Showing posts with label lately. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lately. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh hey.


I guess I should dust off thee ol' blog and write something yeah?

So what have I been up to? Just the same old same. Taking care of a boy, and his dad and growing another human. The regular stuff.

I've been really trying to get my craft room cleaned out and ready for its new occupant. This has been about the third round of cleaning out and throwing away and bagging for the DI. Seriously. I feel like a such a hoarder when I think about all the junk that I managed to pull out of that room. But I did have a yardsale and sell a lot of what was in there online so that made me feel better.

Believe me when I tell you that getting this room to the point that I could even vacuum the floor was a MAJOR undertaking. And I'm really quite proud that I made it to this point. I had one minor melt down while cleaning and luckily Darrell was able to pull me out of it and keep it going. So pretty much we just need to find a home for some of the stuff on the counter top and then we need to cut up the countertop so we can get it out and thrown away. That thing is HEAVY. Really really heavy.

So there's that. Also, I got in a car accident a couple weeks ago. It was awesome. Seriously. I mean, it wasn't my fault so hopefully the insurance gets that worked out in our favor. As much as I really want to pay that $500 deductible, I'd rather I didn't have to.

That's the other guy's car. Totally dented in his door and scratched him up good. I know, it looks like it would be my fault but it wasn't. He turned out in front of me, thinking he was at a four way stop (which he wasn't) and I nailed him. Luckily, Liam wasn't with me and we were in a residential zone so I don't even think either of us were going more than 20 MPH and he was driving away from me when I hit him. Blech. I'd rather not go through that again.

So I guess I'll wrap this one up by showing you one of my latest crafty projects. (I'm trying to finish them and I'm making pretty good progress!)

I decided that I would recover Liams old infant carseat. It would have been fine as it was but the supplies only cost... $10 dollars? Maybe sooooo I went for it. Here's what it looked like before:

And here is what it looked like after:

Cute right?! It wasn't complicated, just time consuming and a little frustrating right at the end. Basically, you rip all the pieces apart (at the seams, not actually ripping anything but the stitching..) and use it as a template and then piece it back together the same way it came apart. If you want to try it, take LOTS of pictures of everything so that you can remember how it was before it came apart. I'm pretty happy with. I think it'll suit little girl juuuuust fine. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Baby Purple and things Liam says.

So since we found out that baby #2 is on the way, we've tried to get Liam comfortable with the idea. Or to even grasp the idea. Or acknowledge that we are talking to him about it. And usually it goes pretty poorly

Me: "Liam, can we bring a new baby home to live with us?"
Liam: "I don't want that here."

Me: "Liam, when we bring the baby home, where will it sleep?"
Liam: Looks at his bed, "No, MY BED."
Me: "okay, but where will the baby sleep?"
Liam: "On the floor."

Me: "Liam, what should we call the baby when we bring it home?"
Liam: "On the phone!"

So he doesn't get it (and I didn't really expect him to) and on those rare occasions when it seems like he does, he's pretty negative about the whole thing. Only just recently did he start to seem excited about it, like when I'd ask him he'd say "and they play with my trains with me?" So hopefully.... eh, I don't know what that means.

Well, the other night as I was putting him to bed, I asked Liam if he thought we would be having a girl baby or a boy baby. He got very thoughtful and looked up and the ceiling and then said with a big smile and an authoritative nod of his head "a purple baby!". I even tried asking him again and he answered the same. He'll pretty consistently tell us that it is a purple baby, so that's what we've decided to call baby this time around. Liam was baby Harold, and this one is baby Purple. I like it.

This whole time I've been pregnant, I thought this baby was a girl. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much, obviously there's a 50/50 chance right? Its just that the whole time I was pregnant with Liam, I just knew he was a boy. Before we found out I knew. I didn't even imagine to think of girl things or girl names because that baby was just a boy. I wanted a girl. So bad.  But I knew he'd be a boy. And the ultrasound proved that right. And we love him! SUCH a sweet and wonderful boy.


My last pregnancy, I'm pretty sure it was a girl and I tearfully told Darrell that I was just certain that it was a girl and that was probably going to be my only chance to have one.

And then I got pregnant, and I pretty quickly had that "girl" feeling return. People asked what we wanted, and I could honestly answer that I would be happy with either boy or girl. But I always felt like it was probably a girl.

Well at my last Dr. appointment, my doctor asked me slyly "so do you feel her moving?" and then said "cause you know, I think its a girl." He preceded to ask if we were planning on finding out what it is, we are, and if I wanted to go find out right now! "there's no one in the ultrasound office". I told him no, I had to wait for my husband. I was pretty proud of my restraint! But by the end of the appointment we concluded that we needed to set up an ultrasound to check dates and so I would be heading back in the next week.

