Showing posts with label Cuddly Buddly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuddly Buddly. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Festive Friends


Hello Everyone !!! I have a card to show you today that just never got posted !!! I was in my edit on my blogger and seen this one back that never published. Sometimes me and blogger just don’t get along. Sometimes I am able to leave comments on blogs but for the most part it won’t let me. Keeps asking me to sign in and after doing this over and over I just give up.

So here is a late posting. I am showing you today Festive Friends from Sugar Nellie.

My card is very CAS, as we all know how much Karen loves CAS. I colored my image with copic’s and used some glamour dust on Santa.

The sentiment is from Cuddly Buddly and I just added some gems to the card and it was done. I am not sure of the papers as they were in my stash from last year.

Well everyone enjoy your weekend. I have lots of chores to get done but while I was messing on the computer and ran across my post not published thought it fitting to get it done.

Thanks for stopping bye and as always sending you Big Hugs ((((((((())))))))))))


Saturday, January 8, 2011

With Love


Happy Weekend Everyone !!! I hope you are enjoying your time this weekend. Sorry I didn’t get to make my post yesterday but ended up having a bad day. I think I tried to eat something I shouldn’t of. I guess this is a big shock to my stomach, But it was good going down lol


Today I would like to show you a card I made for the sketch over at Friday Sketchers and the color scheme over at Color Create Challenge Blog.

I have used this darling image I got from a dear friend called Bildmalarna these images are coming to the states and I am so excited. I think they are so cute.

I have made a card for Valentines for one of my granddaughters. The papers are last years SU papers. I have used a chipboard heart and covered it with stickles. The leaf and branch punch are from MS and the flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts.  The sentiment is from Cuddly Buddly and have been punched out with some SU punches.  She is colored with my copic’s and I have used some glamour dust on her wings.. All pages have been distressed with Walnut distressed inks.



While I am off I thought it fitting to join in the challenge over at Whiff Of Joy Challenge Blog. It has been ages since I have been able to participate in challenges as much so thought I would take the opportunity to join in again after ages. I have used this Handsome Oakley here as a Dr. The sentiment is from High Hopes Rubber stamps. I have used some older papers from SU (yes I am going to get rid of these old papers by using them up this year.)  The bottom sentiment is from SU and the sentiment on the star is from Sandra’s Digi’s.  I added a calendar to the front of this as it can be used for a desk calendar if so fitting.  The star is a Maya Road chipboard that I covered in glitter.  I have also used copic’s to color him in.


Well that is it for me today. I have some house cleaning to do while the grandson is home since I can’t push a sweeper yet (that ‘s a good thing lol) so need to get my word done and am just going to take it easy on what goes in my stomach today. Don’t want a repeat of yesterday.


Thanks for stopping bye dear friends and I so appreciate all your comments. Sending Big Hugs ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday


Afternoon !!! I am back with another post today. I thought I would get a card made for the Create4Fun Challenge Blog where there is a gorgeous sketch and it also fits the challenge over at 7 Kids College Fund Challenge Blog where the theme is birthdays.

I have used one of my newer Tilda’s from the Fall collection.


I want to thank you for stopping bye. I need to get to getting the house work done. Hope to be back tomorrow.


Stamps Magnolia, Cuddly Buddly

Papers DCWV

Ribbon HL

Raffia Ribbon and Charm from my stash

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Hello everyone!!! I am hoping you all have had a wonderful weekend!!! Mine has been just wonderful!!! Plus we are on holiday tomorrow so it is another day off for me ! Yippee!!! I so love holidays that get me out of work lol

I managed to get some play time in today so thought I would show you all what I have done as I have had a nice quiet day here to myself.

This is a card I made for Sunday Sketch and Stamp for there gorgeous sketch they have this week. I have used one of the Morehead images I got awhile back she was begging to be inked up lol I colored her with my copic's and added some of those gorgeous Wild Orchid Crafts flowers. I used the MS branch and leaf punch and also the border punch around the card. My sentiment not for sure about. I got this set of clear stamps awhile back and put them in my holder but never kept the wrapping ( I know shame on me)

