This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
This is me, Eccles
![This is me, Eccles](
This is me, Eccles
Monday, 1 April 2024
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 31
Wednesday, 2 August 2023
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 30
Monday, 24 May 2021
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 29
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Cure found for Dawkins Syndrome
Monday, 12 April 2021
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 28
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Covidicus, Chapter 11 meets Brexodus, Chapter 22
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Pope Francis is saved
A saved person. The wondrous encyclical Fratelli Tutti contains a passage of Good News (or maybe Very Bad News). It is not buried in a footnote, and has even been advertised on the Pope's Twitter account, so we have to believe it is meant seriously. We need to develop the awareness that nowadays we are either all saved together or no one is saved.
Well, on this blog we have always taken the viewpoint that You is not saved, only I is saved, but now we must revise our ideas. So I sent a Dubium to Pope Francis and by return of post I got an invitation to the Vatican to talk to the Holy Father. Eccles: Your popeness, from the context, "saved" could mean several things: 1. Redeemed from the consequences of our sin, and permitted to dwell in Heaven eternally with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the sort of thing a pope should be discussing, but from the context, it may also mean: 2. Saved from the great evils that beset mankind, of which climate change is obviously the worst, as it can lead to hot days, cold days, rain, drought, and dull cloudy days with sunny intervals possibly with fog on high ground take care and have a nice day. Francis: Ha ha ha ha ha! Take that clown away. Eccles (struggling in the arms of the Swiss Guard): Assuming that you were talking about religion, Holy Father, then we have two choices here: (a) We are all unsaved. Which means that Jesus was wasting His time. This seems unlikely. (b) We are all saved. Good news. Pope Francis welcomes Eccles. (Francis threatens me with a Papa-slappa gesture.) Eccles: I suppose that being saved just means that you get eternal life. For you and me, Holy Father, it means a cushy abode in Heaven. For others, like Zen and Viganò, it may mean eternal life, but stewing in the Lake of Fire in Hell. At this point the door was slammed on me and I was thrown out into the street. However, by good fortune I met Professor Richard Dawkins the celebrity atheist, author of "Why I am too grown-up to believe in God, and where He got it all wrong," who had come with some Dubia for Pope Francis. Eccles: Dicky! What would being saved mean to you, if it were possible? Dawkins: Well the Bible speaks of a land of milk and honey, and it is not far wrong. We atheists live entirely on honey, and Paradise for me would be populated by brilliant atheists, such as Grayling, Fry, John Lennon, etc., all feasting eternally on honey. Eccles: Sounds like Hell to me. At this point the Swiss guard gave me the "blow on the head" of peace, and I knew no more. When I woke up I found myself in Mass, and, my head a bit hazy, it seemed that the Gospel passage went something like this: They handed him a denarius and he said, "Whose head is this? Whose name?" "Pachamama's" they replied. But I may have imagined it. Yes, I must have imagined it.
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
What are you giving up for Lent?
We asked some friends of this blog to tell us what they were giving up for Lent this year.
Prof. Massimo Faggioli.
When you live entirely on ice-cream, as I do, there is no food that you can reasonably give up. Likewise, my every waking moment is spent in explaining theology to less intelligent mortals by means of insights so profound that even I don't understand them; so it would be dangerous to make any changes, since civilisation would collapse without my brilliant epigrams.
Pope Francis.
Being the humblest pope who ever lived, I have no luxuries in life that I can give up. Likewise, I have no vices worth speaking of, Eccles. How dare you ask such an impertinent question! SLAP!
Cardinal Dolan.
It is important to show self-discipline during Lent, and so I am giving up health food - salads, spinach, fruit, etc. - and sticking to a diet of giant steaks, suet, and sticky toffee pudding. It will be hard for me, but I know that this penitential regime will do me good.
Prof. Tina Beattie.
What a sexist question! By asking me that, you're implying that women are inferior to men, aren't you? Just you wait until I get ordained and you want ashes on your forehead... they'll be so hot that you'll end up with scar tissue, you pig!
Fr James Martin SJ.
I shall give up reading the Bible in Lent - I disagree with most of it, anyway. Still, I shall miss the absorbing tale of how it took a humble carpenter's son 30 years before He was able to do miracles successfully, and even then everyone misunderstood His teachings until I came along.
Dr Austen Ivereigh.
People have asked me to give up my worship of Pachamama, my idolatory of Pope Francis, and my "brain-rotting" writing. But I thank God that I am unlike other men, and have no vices worth speaking of.
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI.
I am giving up tea for Lent, and indeed I am handing over my stock of Yorkshire tea to this new chap. I much prefer beer, anyway.
Prof. Richard Dawkins.
Well of course we have all outgrown the idea of Lent, as something that only religious extremists celebrate. So when I mention that, following an outcry, I have decided not to eat any human flesh from now on, this is not to be interpreted as a foolish religious fetish, but merely the wise decision of a venerable professor who is fed up with having bricks thrown through his window.
