This is the spiritual journey of me, Eccles, my big brother Bosco, and my Grate-Anti Moly. Eccles is saved, but we've got real problems with Bosco and Anti.
This is me, Eccles
![This is me, Eccles](
This is me, Eccles
Showing posts with label Pachamama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pachamama. Show all posts
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Answering your Catholic questions
In these turbulent times, leadership of the Catholic Church is not all it should be, and so many people come to this blog for spiritual guidance. Let's go!
Q. Who is Luce? What is Luce? Why is Luce?
A. The year 2025 sees a Jubilee of the Catholic Church. Now, we had a very exciting Jubilee of Mercy in 2015-16, with the
wonderful logo of a 2-headed 3-eyed cyclops on skis designed by Top Catholic Artist Marko Rupnik. This one will be different,
and Luce, designed in the well-known Anime Christi style has been chosen to represent the true essence of the faith.
Of course this is not the first time a woman has had top billing in the Catholic Church. For many years the
Blessed Virgin Mary was an object of veneration and adoration, but she has now fallen out of favour with the Vatican,
perhaps for being too "traditional".
St Joan of Arc - also rejected for being too rigid.
Anyway, if you are a faithful Catholic, you probably already own a crucifix, some rosary beads, quite possibly a scapular.
Q. What is a synod on synodality?
A. Well, nobody really knows. Some say it is like a meeting on meetingality, or a workshop on workshopality.
Perhaps it is more like a congress on congressality, or - like Vatican II - a council on councilality.
Of course, instead of putting a lot of moaning minnies in a room for several weeks, the whole business could
have been settled more cheaply another way (see below):
Pope Francis summons his experts for a Zoom on Zoomality.
Anima Christi,
Austen Ivereigh,
Fr James Martin,
Joan of Arc,
Jubilee Year of Mercy,
Marko Rupnik SJ,
Mike Lewis,
Pope Francis,
Sr Nathalie Becquart,
Timothy Radcliffe,
Friday, 13 September 2024
All roads lead to God
In Singapore, Pope Francis has explained to some children that
all religions are paths to reach God. As a public service, we present some parts of his address that you may have missed:
'Atheism is another way to find God - in the same way as walking east round the world is a way to get to the west. Just because we are Catholics, it doesn't mean we can't be atheists too! Indeed, many of my best friends are atheists - it's the believers I can't stand.
Flat-earthism is a valid faith too, but be careful with that east/west metaphor!
Another religion that will lead you to god is the worship of Rupnik - that brilliant painter whose life and works are
a model to us all. Sit down in a room with a Rupnik picture, and after an hour or two you will be ready for Heaven -
or at least you'll wish to die.
Zaphod Beeblebrox, by Rupnik.
Then who can forget the true faith of Pachamama, the Earth Mother goddess? Austen Ivereigh adores her - I have known
him to sit in a room with a Pachamama idol and, after an hour or two, to scream very loudly. Is he not
imitating the cry of the Mother Earth Goddess? Truly, little Austen is on the path to God!
One path to God - the scenic route.
So, different faiths are like different languages, different dialects.
After all, isn't saying "Allahu Akbar"
or "Slay the Infidels"
just as worthy as "Glory be to the Father" and MUCH better than "Gloria Patri"? Or, for that matter,
Cardinal Rochelieu's favourite prayer, "More Tiramisu, Please", is also a way to find God - or at least, a delicious dessert!'
And yes, Prince Philip worship is genuine.
Monday, 18 March 2024
Pope Francis's autobiography 2 - our hero starts work
Our serialization of the book continues from Part 1.
Me with my troublesome predecessor!
The Year of Mercy
Quite early in my reign I decided to institute a Jubilee Year of Mercy. As well as being very humble, I am also a particularly merciful man
- except to people I don't like -
so I initially proposed a slogan "Be merciful like the Holy Father!" However, owing to
a clerical error (the cleric in question has now been mercifully laicised), it came out as
"Merciful like the Father", which isn't at all the same thing!
