Showing posts with label copics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copics. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Over a year !!!

Well it has been over a year since I have crafted !!!! I have been off work on shut down and I just think I got bored lol But made a card and a gift bag for a friend's birthday.. As you can tell from the picture taking still can't take a good picture yet lol Lands it took me forever to figure out how to upload this lol Been way to long !!

And the gift bag.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and  Have a Happy New Year !!

Sunday, July 1, 2012



Happy Sunday dear friends !!!

I hope everyone is staying cool  in the air conditioning!!! We have had the hottest week ever. Our temperatures reached 108 the lowest was 105. I tell you work was so miserable we were all about half sick !!! We have air in the factory well somewhat but it was better than it was outside that is for sure. There are a lot of factory's that do not have air and Aisin is one of the good ones that do !! But without rain for weeks we finally got some about 3 am this morning. My grass is just brown no green at all !!!

But after work yesterday I came home and got all the chores done and today I had a play time. I love this Dreads from Krista Smith so knowing I had to make all the girlfriends of Kirstie’s some things I took advantage of this image and made a frame with her.

I used some old papers from DD’s. The image was colored with my copic’s and spica glitter pens . The corner die is one of Susana’s Custom Art and Cards new custom dies by Susana. I just love this set. Then I used the peace sign die and popped one in a bottle cap and used diamond glaze to cover it. I got the wooden peace word from HL.


Here is a close up of Dreads and I used some diamond glaze on her eyes to give them a pop.


Here is the back of the frame and I painted it with Susana’s Silks she has. I LOVE this color it is Spicy Tomato. The picture does not do the silks justice. These silks has such a gorgeous shine to them.


Well that is it for me today. I am going back to the craft room and do a little more to some other projects I have going. It takes me forever anymore to finish anything working the hours I do but I do enjoy getting to play what little time I get.

Thanks so much for stopping bye and visiting me. It is greatly appreciated and I love reading all your comments  from you.

Sending hugs (((((((((((())))))))))))))

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weekend Play Time


Happy Weekend dear friends !!! It was a great weekend for me I am happy to say. I was off a couple days on vacation this week and boy was it a busy time that it has flown bye so fast.

I spent the first day doing all the house chores and Friday my youngest granddaughter and I had a girls day out !! We went out to eat and shopped till we dropped and then to the movies. Now that wore me out worse than working lol  Yesterday morning was spent doing the outside work, and I even scrubbed the deck lol But last night I had a long sit and done some playing and finished them up today.  It felt so good just to sit and play and do something just for fun.

As you all know I had to step down from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards as my work load at work is just way to much anymore. It was a very hard decision but something I had to do for I couldn’t give 100% to her and Susana is just the greatest person I have ever met.  She is so wonderful to work with and we have grown into very best friends that I will always cherish. Your the best girl !!!

My first card is a Sylvia Zet image for Susana’s store and she is just the sweetest !!!I so love coloring these images. Papers are from Susana’s called Carta Bella and this pad is just gorgeous !!! Susana carry's the most variety of paper pads I have ever seen in one store. Check them out here.

Now look at those corner dies !!!!!!!!! OMG !!! Susana has got her own line of dies, Dies by Susana. You won’t believe all the detail in these dies folks.  I saw them in the store and loved them but when I got them in person OMG they are to die for !!! If you all do not have any of these yet then you are missing out !! Trust me !!

For my image Friendship Ties ! This beauty has been colored with my copic’s and I have used the spica glitter pens on the image also. I have to say I had so much fun coloring her in and having such a great play time.


Yes 2 cards in one weekend !!!

I have used this adorable Party Hardy image from Krista Smith. She has been colored with my copic’s and spica glitter pens. I added a Petaloo flower and I have used a MS border.

I used a different corner die from Dies by Susana and I so love this one too. Love it. And look at those papers !!! I just about cried when I cut into them, A very dear sweet friend from the UK sent these to me (thanks so much sweetie) These are from the Life in the Country from Maja Designs. Oh I so feel in love with this pad.

There is a new challenge going on at the Saturated Canary Challenge Blog of Red , White and Blue so I am going to enter this card there.


Thanks so much for stopping bye and visiting me, I have to say I had a blast with some play time this weekend for fun.  Sending Big hugs your way (((((((()))))))))))))))

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tilda Boxes


Hello dear blogging friends !!!