The morning arrived and we had the appointment. The tech asked if we wanted to find out the sex to which we answered yes! And lo and behold, its a girl!! Liam was pretty enthralled by the heartbeat and likes to tell me that he heard the baby and we are so excited to be welcoming a little girl into our family!

I just want to write down a couple of the things that have been going on so I can remember them later:

  • I am 19 weeks 
  • I've gained 4 lbs
  • I constantly want salad, baked potatoes or sushi (cooked for this mamma)
  • I finally felt this baby moving last night and then all morning
We're pretty excited about this, and now we get to start deciding on a name! Hooray!

Monday, August 26, 2013

an announcement and other things

so i have something to announce. what an official way to start a post right?

i'm pregnant!

Hooray! we are really excited about it! i'll be 17 weeks tomorrow so that puts me due "they" say on Feb. 3rd. i'm really thinking its about a week later than that. cause, really, what do "they" know anyway, amiright?

i think announcing you're pregnant is awkward. is it just me? its like "hey, i got knocked up!" but not really cause we are married and wanted a kid... but still. ugh.

i'm feeling pretty good for the most part, it seems the really dreadful parts of being pregnant are fading. slowly, but surely. i can walk into the kitchen without gagging so that really is a plus. and i'm not so tired that i feel like dying all the time. thats nice too. goodness though, i didn't think it was possible to look as pregnant as i do as early as it happened. i mean, i guess thats normal right? but still, so annoying. especially since we were trying to keep it on the down low until i was into my second trimester. liam was obviously paying attention to what i was saying though, he woke up one morning and told darrell "don't touch my boobs, they hurt" which i must have said regularly for a couple of weeks, even a hug, yikes it hurt.

anyway, hooray, baby! we'll probably find out what i'm having in 3 weeks or so, at my 20 week ultrasound. and, we are hoping for a human baby. boy or girl it doesn't matter, as long as it comes out human.


in other news, we had a mini flood the other day. we got a call (which i didn't hear) from our renter and were then woken up by the doorbell being rang repeatedly at about 8 in the morning to hear that water had come gushing into the basement and there was a lot of water on the carpet and she finally found the shut off and the water had stopped. awesome right? so we trekked downstairs and found quite a bit of water and bulging paint on the walls and the panel covering the water shut off valves pulled off the wall. apparently the water came pouring out after the sprinklers shut off. i started sucking up water and darrell went out and started digging out by the sprinkler box to see if the problem was coming from outside. it wasn't. so what does that mean? inside the wall. what does that mean? cutting into drywall which then means drywall repair which is quite possibly my LEAST favorite thing to have to do EVER. so darrell started cutting and cutting and finally found the problem. an elbow had pretty much snapped in half so water was pouring out of a 3/4 inch pipe straight into our basement for almost 10 minutes. that is a lot of water. we ended up having to pull up the carpet around the edge of the room so we could suck water out of the pad. hopefully tomorrow a carpet guy will come and stretch the carpet and tack it back into place. ahhhhhh the joys of owning a house :) (i wouldn't trade if for anything!)
There is a bright side to this story. so we actually only just turned our sprinklers on with the timer for the first time last week. they are set to run every monday, wednesday, friday and saturday i believe. we went out of town on wednesday and our renter left on thursday. we got back on sunday and our renter got back on monday. we didn't even go down the stairs until quite late sunday night. can you even imagine how horrifying it would have been if that pipe had broken on friday after the sprinklers ran and water just poured into our basement for a day and a half solid??? awful, awful, awful. so i mean, if it was going to happen, i guess i'm glad it happened when it did. 

also, i've been working on doing my bathroom (yes again) and this time i think i love it. i even pulled down the old mirror and awful medicine cabinet that were probably original to the house. the paint color is fantastic, the wall treatment lovely. all in all its great. and almost done. just a couple more paychecks and i can put the finishing touches on it. (stay out of debt right? even if the final touches only involve a $30 can of paint. it can wait until next payday so i don't have to use the credit card.) 

also, i've been trying really hard to finish projects. so. i finished sewing the pillows closed that i started ages ago. and i just have to put binding on a wall hanging that i started last christmas and it will be done too! so i guess not much has been finished but at least those two things have!

anyway, that was long and kind of all over the place but thats how life is sometimes right?

until next time!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A little peak into our life, thanks to my phone :)

Although I can't say I love when people document every second of their lives, I'm really glad that I have a phone that takes pictures because now instead of documenting NOTHING, I now have at least something :)