My great friend Marko Rupnik was in Rome, and so I asked him
whether he could provide one of his artistic masterpieces as a logo. "The most appropriate thing would be
a two-headed skiing instructor with three eyes," he said, "just as soon as I finish
some work I have to do with my 'Nuns in Bondage'." The NIB wasn't an order I had ever come across, but
I was pleased to know that Marko was reaching out to these ladies.
An artistic masterpiece!
Amoris Laetitia.
One of my early triumphs was the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which followed two Synods
on the Family. In those days I hadn't yet got hold of the best way to run a synod, namely,
to invite trouble-makers to chatter to each other, flatter them by calling them experts,
and then ignore everything they say!
A few weeks before the report was due, I received a letter from Adolfo Nicolás, who was then
head of the Jesuits, saying "Holy Father, your recent documents have been too easy for
people to understand. Please insert some ambiguity, heresy and confusion into the next one,
or we may have to review your membership of the Jesuits."
I think I did rather well. The result was that four turbulent cardinals sent me five Dubia.
These were questions such as
"Are you off your head?" and "What do you think you are playing at?" and they were very difficult to answer!
So I ignored them completely, but made a note that a bit of Merciful Persecution would
be needed.
Luckily, two of the cardinals died quite quickly, and one was very old. This just left my ARCH-ENEMY,
Raymond Burke! I gradually took my revenge, so that now, at the time of writing, he is
penniless, homeless, and under order to walk around ringing a bell and shouting "UNSAVED! UNSAVED!"
Here I have him in a painful grip known as the "Chinese Burn".
One of my great triumphs as pope has been to welcome other religions into the "big tent".
Muslims, Hindus, Aztecs, Fire-worshippers, Pagans - even Anglicans - they're all just following slight variations on
Catholicism. So when the time came to welcome the Amazonian indigenous groups, we
bought a job lot of Pachamama idols and showed reverence to them.
My dear friend Austen Ivereigh, who has already written six seven books about
me, including "The Pope Francis keep-fit book" and "Pope Francis's insect-based recipes",
told me that Pachamama was actually just a name used by the Blessed Virgin Mary: this sounded
a bit TOO Catholic for me, but I let it pass.
Then what happened? Newspaper headlines worldwide!
What nonsense! As if I would ever apologise to anyone, even an Amazonian fertility goddess!
Just a perfectly ordinary day in the Vatican.
You may be wondering where the sex idols are now. Well, I passed them
onto my great friends Marko
and Tucho. They were delighted!
Part 3
is the last part. Honest.
Friday, 5 January 2024
The twelve days of Christmas
I started this song 3 years ago, got up to verse 5, and then gave up. Now, being
totally lacking in shame, I have decided to complete it.
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...a bishop in a pear tree.
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...two turkeys' books, ...
On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...three old hens, ...
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...four cardinals, ...
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...five Dubia, ...
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...six priests a-preying, ...
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me... Synners Synning, ...
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...eight clowns a-circling, ...
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...nine Roches raging, ...
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...ten Pachamamas, ...
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...eleven guards a-guarding, ...
Finally, on the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me...
...twelve popes a-poping, ...
Friday, 1 December 2023
Burkegate - What Pope Francis really said
A special article by Austen "Spindoctor" Ivereigh for the
Where Pachamama is blog.
The Pope is an astonishly patient man, and will sink his enemies even if it takes him ten years to do it.
Seeing all the bad publicity he was getting for
his merciful and patient attacks on Cardinal Burke, he summoned me to Rome as a matter
of urgency so that I could explain to the world what he was up to. Did I mention that I am an expert
on papal matters?
I flew to Rome from Bristol airport, stopping on the way at the Multifaith Bus Shelter for
a spot of Pachamama devotion, also in order to pin up a mural by my favourite artist
Marko Rupnik. The place was deserted apart from an Incan sacrifice taking place
at the same time.
A sacred place!
Patient merciful Pope Francis the Humble was not in good health - a sprained wrist through slapping too many Chinese girls -
but he explained to me that he loved Cardinal
Burke - after all, we are commanded to love our enemies, and Burke was one of
his worst enemies. With their Dubia, Burke and his fellow-conspirators had asked Pope Francis to explain some
aspects of Amoris Laetitia
several years ago, knowing perfectly well that clear and unambiguous
teaching is against the rules of the Jesuit order.