Well I got some play time in this weekend and so I thought I would show you what I got done. I had some boxes already painted and some images had already been colored so I finished them up today by adding some papers from Jen Allyson on them. As I told you before my granddaughters friends wanted some things made for there birthdays so I figured I better get some more done for I really don’t know when the kids birthdays are. So at least they will be ready.

This first box I painted with some Viva Decor Inka Gold Paint I love how smooth this goes on. I used Old Gold for this box. I used some glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers and a Magnolia fence die. Sorry the pictures aren’t very good today.


This next box I used the same papers on and used a Make It Crafty chipboard corner from Susana’s. I added the glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers and added some lace around the box.

I have a couple more boxes painted just need to get some images colored for them so hopefully soon I will have some more to show you. I think after this I will have enough boxes and frames made for the girls when there birthdays arrive.

Thanks a lot for stopping bye and visiting me. It is greatly appreciated.

Sending Big Hugs ((((((((())))))))))))


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Play Ball !!!!


Good day dear blogging friends !!!

Well it is the end of the weekend !! I was so lucky to of been put on a different line Friday instead of mine so I didn’t have to work the weekend !! YIPPEE !!

I got some play time in late last night and this morning I got to finish it all. I have so many projects I need to start. When my oldest granddaughter had her birthday party all her little friends loved all her boxes and frames I made her so they told her they wanted some for there birthdays lol Boy I got myself a list already lol Bless their hearts lol

So I started off with this wooden coat hanger. Thought it would make just a cute decoration for their room. I used this gorgeous image from Krista Smith called Gothica. Isn’t she so cute ??? I colored her with my copic’s and spica glitter pens.  I used the Silks from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards to paint the wooden hanger and then added Making Memories paper to the front. I used some glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers. So LOVE this stuff !!! The  Friends was a die cut from Sizzix

I saw where the challenge at Saturated Canary Challenge Blog was anything goes so I am going to enter this there.



Here is a side view of the hanger.


Yesterday was my youngest granddaughters birthday so before the party she had a ball game. So grandma went and sat in the steaming hot sun to watch her play. She made a home run too. It was so cute to watch them all play. So here is my little diva granddaughter and when I use that word diva I really mean it lol


Here she is playing 3rd base.


And here is a pic of my only 2 granddaughters taken at her party. Ashley on the left and Kirstie on the right. Ashley turned 6 yesterday and Kirstie was 9 in May. Boy they so grow up so fast.

I got some news a couple weeks ago that I am going to be a great grandma !!!! Man am I ever getting old !!!! We don’t know yet what it is still to early but am excited.


Well I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. I know mine has sure been busy. Now I need to go start on all the house work and laundry lol Just never stops does it.

Thanks so much for stopping bye and visiting me today. I so appreciate it. I know I don’t get on much working the long hours I do but I so appreciate all the comments you leave me.

Sending Big Hugs your way. (((((((()))))))))))))

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The last of the birthday gifts


Hello dear friends !!! I so hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Mine was busy as usual but the best part of the weekend is my dear sweet friend from the UK called me and we had such a wonderful chat. It is always so nice to get to talk in person.

But I did manage to finish up the rest of Ashley's birthday crafts lol I bought her present awhile back and she has no idea what it is yet but she had told me she needed me to make her things for her new room. So I showed you the frames last week and I finally finished her card and the rest.

This is Ava from Krista Smith isn’t she so adorable?? I just love these images. I colored her with copic’s and used some spica glitter pens on her. I so love these eyes and I used some diamond glaze on them to give them more of a pop. Papers are from some old SU papers.  The sentiment is from some words from TAC. I used the Whimsy Stamps ticket die for the sentiment. And as always I used some glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers.


Then here is a large chipboard letter A for her room which I used some more older papers from SU  I colored up a Tilda with my copic’s and spica glitter pens and this gorgeous flourish I got from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards.  I used the glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers also.


I could not get a good picture of this frame at all so I didn’t make it very big here for the glass is just shooting off so much glare. But this is another picture Ashley sent me to decorate for her. I just bought a frame at Wal-Mart and added some lace to it. I used the Whimsy Stamps banner dies and some sizzix alphabet dies.



