its control of information, better termed 'dis-information'. Corporate spin-meisters are literally trained by companies like Ammerman Enterprises of Sugar Land, TX, the Houston suburb whose other disgrace is that it was home to Tom DeLay. Ammerman Enterprises trains executives for huge firms like Exxon, Shell, DuPont et al. It was Ammerman Enterprise which 'trained' EXXON executives with respect to the Exxon Valdez. What we call 'spin' and PR, they call 'bridging' --a fancy, 'corporate' word for 'let's talk about something else' or 'I don't wanna talk about that; let's talk about this!'

This disaster will prove to have been much worse --a catastrophe by any standard, an irrefutable repudiation of the very notion of 'corporate personhood', in fact, 'corporate privilege'. It is time to repudiate the SCOTUS decision, the effect of which is to put corporations above the law even as 'real persons' are held to a higher and often unfair standard. This disaster must be watched carefully! Will corporations get away with destroying the habitats of all living things --including ourselves? Or --will the corporations be held responsible for the irreparable damages that they have inflicted and continue to inflict upon our only habitat: planet Earth?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Doug Drenkow: Tea Party Hypocrisy Exposed

by Guest Author, Communications Consultant Doug Drenkow

So let me get this straight. Tea Party darling and Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul says that even though the government should not discriminate on the basis of race in public accommodations, it's "unconstitutional" for the government to stop business from discriminating on the basis of race (etc.) in its private business dealings.

I have just one question: Did President Lincoln step out of constitutional bounds with the Emancipation Proclamation? Here I'd just heard the argument from the "states rights" crowd, that the Northern states were infringing on the power of the Southern states to make their own laws.

But according to Paul and the Tea Partyers, it's even more basic than that: Apparently the government has no right to make any law that "infringes" upon the "rights" of any business or individual to do as it, he, or she pleases, the consequences to any other individuals be damned. The "marketplace" will presumably sort it all out.

News flash: It didn't. With their abominable practice having grown over the centuries into a quite "respectable" institution, the slaveowners didn't set their slaves free in the 1800s -- and innumerable department stores (etc.) didn't open their "whites only" lunch counters (etc.) to African-Americans in the 1900s -- until the federal government made them do so.

Although Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the Tea Partyers are usually identified with the Right -- most by far do vote Republican -- they're actually far, far to the Left: What's "Libertarian" to some -- those left unrestrained by any meaningful laws -- is Anarchy to the rest of us -- their victims.

Ironically, insidiously, as the Tea Partyers rail against Wall Street bailouts, it is their very own philosophy that left big business far too unregulated for far too long, with catastrophic consequences for the rest of us.

--Doug Drenkow
My two cents: The 'Tea Party' movement is neither an 'aberration' nor a grass roots 'movement'. I have alleged that it was 'cooked up' by a GOP-dependent political consulting firm and decided upon after numerous studies, analyses and focus-group sessions. It's all 'top down', the very anti-thesis of 'grass roots'.

This movement has no interest in representing the real concerns of real people. It's raison d'etre is the preservation of the welfare state and by that I mean the 'corporate welfare' state. It is also dedicated to, defined by an equal commitment to the 'warfare' state from which only the Military/Industrial Complex benefits. In fact, there is no 'aberration' so absurd, so nonsensical, so horrible in its effects, that it could not, does not follow inexorably from the right wing raison d'etre, itself best likened unto a puss filled boil crying out desperately to be lanced! The U.S. has tended toward 'fascism' since WWII where it tasted war and liked it.

The tea bagger movement owes its very existence to Fox News which it adores and depends upon for misinformation, i.e. anything designed to reinforce or encourage their prejudices. It is the 'top down' product of the corporate/fascist establishment and mentality that brought you 'corporate personhood', in fact, 'corporate privilege'/people enslavement!

The tea bagger movement is a by-product of the blind eye given Halliburton-BP, the corporate authors of disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. This is the mind-set behind the Reagan 'tax cut' of 1982 which began the transfer of wealth upward so that now just one percent of the population owns more than 95 percent of the rest of us combined.

The tea baggers are enemies of Democracy and our republic. The tea baggers are liars, bigots and hypocrites to a person. Now --we're hooked on war despite the fact that with each passing year, fewer and fewer actually benefit from it. Millions just get a vicarious and perverted thrill via the media. The boardroom perverts, however, are closer to it, benefit financially from it with profits exponentially proportional to deaths. One can almost hear the war mongers cackling among themselves in glass-steel towers, plotting new adventures, new murders, new atrocities.

