Once again an excellent album from the Cramps. Sometimes you wonder can they still find old songs they want to cover, do they still have inspiration to make a new album, and then after 2 years waiting there's suddenly always a new Cramps album. This album is more rockabilly then ever. Well it's their version of rockabilly of course, because the first song of the album is a typical let's-tear-this-place up Cramps song. Maniacal, monotonous drums, fuzz guitar and not all too difficult lyrics. The lyrics of the Cramps are always very poetical. What about: Well the docter pulled me out and smakced me in the can. Wiped me off, took a look and said "it's a man! Well of course you have to hear Lux's voice to it, but it's a small impression. Thsi album is full of good songs, but "Burn she-devil burn", and "Like a bad girl should" really stand out.
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