Here is the story behind the picture she gave me. This is Trevor, He was in Ashley’s class and he passed away this winter. He had wondered off behind his house and had fell into the cold winter pond and drown.  So his parents had these papers made up and I have made it bigger here so you can read it. This really shook the kids up and Ashley wanted it decorated up some. But the picture above just doesn’t show very well. Sorry.


Well that is it for me for now. I have now finished up all her crafts she wanted, took me long enough but it is just so hard to get much done working long hours.

But thank you all so much for stopping bye. I so appreciate it. Sending Big Hugs ((((((((())))))))))))))

Monday, May 28, 2012

Frames for the birthday girl


Happy Memorial Day dear friends !!!!!!

I hope everyone has enjoyed there long weekend !!! I know I sure have that is for sure.

I went to the graveyard and decorated my parents grave along with my Aunt Rosie’s.

Then Saturday we had my oldest granddaughters birthday party. She turned 9. It was sure a hot day but we had a cookout and all the kids played volleyball and played in the pool. Then she got a trampoline for her birthday so they all had a great time in it. And this ol lady got in it too. Oh what a site it was !!!!

So yesterday I had a play day in my craft room finishing up all the projects that had been started for my youngest granddaughter’s birthday. She always wants some craft stuff from me along with her presents and this time she placed her own order along with a picture lol She is a total little diva that is for sure lol

But this is one of her dear friends she gave me a picture of so this is the frame I made for her. I used A Wee Stamp that I got at Whimsy Stamps along with the sentiment and die for it. Then I used a Memory Box die and added some bling. I used some lazer Chipboard from Make It Crafty and colored it with the Silks Acrylic Glaze. The flowers were painted with Glamour Dust Glitter Paint. And I colored my image with my copic’s and spica glitter pens. The paper is some older paper from SU.


The next frame is a image from Sylvia Zet for Susana’s Custom Art and Cards. She has also been colored with copic’s and spica glitter pens.

I used some more lazer chipboard from Make it Crafty and this gorgeous bling flourish is from a very sweet dear friend.

Flowers were painted with glamour dust glitter paint.


All the same things here except I used a Wee image here and the papers are also older SU papers.


I am just about done with my projects one more to go and my desk will be clean again lol I hope to finish it today. We will see.

Thanks so much for stopping bye and seeing me. I know I don’t get on much but do thank each of you that leave me such wonderful comments.

Sending you Big Hugs ((((()))))) And enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Oh it has been so long !!!

Hello dear friends !!! Man it seems like ages since I have been on !!! My poor ol blog has been neglected so bad !

I am still working lots of hours but I finally got a weekend off and was so ready for it. My plan is to get all my work done today so I can just sit and enjoy the day Sunday.

Besides working there has been so much going on in my life with my family it is unreal !!

Below is a picture of my dad’s brothers and sisters this was taken in 2005. My dad passed away in 1988 so he is the only one missing here but Uncle Boob has been ill and in a nursing home since Feb. He is doing therapy and we are hoping to get him home soon he is walking with a walker now so he is getting better but his wife Aunt Rosie passed away April 18th very unexpectedly. She was a rock so this was such a shock to us all !!!! She was a sweetheart that was for sure. So we had her funeral and this  Monday Uncle Boob’s TWIN sister Aunt Marge passed away.  So it has been a trying time here. Aunt Marge and Uncle Boob was 83 the 27th of April.

The evening of the day we buried Aunt Rosie my grandson was going home that night and he took the country roads home which was shorter. And this stupid deer came out of the  woods and ran right into the drivers side of Dyllon’s door. The deer’s head busted his drivers side window out and got him in the face and all the glass cut his face up and got in his eye. He is doing okay but the jeep got a number done to it. The body of the deer went back and got both doors and the rear quarter panel. But he is okay now and that is great. He just misses his vehicle lol

Then to top it off we found out my oldest daughter had cervical cancer. She has had her surgery and is doing good. They are 97% they got it all but she will go every 3 months to have a check up to make sure it hasn’t came back.
So needless to say my life has been pretty crazy !!!


I have not been in my craft room for over a month and I had so many projects half done that had been there for months. So last night I decided to add the flowers to them and let them be lol It was great to get to play but the ol mojo just isn’t there anymore. I still have lots of projects laying there to be finished so maybe one day I can get them done. Some are for my granddaughters birthday which is in June and another one the 28th of May !!! Don’t know if they will get done or not lol

But here is a card I had done using a Krista Smith image. It has been so long ago I could not tell you what paper pad this is from but I do know it came from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards . I buy all my paper from her and I used some glamour dust glitter paint on the flowers. I saw where Krista has a challenge for may flowers so after many many months I am going to enter this there at Saturated Canary Challenge Blog.