Burke had also dared to criticise the Synod on Synodal Synodality of Synodhood,
arguably the most important Catholic event since Pentecost, saying that it
was a complete waste of time. Having myself attended as an expert, I know
that getting barmy old ladies sitting round tables and moaning is the true future of the Church!
We must all be Synod!
At this point in our discussion, Francis found his patience
tried beyond all limits, and he humbly kicked Rupnik, the Vatican cat, through the window.
"Don't worry," he said. "Pick up the body and give it to Mike Lewis. He'll eat anything."
Instead of living in a broom cupboard, as the humble Holy Father does, Cardinal
Burke has a much larger apartment, and this is now required by other cardinals
who wish to hold "get-togethers" there. I know that Cardinal Coccopalmerio
has already put in a bid.
Who is this shadowy figure?
Of course Burke is still a member of two dicasteries, and of the Apostolic Signatura,
but as Pope Francis explained, he should regard these positions as honours, and not expect to
be paid.
So what message am I to take away from my meeting with the Humble Father? First,
although in our conversation he described Burke as his enemy, he has now sent me
a note saying "I never used the word 'enemy' nor the pronoun 'my'." Obviously
we all misheard - it's easily done. Also he certainly never said "We hates him we hates him,
nasty Burkies, we hates him, my precious, and we is going to throw him
out on the streets!"
I hope I have made it clear, and let me repeat this: Pope Francis is patient, kind and
merciful, and Cardinal Burke is a meanie. Strickland has fallen! Burke has fallen!
Who will be next? Aha!
Great stuff, Austen. And the cat pie was delicious! Mike.
Mike Lewis!
Thursday, 25 May 2023
New Auckland-rite vestments available
Following the lead of Bishop Stephen Lowe of Auckland, New Zealand, Gammarelli's outfitters has
now agreed to stock the new "Snickers" vestments that are driving the Catholic world wild.
Bishop Lowe models the new vestments.
Apparently, the "Snickers" liturgy is as orthodox as Pachamama, it being a Polynesian custom
for clergy to wear chocolate bars round their necks when offering the Mass (or "Mars" as
they pronounce it). Depending on the liturgical season, the Snickers may also be
replaced by Bounty bars, Kit-Kats, Milky Way, Toblerone, etc.
Poor Hoho, the greatest theologian of our age, has
given his approval, pointing out that the new liturgy helps to implement Pope Francis's
Traditional Custardpie.
Cardinal Roche has also declared himself very enthusiastic about the new vestments, and has
personally ordered a dozen Snickers necklaces ("and don't bother about the chasuble").
Mike Lewis of Where Pacha Is has also given his imprimatur, although
regular readers of this blog will know that he normally prefers sausages.
On the other hand, this has been a good week for the Trads, with the announcement that this year's
hard-right fascist Chartres pilgrimage has drawn a record attendance, and
is now closed to further pilgrims. It is not known whether any of the devout will be wearing
Snickers bars around their necks although the event is something of a marathon.
Pope Francis is "delighted" to hear the news of Chartres.
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
With apologies to George Orwell.
Winston Smith's route to Mass took him past the People's Aborturama. Here, citizens were encouraged
to punish their unwanted children with painful execution, so that their organic components could
be recycled for the good of the state. Seeing officers of
PrayPol, the Prayer Police, standing nearby, Winston hastily put his hands in his
pockets and arranged his features into a large smile. That way, nobody would accuse him of
A scene of explicit praycrime.
Naturally, Big Brother had no objection to the use of prayers, provided that they were taken
from the Synod 2021-2045 Handbook. This had been compiled by the late Citizen Ivereigh of the Ministry of Religion
on the instructions of Pope Francis the Godly, whose remarkable brain was now operating for eternity
thanks to the miracles of science.
The Pope (aged 148) continues his work.
State-approved prayers were mostly
addressed to Pachamama, the People's goddess, and involved repentance for
environmental wrongs, such as plasticstrawsinning or candlecrime. Unauthorized prayers outside
the People's Aborturama, the Youthinasia retirement home, or DragonQueen, the children's gender reassignment playground,
were of course severe examples of praycrime, and the offender was liable to compulsory re-education.