Fr Antonio Spadaro.
If 2+2 can equal 5, then the 40 days of Lent can equal 32. Thus, for the first week it isn't Lent at all, so why bother?
Sunday, 16 February 2020
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 27
1. So Richard continued to grow in years, if not in wisdom.
2. And he spake out, saying, "Let us consider eugenics, dearly beloved. It worketh for cows, horses, pigs, dogs and roses. Would it not work for humans?"
3. For Richard was dreaming of a Master Race of biologists, wise in the ways of the selfish gene.
4. Such people would naturally become experts in religion without needing to study it.
5. They would know how to deal with mighty theocracies by sending them lewd images, such as are known as the no-graphy of the poor.
6. They would be as fertile as the cow, as swift as the horse, as plump as the pig, as fearsome as the dog, and as fragrant as the rose.
"The Master Race shall feed on the finest honey if they can't get human flesh."
7. However, the people mocked him, saying, "Richard, by thy wibblings thou hast done wondrous things for the cause of the Lord God, but thy praise for eugenics shows thee to be as mad as the hatters of Wonderland."
8. However, Richard was undismayed, for he had recently written another book, designed for young people, and entitled "Outgrowing God."
9. For the publishers had said, "The children have had their brains washed with the word of the Lord, and it time for us to wash their brains with the word of the prophet Richard."
10. However, the children were unconvinced by the word of Richard, saying "Look, we may be only four years old, but even we can see that the ontological hypotheses underlying his Kantian rejection of the Almighty do not hold water."
"Hey! The God Delusion is even sillier!
11. However, Richard was undismayed, for the book was a bestseller, being Number Twelve Score and Five in the Times List of Barking Mad Books by Dotty Professors.
12. And so the long spiritual journey of Richard continued towards its very distant end.
Thursday, 8 March 2018
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 26
1. And it came to pass that Richard spake out on the subject of food.
2. "What if human meat is grown? Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism?" he asked.
"No, it's not beef, it's not pork. Have another guess!"
3. For he had begun to tire of the land of milk and honey in which he found himself in his old age. Especially the honey, which his thousands of admirers sent him daily.
4. For Richard had cried out in woe at the loss of his favourite honey pot to the guardians of the port that is called Air. Which was all the fault of Bin Laden.
5. And now he craved the flesh of Man.
6. The lunch of the ploughman, the pie of the shepherds, and the stew of the biologist, all these he craved.
7. The toad in the hole craved he not, neither the rare delicacy known as spam.
A dish fit for a celebrity atheist.
8. And many mocked Richard, but other devout people supported him.
9. For the Ecumenical Episcopalian-Aztec Fellowship said that in a very real sense Richard was to be commended.
10. Moreover, the Hannibal Lecteran Church wished to feast with the great professor.
11. Indeed, he was even blessed by the Catholic Diocese of the Borneo head-hunters, who had been praised by the Bishop Sorondo for their social teachings.
"The head-hunters will be meeting me somewhere round here for dinner."
12. But the friends of Richard hardened their hearts against the cooking-pots of Dawkins.
13. Even the learned atheist that is called Grayling refused to partake of Tête d'agent d'assurances à la Dawkins avec pommes frites. For alas! he had his own woes.
14. Yeah, he had discovered that Brexodus was like unto the Great War, that Maysis was using the gas of mustard, that the Rees that is Mogg was literally the Kaiser, and that millions had already been slain.
15. Wherefore then should he divert himself with the lighter pastimes of the table?
16. So Richard ate alone.
Wednesday, 7 March 2018
How social media bring people to the Catholic Church
"I owe it all to reading the Eccles blog."
Says one convert, "I feel that the Catholic Church is truly united behind Pope Francis at present. There is a general sense of well-being. He has solved the problems of China, by allowing them to appoint their own bishops, and probably the next Pope as well. He has waved his hand and made all the sex and financial scandals vanish into thin air. He has written a document on marriage and the family, Amoris Laetitia, that everyone can agree on. He has made some brilliant appointments of cardinals, by choosing the most unlikely people! What a time to be alive!"
"I'll have the shepherd's pie, made with real shepherds." No wonder people would rather be Catholics.
Said another convert, "I like the way new Catholics are made welcome. Austen Ivereigh - surely one of the giants of Catholic journalism - has described us as neurotic, and he is spot on! Then there's Professor Doctor Doctorior Doctorissimus Massimo Faggioli, a man whose knowledge of Catholic theology since 2013 (when the subject was invented) is second to none: he has warned us against conservative converts, and quite right too. Apparently the Catholic catechism will soon contain a section explaining that we should support Marxism, and that's only fair."
"Walter Kasper is my hero. A pillar of orthodoxy and traditional teaching."