Next I added some flowers to this project to finish it up. A picture frame with Tilda. I got some gorgeous bling from a dear friend for my birthday and I used it on the frame. The papers are some old MME papers again Glamour dust glitter paint was used on the flowers.

So sorry I don’t remember much about these 2 projects but it has been so long since I had started them.


Well I have so much housework to get caught up on and outside work. I am going to get it all done today so I can take tomorrow to do nothing.

I do hope everyone is doing well and hopefully one day I can get back into the groove of crafting again. But for now just some old projects that had been laying around unfinished lol

As always sending Big Hugs your way (((((((((())))))))))))))))))

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Mail Peeker !!!

EB releasesm

Good day dear friends.

Today I am so honored to show you one of the new images from Elizabeth Bell for Susana’s Custom Art and Cards. Oh these little peekers are adorable !!!!

If you came here from  Kim’s   blog then you are on the right track . If not please start at the Follow Your Heart blog so you don’t miss out on any of these cuties.

This cutie is called Happy Mail Peeker !!

I have used Prima Papers that I got from Susana and I have colored my image with my copic’s and Spica Glitter pens.

I have used the Memory Box die scroll on my card and the large white flower is from Prima.

I also used some Smooch Pearlized accent ink on the flowers of the image.

EB release

Next on the hop is   Lori

Thanks so much for stopping bye and I do hope you so enjoy the hop.

And don’t forget to click here to go to Susana’s Custom Art and Cards for these adorable Peekers

And for our International friends can get these stamps at Quixotic Paperie.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Garden Eyes

Garden eyessm

Hello dear blogging friends !!

I am back today to show you another one of the Susana Loves Stamps Collection. And from my title you can see this beauty is Garden Eyes !!

Isn’t she just adorable???

I have colored her with copic’s and have used some spica glitter pens.

Lots of glamour dust and some diamond glaze on the eyes.

The paper pad I used is from Authentique called Free bird  and you all need to check out all of Susana’s collection of paper. You won’t believe the large variety.

Garden eyes

Well I hope you have enjoyed this gorgeous Garden Girl

Thanks for stopping bye and Sending Big Hugs ((((((())))))))

Come Hither Eyes

Come hither eyessm

Oh look what i have to show you today !!! This is Come Hither Eyes from the Susana Loves Stamp Collection.

She has been colored with my copic’s and spica glitter pens.

And this gorgeous paper is a pad from Susana’s called Yours Truly from Echo Park. This pad is just beautiful !!!

I have used several Memory Box Dies for my card and and the flower is from Prima.

I used diamond glaze on the heart and eyes and glamour dust for the wings.

So hope you all got your hands on some of these beauties I tell you that you will love coloring these in and the eyes are just breath taking.

Thanks for stopping bye and visiting me today. Sending Big Hugs your way (((((((()))))))))

Come hither eyes

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Secret Garden Peeker


Hello dear friends !!!

Well as usual I am trying to cram everything into one day off. But first things first I got me some play time in this morning before all the chores. lol

I have had my eye on this so adorable Secret Garden Peeker from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards for some time now and finally got her a couple weeks ago and got her inked and colored now.

She is from Elizabeth Bell’s collection for SCACD . I have colored her with my copic’s and have used some Spica Glitter Pens on her. This GORGEOUS paper is from the new Primas   pad Meadow Lark. You so need to go check out all of the new paper pads Susana has in her store now WOW !!!!

I also used some Glamour Dust Glitter Paint on the flowers and on the corner I used one of the new Make It Crafty ornate corners two. I painted it with some silks paint and oh what a gorgeous sparkle it has.

I got me some wonderful goodies for my birthday from my dear sweet friend from the UK !! Thanks dear I so love everything !! So I used one of my new brads with spacer on the card.


There are lots of new exciting things coming at Susana’s Custom Art and Cards and you so don’t want to miss out on anything so keep following the Follow Your Heart blog for all the news and I will try to do my best to keep you updated here. Work has just got in the way of all my crafting time I just don’t have enough hours in the day.