A doubleplusungood example of praycrime.
mostly consisted of the guilty citizen
being imprisoned in the Greta Thunberg Education Facility (formerly Oxford University), where the offender was forced to listen to endless lectures on Critical Race
Theory, Gender Theory and of course Climate Change (scientists had recently revised their estimates,
revealing that the World would be consumed by fire no
later than 2090).
Winston arrived on time at the Pachamama Cathedral Mosque. Mass would start with a two-minute Hate of White People,
who, it had been established by the Big Sister of Oceania (formerly President Meghan of the United States), were responsible for all the
evils of the world...
To be continued? I hope not. Just read the newspapers if you want more.
Saturday, 16 July 2022
Scalfari interviews Satan
The scene: Hell. Satan is relaxing in a comfortable chair. Suddenly the late
Eugenio Scalfari materialises before him.
Satan: Ah, Scalfari. How nice to see you. Do you know who I am?
Scalfari: Hmm, a strong smell of brimstone, an atmosphere of evil. Of course!
I am in the archdiocese of Chicago, and you must be Blase Cupich!
Satan: Well, nearly right. In fact, you've died and gone to Hell. My name is Satan.
How are you?
Apart from being dead, I mean.
Our ace reporter.
Scalfari: Fine, thanks. Now what's going on?
Satan: Well, I thought we could make your stay in Hell more comfortable if
we put you to some use. Would you mind interviewing me?
Scalfari: Well, I seem to have got my hearing back, so that would make
things go more smoothly. I won't have to make things up.
Satan: No problem if you do. After all, I am the Father of Lies.
Scalfari: But why do you need to be interviewed, anyway? You have regular
columns in America magazine, the National Catholic Reporter,
and the Tablet...
Satan: Also I'm a regular contributor to Where Peter Is and a few
other Catholic blogs! Still, all publicity is evil publicity, as we say down here. Now, start asking questions.
Scalfari: So what exactly are your religious beliefs?
Satan: Well, in fact I'm a devout Catholic, although of course I feel that
doctrine needs to evolve.
Scalfari: Do you receive communion?
Satan: No, unfortunately, I am confined to Hell. Still, I do have many agents
on the Earthly Plane. Blase. Jimbo. Fat Arthur. Joe. Nancy... They sell me their souls
and I give them great power and success. How else do you think such no-hopers got so far?
"Now remember, today's code phrase is 'Nighty-night, baby'."
Scalfari: I see. All these absurd cardinals that Pope Francis keeps creating?
Satan: We don't make it too obvious. One or two genuine Catholics are kept on the list as
well. Although we took care to delete Chaput, Cordileone, and a few others who looked too
Scalfari: Great. Now, any comments for our readers on Traditionis Custodes, which
is coming up to its first anniversary?
Satan: The idea came to Pope Francis in a dream - well, I put it there. How best to
cause division in the Catholic Church, other than by persecuting all the people who
worshipped in the traditional way?
There is a knock on the door and a servant enters.
Satan: Ah, Pachamama! Two teas, please! With added brimstone.
"Have a nice cup of tea."
Thanks to Johann du Toit for an idea.
Thanks to Johann du Toit for an idea.
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Child sacrifices to be restricted
Peru, 1533.
There has been outrage among leading Inca celebrities at
reports that child sacrifices in the Empire are now to be greatly
restricted, and will be decided upon locally.
The activities of "Planned Sacrifice" may now be severely restricted.
Opposition to the change in the law is being led by President Joe "devout" Atahualpa and the lovely Nancy Passthebotl, who see it as a threat to the woman's
"Right to murder". Still, the Supreme Court of Judge Pizarro has now decided to overturn the traditional "Mom v Babe" ruling which has been the basis of sacrifice law for so long.
Pachamama - one of the Inca gods.
So far, nothing has been heard from the Vatican, neither from the Pontifical Academy of Sacrifice, nor from Pope Clement VII ("Clement the humble"),
who himself is actually a devotee of Pachamama. Still, more serious Catholic sources are backing the new rules and we may see a major reduction
in the number of sacrifices.
Laus Deo, if Archbishop Arfurocha still allows us to say that.