Another convert spoke of the powerful work of Father James Martin LGBTSJ in driving people into the Catholic Church. "His new book, Digging a hole, is pure genius, and explains how we should all strive to go downhill. As explained in the papal encyclicals Facilis descensus Averno and Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate, there is wide path that we can all follow, paved with good intentions, and this is the way he wants Catholics to go."
But why do people rely on social media for their spiritual nourishment? Instead, could the Catholic Church not appoint people as leaders - you know, generally-respected shepherds of the sheep, who could give guidance? We would expect such people to speak out on issues of public concern. I've even thought of a name for them - bishops!
A bishop, showing leadership.
No, there's no hope there, and so people are driven to social media for guidance.
A final word from another convert: "In the end, the most effective tool for Evangelisation is surely the Eccles blog. Pope Francis is a regular reader of his "How to be a good pope" advice column; Peter Hitchens has never been the same since it was pointed out to him that Queen Elizabeth I martyred Catholics; Antonio Spadaro hangs on his every word. It can't be long before these three people (and many others) come out as Catholics." He's right, you know.
Monday, 13 November 2017
Eccles just can't be bothered
The dreaded Huq the Rupa.
In Victorian London, many innocent boys and girls were slaughtered on a daily basis. In an attempt to stop the flow of little corpses, men and women would aggressively pray outside abortion clinics, using the offensive words "Hail Mary, full of grace...", and desperately trying to save innocent lives.
But London was a dangerous place to pray, and in those foggy streets, people dreaded the sinister tread-tread-tread that denoted the approach of Huq the Rupa...
The USA's captain for the "Silliest Cardinal" World Cup hits a server with his crozier.
With their sacking of Fr Weinandy, for the offence of being confused by Pope Francis and scandalized by his bishops (isn't everyone?), the USCCB made it clear that they were expecting to field a strong team for the "Silliest Cardinal" World Cup.
Captain of a team that includes Farrell, Tobin, Wuerl and Dolan, Cardinal Blase expects his boys to meet some tough opponents, such as Rhino Marx's Germans, the Belgians, the Italians, and the Maltese. "But we'll show them that we can distort Catholic teaching with the best of them!" said the cardinal defiantly.
Let's consign Simon Jenkins to history.
The churches, the British Legion, and in fact most decent people, have decided that now is the time to consign to history "Sir" Simon Jenkins, writer of tedious and badly wrong Guardian articles.
"Sir Simon was essentially a 20th century phenomenon," said one commentator. "His views never did make much sense, but now that he apparently believes that we should drop Remembrance Day, it is really time to send him off to the Dunrantin Retirement Home for Potty Journalists."
Sir Simon today was unrepentant. "Since we have had no wars anywhere in the world since 1945 - well I haven't seen any in my agreeable mansions, apart from when my first wife left - it is clear that there is nothing to remember any longer. As I always say on November 11th 'Let me forget!'"
Sorry, Salman, the game's up. Go and read a good book instead.
Next, the third Global Atheist Convention, planned for Melbourne in 2018, has been cancelled for lack of interest. It looked like being a real humdinger of an event with Salman Rushdie (gosh, is he still alive?) talking about the book he wants to sell, and Richard Dawkins (yes, we know he's alive) talking about, er, the book he wants to sell. And with everyone trying to avoid mentioning God.
When the news was broken to Professor Dawkins, he said "It's all over with atheism. And I was hoping to stock up on duty-free honey. But Bin Laden has won."
And finally, the CofE approves of little girls pretending to be boys.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Everyone's scared of Christians
A much healthier hobby than Christianity.
They are right of course. Having a spotty nineteen-year-old accosting you to say "Have you got a personal relationship with Jesus? I have, ever since I met Him on the number 6 bus. Will you come to our service on Sunday and sing 'Lord of the Dance' with us?" is nearly as dangerous as encountering a Jehovah's Witness or a Jesuit priest trying to build bridges. Much better to have someone sidle up to you and say "Have you ever considered taking up serial killing? Join OXSERKILSOC, meet new people, and kill them!"
Well, enough of Balliol, or Baal. Let's move on to the Rosary, which is one of the main weapons of Christian Terrorism. Some Muslim MP called Rupa Huq is anxious to avoid its being "weaponised" outside abortion clinics - we mustn't stop the production of little corpses, must we?
They say that, following Rupa's warning, airport security is to be tightened up, and special Rosary-detectors installed, to prevent any "weaponised" Christians flying.
Possibly luvvly Rupa is related to Captain Huq, who also had problems with kids.
Of course Muslims are very sensitive to the power of the Rosary, especially after they got a bloody nose at Lepanto (cheers!). The Poles have recognised this and have been praying in an aggressive and tactless manner on their borders. But that's a Catholic country, so they don't know any better, unlike we British who are mostly Muslims anyway.