Susana has some new

Petaloo Flowers

She has some Fragments, enamels and Idea – Ology in you all have to so go check out her new stuff.

Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend. I have to go get my housework done.

Thanks for stopping bye and sending Big Hugs your way (((((((((())))))))))))))

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Angel Eyes !!

angel eyessm

Hello dear friends. I am back today to show you another one of the new releases from Susana Loves Stamps. This one is called Angel Eyes !!

I have colored her with my copic’s and Spica Glitter Pens and have used lots of glamour dust on her wings.

The paper is from Echo Park Yours Truly. And the flourish I used is a Memory Box die .

I also made a flower with some Prima flowers and used a Make It Crafty chipboard in the center after coloring it and using some glamour dust glitter paint on it.

angel eyes

These images are just so much fun to color so would love to see what you all have been up to with them.

Thanks so much for stopping bye and Sending Big Hugs (((((((((((())))))))))))))

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sunny Eyes

Sunny eyessm

Oh look at this beauty !!! I saw this image first off and just fell in love with her. This is Sunny Eyes. She is one of the newest releases from Susana Loves Stamps Collection.

She has been colored with my copic’s and Spica Glitter pens and lots of glamour dust. Diamond Glaze on her eyes. I have used the paper pad

Authentique Paper Pad – Blissful I so love this pad.

I have used some lace and a sun charm from my stash and the large white flower is from Prima.

So hope you all are enjoying this new release. Thanks for stopping bye and Sending Big Hugs (((((((())))))))

Sunny eyes

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I got to finish a couple things


Happy Easter dear friends !!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying there Easter weekend. I know it is a little chilly here.

I finally got a full weekend off and finally got to finish up some of my projects I have had laying around half finished !!! I hate that I have so many things not finished. I just work so many hours there isn’t enough time for my crafting time. Right now there is no light at the end of the tunnel for these hours but we keep hoping it slows down some.

But today I have a notebook to show you that I started while I was off on surgery leave. I used some Basic Grey papers and this adorable Magnolia Tilda. I had most of it done just had to put it together.

Dies I used are Magnolia, Whimsy Stamps and Spellbinders. And I added some Diamond Glaze on the daisy


Then when my daughter took me shopping in the big city for my birthday I ran across this wooden guitar frame and I knew someone that just had a baby that plays a bass guitar and thought this would make a great gift.

I used the Silks Paint from Susana’s and I so love this stuff. I am not a good painter at all but you can’t see any streaks or anything in it and you can use it on all kinds of surfaces.

Guitars and music notes were from Jolee’s and I used my BossKut alphabet dies for his name.

I had a very hard time trying to get a picture of this for it is a fairly large frame so you can’t see the stars very well but I ended up using some Silks on them too and stamped Mommy and Daddy’s Rock star on the stars.


Larger picture of top


Well I do hope you have a wonderful Easter and I would love to thank you so much for all of you that leave me such lovely comments. It is so greatly appreciated.

Have a great day and Sending Big Hugs (((((((())))))))))))

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Classic Eyes


classic eyessm

Met Classic Eyes !!! She is one of the newest releases from the collection of Susana loves stamps from Susana’s Custom Art and Cards. Don’t you just love the eyes???

I have used some diamond glaze on the eyes to give them a pop. She has been colored with copic’s and spica glitter pens.

The paper is from MME at Susana’s and the flower is a Prima Bristol Bloom . I used a Memory Box Die bird cage.

The metal charms are from my stash.

Hope you are enjoying your new stamps, if you haven’t gotten them oh go check them out they are so adorable !!!

Have a great day and thanks so much for stopping bye. Sending Big Hugs ((((((())))))))))

classic eyes

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sea Cliff Eyes

sea cliff eyessm

Hello dear friends !!

Today I would like to show you one of the new images from Susana Loves Stamps Collection. This is Sea Cliff Eyes.

She has been colored with Copic’s and Spica Glitter Pens and lots of Glamour dust. I used some diamond glaze for the eyes (loving these eyes)

The paper pad that I used is from Authentique from Susana’s. Love all the wonderful pads she has such a large assortment for anything you want.

Well I hope you all are having a great day and do hope you have visited Susana’s for all the new wonderful things she has in the store.

Sending Big Hugs ((((((())))))))))))))

sea cliff eyes