Friday, 15 April 2022
Jesuits ask us to drop the Bible
Following the enthusiastic reception of the Jesuits' latest idea - that we should stop reading St John's
Gospel on Good Friday (apparently it causes outbreaks of antisemitism among the hard of thinking),
they have decide to go the whole hog*.... oh...
*Sorry, not hog. Jews and Muslims don't eat them. Or vegetarians. Let's say "the whole cabbage".
... they have decided to go the whole cabbage and ban the Bible entirely.
Jesuits - the gift that keeps on giving.
There are many parts of the Bible that are offensive and lead to "phobias" of various kinds. The LGBTSJ community - including many Jesuits -
is not too keen on the bits where homosexual acts are described as sinful, and transgenderism as impossible. There are also lots
of racial and religious problems: many people after reading the Old Testament develop a dislike of Philistines, especially big ones
called Goliath; also, the Baal-worshipping community is deeply offended by the story of Elijah. "Of course our God wasn't sleeping, he
was having a day off."
More generally, the ten commandments have been condemned by the murdering community, the thieves' guild, most of the population of Hollywood (adultery),
and the Lawyers' Society (false witness). It does seem that the authors of the Bible refused to show mercy, compassion, tolerance, blah blah blah.
And some very prominent Jesuits have been seen in situations of idolatory.
Or so I am told.
So you can see why the Jesuits are really not too keen on the embarrassing bits of the Bible.
Let St John (if it is the same St John) have the last word in the Book of the Apocalypse (Revelation):
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from these things that are written in this book.
Saturday, 19 February 2022
AI takes over the Catholic blogosphere
Paying people to write spiritually nourishing content is so old-fashioned.
I produce my stuff without being paid, and even the Jesuit America Magazine only pays peanuts - which is
quite appropriate as its writers are an army of monkeys with typewriters.
We have stumbled across an AI program that will do the tedious writing bit for us.
Its address is in case you want to play with it.
You give it a couple of themes, and it does the rest. Thus: "Pope Francis" and "Pachamama"
gave me this:
Pope Francis was in a good mood as he walked into the Amazon rainforest. He had just finished a speech to the crowd of indigeneous people
who lived there. "Pachamama," he called out to the goddess of the earth, "thank you for the generous gift of this land. I vow to protect it and
to always be grateful for your blessings."
That could be taken straight from Where Peter Is and nobody could tell the difference, especially if
it went on to explain how Pope Francis was totally right.
As an homage to Damian Thompson, let's give it "Arthur Roche" and "ice-skating".
Arthur Roche was an accomplished ice-skater. He had won many awards and was a member
of the best ice skaters in the country. One day, he decided to try out for the national team.
He was nervous but hopeful. He skated his best, and even though he didn't make the team,
he was proud of himself.
This looks like something from the old Telegraph blogs, or possible the Catholic Herald.
Next, what can we say about "Dr Faggioli" and "beans"?
Dr. Faggioli was an odd man. He loved beans. He loved beans so much, in fact, that he would eat them every day, no matter what. Some people found his obsession strange, but Dr. Faggioli couldn't help it. He loved beans.
"Father James Martin" and "bridge" are the heroes of our next piece, which is simply a news item.
Father James Martin, a Jesuit priest, was on a bridge over a river when he saw a man who appeared to be drowning. He jumped into the water and pulled the man to safety.
It may even be true - who knows? Next, a horror story combining "Austen Ivereigh" and "pope".
In an age when the papacy was rocked by scandals and just as the Church was losing its grip on the hearts and minds of its followers, a new pope was elected. His name was Austen Ivereigh, and many people were excited to see what he would do to restore the Church's reputation.
Pope Francis dreams of his successor.
And we'll give "Pope Francis" and "Latin Mass" the final word. Somehow, I think our correspondent has
got his wires crossed:
Pope Francis has called for the return of the Latin Mass, the traditional Catholic Mass which is celebrated in Latin. Many Catholics are excited about this change, believing that the Latin Mass will help them connect more with the Church's history.
Well? You heard it here first.