Limp dicked in every other way, it is their last orgasm before dying. I wish to hell they would get on with the 'dying' part and leave good people alone to live out full and meaningful lives, free of war, lies, bullshit, and oil spills.Down with tea baggers and other traitors to the Constitution, free speech and Democracy.
--Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Published Articles on

Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership, Global Issues, Updated: January 02, 2009




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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Texas Governor Blames 'God' for BP-Halliburton Screw Up

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Texas Governor Rick Perry claims that the BP-Halliburton oil spill is an act of God! An act of God? Since when did God buy shares in BP and Halliburton? Is Mr. Hair Club for Men trying to tell us that Dick Cheney is God?
He said: "From time to time there are going to be things that occur that are acts of God that cannot be prevented."

Later, explaining himself outside the Texas Capitol, Mr Perry said the phrase is a legal definition and his point was that "nobody knows what happened."

He said: "If you will go look up the definition of 'Act of God' we've used it in legal terms for a long time in this state. It may be an accident and it may be something else."

The Democratic group Lone Star Project accused the Republican Governor of "detached arrogance."

Spokesman Matt Angle said: "The families of those who died and the victims of the environmental damage deserve a full accounting for the human errors that caused the failure at the rig." The governor cautioned against stopping oil drilling because of the spill, and suggested others were speculating about what happened to further their political agenda.

He said: "I go back to the safety of those workers, the safety of our coast, but you balance that with the impact of a knee jerk reaction to stop all drilling."

--Texas Governor calls Louisiana oil spill 'act of God'
As Michael Linnerd, responding to my comments, put it:
Shifting blame onto someone who doesn't exist is close to the edge of insanity... mind you in Texas this what passes for intelligent, rational, thoughtful and technical evaluation of human and mechanical failure.

--Michael John Linnard
Perry's comments are expected in a state that can boast that it has beat out Mississippi for last place in high school graduations. This is the 'crowning achievement' of the GOP in Texas that it has failed to educate an entire generation or perhaps more! The GOP does not value education but for the rich who send their 'tax deductions' to trendy private schools. Their attitude is 'fuck public education!' Our attitude should be: fuck the GOP and kick their sorry asses out of office.

Is anyone surprised that with the rise of Mr Hair Club Perry and, before him, the Gawd fearin' Bush Jr that education in TX declined? As education declines, crime increases. The increase in crime has become, in the meantime, a windfall for the corporate run prison system, the so-called 'Prison Industrial Complex'. The Bush/Perry era has thus ensured that their corporate sponsors will always have a full dorm of convicted prisoners with which it will make a guaranteed profit. There is money to be made in warehousing the children who were --in fact --left behind, forgotten and betrayed!

Let's tell it like it is: these children were left behind because many, perhaps most, are black, others merely because their parents are poor and made poorer by incompetent right-wing, GOP bullshit economics and focus group tested 'theories', 'trickle-down' theory primarily.

After eight years of Bush, I have grown very, very weary of hearing about God. Bush, Perry and similar ilk have nothing of substance or interest to tell me or any intelligent person about God! Nothing that has ever been said about 'God' by anyone at anytime has been meaningful in anyway --least of all the idiot southern evangelists who insist upon pronouncing God as if it were two syllables: GAH - UHD!

If there were no God, mass murderers, perverts and liars would have to invent him. I wait in vain for that one day when some psychopath, like Bush, invokes 'God' [GAH-UHD] in defense of mass murder and wars of aggression and gets struck by a lightning bolt from on high!

If there were a God or had been a 'God' he would have tired of his name used to invoke a million atrocities, crimes and outrages and would have wiped the earth of the human race long ago. It may be the sad fate of Texas, however, that it is forever consigned to a 'last place' educational system. The current political establishment, controlled as it is by big oil, dare not educate the population. An informed, educated population would turn them out of office and deny the assholes their pensions.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Death to 'Corporate Comrade' Halliburton

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Halliburton, for whom George W. Bush hijacked the US military to wage war and perp capital crimes against the people of Iraq, may be and should be subject to severe penalties, perhaps death, as a result of the 'personhood' granted them recently by the US 'Supreme' Court. If Halliburton is a 'person', then Halliburton must be charged with multitudinous crimes, tried, found guilty and 'put to death' but not before it is literally 'fined' out of existence for the monetary damages it has inflicted upon the world environment.
The oil well spewing crude into the Gulf of Mexico didn't have a remote-control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producing nations as last-resort protection against underwater spills.

