dear woman at walmart-
i do not appreciate it when you throw your change on the counter. i do not appreciate it when you throw your change on the *moving* belt. i do not appreciate it when you throw your change at all. my out stretched hand is not me showing off my stunning bone structure, but rather me inviting you to gently place your change in it. you may think you are better than me, and refuse to make eye contact and/or respond to my very kind phrasing of "how are you doing today?" but you are not. you are not better than me in any way, shape or form. the mere fact that i work at walmart neither gives you the right or the privilege to think so. i work at walmart not because i want to, no, because i need to. i need to pay rent. and if it were to all come down to it, i would rather work at walmart than be you. so next time you come in, maybe you should consider the fact that i am a human being and if some one treated your daughter the way you treat me, you would probably very upset.
sincerely emily
dear kind person at walmart:
thank you for placing your like items together on the belt. not only does that make my job easier, but it gets you out even faster. thank you for placing you money in my hand rather than throw it at me. i don't feel like a cheap hooker because of this simple thought. thank you for smiling at me and responding when i talk to you and treating me like i exist. cause i do.
sincerely, emily