America magazine,
Arthur Roche,
artificial intelligence,
Austen Ivereigh,
Damian Thompson,
Fr James Martin,
Latin Mass,
Massimo Faggioli,
Pope Francis,
Where Peter is
Thursday, 17 February 2022
Pope Francis goes on the attack
Pope Francis has finally decided to clamp down on undesirable conduct in the Catholic Church.
That's telling them!
When asked to give more details of the sort of bullying he was referring to, the Holy Father mentioned the
case of an unnamed senior archbishop who was trying to stop Catholics from celebrating the traditional Latin Mass.
"The fat pasta-filled buffoon is telling bishops to restrict the TLM and drive it underground," he growled. "I can't
imagine where he got the idea!"
But it is not just bullying that Pope Francis objects to. "I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you, to learn that idolatry
has been taking place in Rome itself!" he went on. "Some very foolish people have been worshipping the demon
Pachamama (some even claimed that she was just another manifestation of the Blessed Virgin Mary!) If I find the
people responsible, they'll end up in the Tiber!"
Roundly condemned by Pope Francis.
"I am also disgusted when I hear what is happening in China," he continued. "Some idiot came to an agreement
that the Chinese could appoint their own bishops and persecute Catholic priests. Then when Cardinal
Zen came to discuss the situation, he refused even to see him! What does he think he's playing at?"
"I saw reports that someone had slapped a poor Chinese woman who simply wanted to talk to me! This violence against women must cease!" he thundered.
"All in all, the general administration of the Vatican is a DISGRACE. German synodal paths! Financial scandals! Toleration of
the gay Mafia! Bullying the Order of Malta! It has got to STOP, do you hear?"
"All sorts of undesirables think they can get in to see me!"
But all is not lost. Pope Francis has promised to institute a full enquiry into the shocking state of the
Vatican hierarchy, with a reporting date not later than 2062.
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
What happened after Francis left
As I walked through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place where was a den, and laid me down in that place to sleep; and as I slept, I dreamed a dream. I dreamed...*
It was two weeks after the departure of Pope Francis from the chair of St Peter. In my dream it was not clear to me whether he had died,
resigned, been carried off to the funny farm, or been arrested by the Swiss Guard. In any case, a conclave had been held
and Cardinal Sarah was quickly elected Pope. Nobody wanted a Francis II, and even the Cupiches and Marxes realised that they could
not get away with it.
Noisy popes? Who on earth did Cardinal Sarah have in mind?
Pope Pius XIII (as he now was) wasted no time in tidying up the mess left by his predecessor. When he emtered the
papal apartments he removed all the Pachamama idols that were cluttering up the place and
burned them in public -
tschugguelling them into the Tiber left the risk that they might be fished out again. He made the possession of the
Pachamama dolls an excommunicable offence - much to the distress of Austen Ivereigh, who had planned to
give his nearest and dearest Pachamamas for Christmas.
No longer needed in the Catholic Church.
Then he turned his attention to some of Pope Francis's writings. Instantly he repealed Traditionis Custodes,
much to the distress of Arthur Roche, who turned out to have backed the wrong horse. Uncle Arthur was taken
away from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and sent back to his native Batley
to sort out the problems of the schoolteacher who was in hiding after showing his class a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed.
We did not see him again.
Amoris Laetitia was next for the bonfire, and the Dubia were answered with a definite "No, yes, yes, yes, yes!" to
the delight of the surviving cardinals, Vice-Popes Burke and Brandmüller.
"Synods?" said the new pope. "Who needs synods, let alone synods about synods? They're cancelled, and anyone seen
trying to set up a synod will be severely disciplined by the new Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, now
renamed the Inquisition once more."
A tense moment in discussions at the Batley Townswomen's Synod.
"A good morning's work," said Pius XIII. "I'm now going to visit Emeritus Pope Benedict for lunch, and see
whether he has any more suggestions."
In the afternoon of the first day the new pope excommunicated Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, sacked Jeffrey Sachs,
and laicised Fr James Martin LGBTSJ. "Francis bullied the Order of Malta, and the Franciscan Friars of the
Immaculate," he told his friends. "I have my sights on the Jesuits and their Satanic America magazine."
Then he sorted out the German bishops and turned his attention to China, and ...
Unfortunately, it was only a dream.
*John Bunyan.
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