The lack of the device, called an acoustic switch, could amplify concerns over the environmental impact of offshore drilling after the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig last week.

The accident has led to one of the largest ever oil spills in U.S. water and the loss of 11 lives. On Wednesday federal investigators said the disaster is now releasing 5,000 barrels of oil a day into the Gulf, up from original estimates of 1,000 barrels a day.

U.S. regulators don't mandate use of the remote-control device on offshore rigs, and the Deepwater Horizon, hired by oil giant BP PLC, didn't have one. With the remote control, a crew can attempt to trigger an underwater valve that shuts down the well even if the oil rig itself is damaged or evacuated.

The efficacy of the devices is unclear. Major offshore oil-well blowouts are rare, and it remained unclear Wednesday evening whether acoustic switches have ever been put to the test in a real-world accident. When wells do surge out of control, the primary shut-off systems almost always work. Remote control systems such as the acoustic switch, which have been tested in simulations, are intended as a last resort.

--Leaking Oil Well Lacked Safeguard Device
Let's clear up an important point at the outset. No corporation has an inherent 'right' to exist. Since their inception as 'Royal Charters', corporations have been and remain 'artificial creations' and, as such, have no rights whatsoever but the 'privileges' that are extended to them by the 'sovereign! In the U.S., the 'sovereign' is the 'people' collectively. SCOTUS is wrong. Corporations have no rights whatsoever!

I might not oppose 'corporate personhood' if corporations were held to the same laws as are 'real people'. But ---clearly ---they are not and never have been. No corporation committing murder has ever been put to death by electrocution, hanging or the current 'fashion': the lethal needle.

Either the law applies equally or it does not. If not then the resulting inequities are unjust and, by common law, render the inequitable laws moot! Ergo: if corporations are to be considered people, then, by law, they should be subject to the same penalties and sentences that are exacted of real people for the same crimes! Clearly --the Supreme Court had no such intention. Clearly --the Supreme Court had precisely the opposite outcome in mind. Clearly the high court ruled unjustly, not upon law but upon prejudices, their preference for the corporate position, corporate rule.

Moreover --the 'privileged' position presently enjoyed by corporations violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees 'Equal protection' under the law! In other words --no person (real or otherwise) is either exempted or singled-out. Justice applies equally or, by definition and the 14th amendment, it does not apply at all!

Halliburton's latest outrage lies just offshore in the Gulf of Mexico where due to indifference and/or incompetence, an oil spill threatens marine life throughout the gulf, the southern coast of the United States from Florida to Brownsville, TX, and the eastern coast of Mexico.
The leaking oil well in the Gulf of Mexico did not have a remote-control shut-off switch used in two other major oil-producing nations as last-resort protection against underwater spills, reports The Wall Street Journall.

The article, which is available today on the Journall's Web site, states that the lack of the device, called an acoustic switch, could amplify concerns over the environmental impact of offshore drilling after the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon rig last week.

Some 5,000 barrels a day are now estimated to be leaking from the well, Coast Guard officials said Wednesday night. Officials had been saying for days that it was 1,000 barrels a day.

The resulting slick on the Gulf surface is expected to touch the southern tip of Louisiana as early as Friday afternoon. If it hits Mississippi, it will likely do so over the weekend.

--Leaking oil well lacked safeguard device, reports Wall Street Journal
As a 'corporate person' Halliburton should be tried for crimes that when 'real' people commit them are charged, tried and when found guilty locked up or, in cases of murder, executed!

The US 'adventure' in Iraq was inspired and urged by Dick Cheney whose 'Energy Task Force' met to 'carve up the oil fields of the middle east'. As this 'war of aggression' had nothing whatsoever to do with 911, the attack violates US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441 which requires the death penalty.
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > §2441. War crimes (a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.
The 'corporate person' Halliburton conspired to seize the oil fields of Iraq. The 'corporate person' Halliburton and Halliburton in the 'person' of Dick Cheney urged and/or advised the sitting President of the United States, George W. Bush, to order the attack and invasion; therefore: Halliburton must be charged with murder for each Iraqi death at the hands of any US soldier.

The 'corporate person' --Halliburton --resides in Texas where 'persons' convicted of murder are given the 'lethal needle'. For the many deaths resulting from Halliburton --now a person residing physically in Texas --I demand that the corporate person Halliburton be arrested, charged, tried and when found guilty of mass murder and war crimes in Iraq be given the 'lethal needle'.