Mr Bean puts us straight. Just say NO to the Virgin Mary.
I had been planning to write some extra verses for Chesterton's Lepanto to celebrate the anniversary, but Dan Sheehan beat me to it:
Don John of Austria Has loosed the cannonade, But Massimo of Italy stayed home from the Crusade.Perhaps next year?
Even atheists use the Rosary, but they don't know how it works.
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
The Book of St Richard, Chapter 25
1. And Richard continued to age, yet still he failed to grow in wisdom and kindness.
2. Thus it came to pass that his wife Lalla agreed an "entirely amicable" separation with him, for she was finally exasperated by the selfishness of his genes.
3. And no man can say whether she threw plates at him.
Richard, Lalla and K9 (Mark 10) in happier times.
4. So Richard sought solace in good deeds, such as moaning about Brexit, moaning about the Trump that is called Donald, and of course moaning about religion.
5. For he continued to smite the Christians with a series of hard-hitting books, films, television programmes, interviews, tweets, exotic dances, oil paintings, sculptures, cartoons, operas, plays, novels, talking parrots, rude vegetables, and graffiti.
6. All of which bore the powerful message "I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG."
7. Thus Richard crushed the Christians with all the resources at hand, except of course for theology, philosophy and reading comprehension; for in his life as a Renaissance Man he had never had the chance to study any of these.
An angel heareth the words of Dawkins.
8. And Richard continued to be praised by those who hated God, and even in his seventy-seventh year he continued to travel.
9. He even defeated Katie Hopkins, Austen Ivereigh, and Damian Thompson, in a contest to find the politest person in Britain.
10. So it came to pass that Richard was invited to Berke-ley in the land of Cali-fornia, that he might speak on his book, "Another old potboiler", subtitled "Richard Dawkins - the years of martyrdom".
11. For the land of Cali-fornia abounded in atheists, liberals, sceptics, lunatics, freaks, weirdos, and hippies, and was thus only too pleased to welcome Richard to its shores.
"Yeah, man, Richard is a cool dude, don't you know?"
12. But it was not to be. For when crushing the Christians, Richard had not hesitated in mangling the Muslims as well.
13. And if there was one sin for the children of Cali-fornia, it was intolerance: except, curiously, intolerance of Christianity, which was often encouraged.
14. And indeed the mangling of Muslims is the worst crime of all (except, possibly, telling the transgendered to "get real").
15. So Richard was left to mourn in Oxford; and he wailed profusely and gnashed those few teeth that remained unto him.
Continued in Chapter 26.
Monday, 17 April 2017
Be nice to atheists at Easter
Twitter is not the world - there are rumours that those things walking down the street are also human. If you prick them, do they not bleed? If you tickle them, do they not laugh? If you poison them, do they not die? (If you get into trouble testing this theory, I accept no responsibility.) Still, if the real world is anything like Twitter, there are a lot of very unhappy atheists wandering around at present.
An intellectual giant among atheists, seen in happier times.
The problem is, that there are two big celebrations going on this week:
1. Jesus Christ rising from the dead. Mankind redeemed. Life suddenly has a meaning.
2. Bunny rabbits. Chocolate eggs. Er, that's it. This is what my life has been leading up to.
So if you're stuck at party (2) and you see people at party (1). What do you do? Why you get cross and say things like:
Of course Jesus never existed. Or, if he did exist, his message was "Enjoy yourselves, folks" and he was probably an atheist. Nah nah nah, you never see accounts of the Resurrection written by people who said it didn't happen! Children are brainwashed. Tee, hee, hee, why shouldn't I choose Thor or the (ho, ho, ho) flying spaghetti monster instead?
This is the real alternative to Christianity, but it may be tactless to mention it.
I love that last argument. Suppose you want to go from London to Edinburgh? There are many wrong ways to do this:
1. Take the M23 to Brighton, then drive into the sea.
2. Get on a Circle Line train and go round and round until you are thrown off.
3. Take a United Airlines flight to New York. If you can.
4. Sit in a dark cupboard moaning "Edinburgh doesn't exist."
Since there are 99999 wrong ways to get to Edinburgh, this PROVES that there is no right way. Anyone you see driving up the A1, taking a train at King's Cross, or taking a flight advertised as going to Edinburgh, is just a deluded fool who believes in sky fairies / invisible friends / whatever the latest insult is.
Of course this place doesn't really exist!
For once, Richard Dawkins doesn't seem to have joined the atheists' grayling and gnashing of teeth about Easter. These days his atheism seems to be less obsessive than his dislike of Brexit, Trump, Muslims etc. and advertising some ghastly tour of the States that he is making - perhaps he is having second thoughts in his old age?
Anyway, have a happy Easter, dear grumpy atheists. Remember, this is the choice that faces you:
Peter and John heading for the biggest event in history.
The second-biggest event in history.