That means the corporation cease and desist all corporate operations immediately upon being found guilty. That means that Halliburton cease to exist as a legal and/or business entity in any form whatsoever. It means that all contracts entered into are made null and void upon conviction except those Halliburton liabilities to be paid by the complete liquidation of all 'corporate' assets. It means that culpable, convicted decision makers be imprisoned on Texas death row until they can be executed for murder.Those those having guilty knowledge and benefiting most by the capital crimes committed by Halliburton are to be charged as co-conspirators or accessories and tried.

Now --about conspiracies. Don't even think about telling me that they do not exist. Secondly, if you don't think they exist, I suggest you visit Findlaw or the Cornell University Law Library online. You will find hundreds if not thousands of cases of 'conspiracy' case law. In fact, almost all crimes of any significance are conspiratorial. One person alone has difficulty robbing a convenience store. Who will drive the get-away car if not a co-conspirator? Conspiracies exist!

Dare we hope that the idiots on the high court outsmarted themselves? Dare we suppose that the right wing criminals in charge are fallen into their own trap? Dare we suspect that the gang of fascists, liars and criminals who have seized power in the United States have tripped themselves up?

Last year, Halliburton was implicated for its cementing work prior to a massive blowout off the coast of Australia, where a rig caught fire and spewed hundreds of thousands of gallons into the sea for ten weeks.

In that incident, workers apparently failed to properly pump cement into the well. That's according to Elmer Danenberger, former head of regulatory affairs for the US Minerals Management Service, who testified to an Australian commission probing that accident.
Giant oil-services provider Halliburton may be a primary suspect in the investigation into the oil rig explosion that has devastated the Gulf Coast, the Wall Street Journall reports.

Though the investigation into the explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon site is still in its early stages, drilling experts agree that blame probably lies with flaws in the "cementing" process -- that is, plugging holes in the pipeline seal by pumping cement into it from the rig. Halliburton was in charge of cementing for Deepwater Horizon.

"The initial likely cause of gas coming to the surface had something to do with the cement," said Robert MacKenzie, managing director of energy and natural resources at FBR Capital Markets and a former cementing engineer in the oil industry.

The problem could have been a faulty cement plug at the bottom of the well, he said. Another possibility would be that cement between the pipe and well walls didn't harden properly and allowed gas to pass through it.

The possibility of Halliburton's culpability was first reported Monday by HuffPost's Marcus Baram.

According to a lawsuit filed in federal court by Natalie Roshto, whose husband Shane, a deck floor hand, was thrown overboard by the force of the explosion and whose body has not yet been located, Halliburton is culpable for its actions prior to the incident.

--Halliburton May Be Culprit In Oil Rig Explosion
The war against the people of Iraq was fought for the benefit of Dick Cheney's Halliburton, the world's second largest oil field services corporation. Subsidiary KBR was given no bid contracts.
Do we all remember the Cheney Energy Task Force? That was at the beginning of the regime, when The Bush Grindhouse became an Energy Jamboree, so evil were the wheeling-and-dealing, so many hands were stained with the payola, that they went to court to suppress having any of the information of the meetings see the light of day

A few years later, we got a glimpse' Papers Detail Industry's Role in Cheney's Energy Report
In all, about 300 groups and individuals met with staff members of the energy task force, including a handful who saw Cheney himself, according to the list, which was compiled in the summer of 2001. For six years, those names have been a closely guarded secret, thanks to a fierce legal battle waged by the White House. Some names have leaked out over the years, but most have remained hidden because of a 2004 Supreme Court ruling that agreed that the administration's internal deliberations ought to be shielded from outside scrutiny.
--Cheney, Baby Cheney

Among many reasons to smash up the biggest corporations and deny them 'personhood' is this: urged by then V.P. Dick Cheney, Congress granted Halliburton a BIG LOOP HOLE excluding Halliburton from the Clean Water Drinking Act. This has placed Halliburton above the law. As a result, Halliburton may pollute the environment at will.
Yet, in 2005, at the urging of Vice President Dick Cheney, Congress created the so-called "Halliburton loophole" to the Clean Water Drinking Act (CWDA) to prevent the US Environmental Protection Agency from regulating this process, despite its demonstrated contamination of drinking water. (In 2001, Cheney's "energy task force" had touted the benefits of hydrofracking, while redacting references to human health hazards associated with hydrofracking; Halliburton, which was previously led by Cheney, reportedly earns $1.5 billion a year from its energy operations, which relies substantially on its hydrofracking business.)[4]

--Halliburton, Polluting the Environment, and the "Halliburton loophole"
As Congress placed Halliburton above the law, SCOTUS was busy turning mere legal abstractions into people, granting 'corporations, rights to include free speech. But should real persons pollute the waters --as Halliburton is licensed to do --the 'real person' would be arrested and prosecuted! 'Real persons' would be locked up! So --is Halliburton a real person or not? SCOTUS, and the co-conspirator Halliburton, want it both ways.

These exceptions have created and given official blessings to an unacceptable and utterly repugnant 'two-tiered' system of justice in which the business community may ravage the environment, cheat its customers, purchase the services of the government and the MIC for the purposes of looting foreign nations, seizing their natural resources, torturing their citizenry for daring to oppose our corporate aggressions! Revolutions have begun for much, much less. In a stroke, SCOTUS confirmed the fascist nature of the American 'state'.
The Deepwater Horizon oil rig that exploded last week was not outfitted with a safety device that might have prevented the massive oil spill now nearing the US Gulf Coast. The device, known as an acoustic switch, is a last-resort protection against underwater spills, and is required by regulators in Norway and Brazil. Unfortunately, the US has no such regulation for oil wells operating off of its shores.

According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, an acoustic switch is a remote control device that a crew can use in an attempt to trigger an underwater valve that shuts down a well that’s damaged. The switch is meant as a last resort, as the primary shut-off systems almost always work on wells when they are out of control. It can be triggered from a lifeboat if an oil platform has to be evacuated.

According to the Journal, U.S regulators did consider requiring the acoustic switch on offshore wells, but drilling companies resisted because of its cost, and questions about its effectiveness. To be fair, the switches have never been tested in real-world situations, only simulations. US regulators also maintain they are prone to causing unnecessary shutdowns.

Still, while US regulators and some oil producers have doubts about the acoustic switch, a spokesperson for Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority told the Journal the switches have a good track record in the North Sea. In addition to mandates in Norway and Brazil, some oil producers, including Royal Dutch Shell PLC and France’s Total SA, sometimes use the device even when it’s not required, the Journal said.

Industry critics cite the lack of the device as a sign US drilling policy has been too lax, and say it shows the oil industry has too much say in what regulations are adopted here.

A spokesperson for the US Minerals Management Service told the Journall that the agency ultimately decided against requiring acoustic switches because it determined most rigs already had back-up systems of some kind.

BP, which leases the Deepwater Horizon rig from TransOcean Ltd, has had no success using such back-up systems to stem the oil leaking from that well. As a result, the well is now spilling as much as 5,000 barrels of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill is moving closer to shore, and could hit the coast tomorrow. An environmental disaster of epic proportions may be in the offing.

--Could Additional Safety Device Have Prevented Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill?
This is utterly and without exception unacceptable in a 'free' society, a 'Democracy' as we were once told America was. Now --even the crassest liars seem embarrassed when they try to tell us that the United States is 'free', that it is a 'Democracy', that the government is subject, as are all of us, to the 'rule of law'! How utterly hollow those words seem now!
When a corporation commits a crime, nobody goes to jail. When wars come, they don’t fight, they simply rake in cash. When children are poisoned or workers are killed, they seldom even pay a fine. However, when they want something, billions in tax money for “bail outs” or fat contracts or special laws, they have always gotten it. It has been a battle to control corporations for 140 years. Sometimes the American people have lost, sometimes they have won. Our greatest presidents are the ones who reined in corporate power and kept the influence of money over humanity in check. Think of Theordore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy.

--Veterans's Today, Call for Immediate Arrest of 5 Supreme Court Justices
As Albert Speer said of Hitler's Third Reich, we must now say of the US government that it is built upon utterly 'meaningless platitudes'!

At the end of a revolution in which 'real people' require power to assert the 'sovereignty' that was stolen from them, it would be irresponsible of the provisional tribunal to let stand an idiotic decision of an incompetent, criminal 'supreme' court. At the end of a real revolution, the slate is wiped clean and no precedents written or influenced by Antonin Scalia, Roberts, Alito et al remain to pervert future generations.

There are no guarantees. Things will surely get worse, decisions more absurd, the economy more inequitable (if that's possible), futures even bleaker! That and more will happen before anything is or can be done. The entrenched power not only has all the money (or some 99.9999 percent of it) and all the guns. Kent State proved that --yes --civilians daring to exert their rightful power over 'their' government will be fired upon and killed. It is the price that the few have paid for the freedoms of the many.