Now this card is another one begging to get inked up, I bought this several weeks ago from Susana's Custom Arts and Crafts she is from the Elizabeth Bell collection. I have colored her with my copic's and I added some diamond glaze to the windows. The papers OMG are from Bearly Mine Designs. I went a little nuts getting some digi papers and boy am I going to have to stock up on ink for these papers are just beautiful. I used the gorgeous sketch from Sketch and Stash Challenge. I added some ribbon from my stash and some Prima flowers with some Pearl Brads. I used the MS branch punch around the flowers.
Now look at this image isn't' he just so squeezable??? This is one of the older images from Sugar Nellie from the Little Cotton Rabbits collection this is Dexter the Bear. I am so loving going back to using some of the older images. I love them just as much as the newer ones and the gorgeous images just get forgot about lol He has been colored with my copic's and I used some papers from BG. The sentiment is from Cuddly Buddly and I used some SU punches to punch it out. I added some Pearl Pen to the card in a couple of spots. I also added a Prima flower with a pearl brad and used the MS Leaf punch. On this card I used the gorgeous sketch by Dawny at Paper Take Weekly

Now I have a couple of pictures I would like to show you. This is my granddaughter Kirstie this was taken last week at one of her ballgames. She loves playing sports, I was a bad grandma and forgot to take my camera so my daughter took this with her phone and emailed it to me.

Now here is Kirstie again Friday night, she went bowling for her birthday, I guess she done really good her mommy got me a picture lol. Saturday we had her party at Chunkie Cheese!!! Oh yes I was really dreading going for the last time I went it was in the big city and OMG it was a nightmare but this time it was really quite nice, they have one closer to us now and it wasn't in the huge city so not so many was there but all the kids had a great time.

Well that is it for me for the day, I have had a very busy weekend, I was off Friday also and my grandson had been staying with me so Friday we went out and ate and then went and decorated my parents grave, then got all the yard work done. Then Saturday we were at the birthday girls party most of the day and done some shopping lol
My dear grandson will be coming back next week to stay with me for a few weeks to take Drivers Ed. OMG my little boy has grown up to be such a man!! Seems like just a few years ago I was chasing him around lol They so grow up so fast.
Well enjoy the rest of your day and thanks again for stopping bye. Sending Big Hugs((((((((())))))

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A few Challenges!!!

Good Morning all!!! I hope everyone is enjoying there weekend. It is a bit chilly here in Indiana. It had been so nice all week and then the weekend comes and it really dropped it's temperature.
So what more fun that to stay in and play in some challenges.
My first Challenge is for the Farm Fresh Challenge at the Greeting Farm. They have a wonderful sketch for you this week, and just couldn't pass it up. I have used one of the newer images and she has been colored with my copic's. I have used some papers from K&Co. and some raffia ribbon and buttons from BG. Then my flourish is a bosskut die and added some flat pearls to it.
This next card is the adorable Cheddar from the home grown collection at Sugar Nellie. Isn't he adorable?? Karen would love for everyone to get out some of there older images and make something with them. Go check out the blog, one person just might get a prize lol You know she loves giving prizes.
I have used some SU papers on my card here with some buttons from BG and Cheddar has been colored with my copic's. The wording is from Cuddly Buddly. I am entering this card into 2 challenges. Create 4 Fun is asking for circles and then the Sketch Saturday sketch this week was circles so hey got 2 for the price of 1. lol

Last up is this adorable Windswept from Sugar Nellie from the Elizabeth Bell collection. I have colored her with the copic's and added some spica glitter pens to it also. My papers are from K&Co and the ribbon is from SU. These gorgeous roses are none other than from Wild Orchid Crafts. I used the MS branch punch also and the border punch I used this time is from SU. Then just added some flat pearls from my stash.
I am entering this into 2 challenges also. I used the sketch over at Mojo Monday and have used the theme from Papertake Weekly which was cutie pie. And I do believe she is a cutie pie.

Well don't forget to go to Sugar Nellie's Blog and check out what Karen would like to see here. All you need to do is get out some older SN images.
I will be back later this afternoon to announce the winner of my Blog candy from Wild Orchid Crafts. And stay tuned for there will be more lol

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

It's Wednesday again!!! Half way through the work week (let's hope)
Today is the Whiff of Joy Challenge and we have a wonderful sketch for you by our own Jane!!! So loving her sketch's she is really coming up with some beauties.
I have used Charlotte with mailbox from the Mail collection at Whiff of Joy.
She has been colored with my copic's and I have used these gorgeous papers from MME.
I added some flowers from Prima and my branch is from MS and the leave is from McGill.
My wording is from Cuddly Buddly with punches from SU.
So hope to see you come and join in the challenge with us this week. Thanks for stopping bye and visiting me. Sending Big Hugs your way!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just for You!!!!

Happy Saturday!!!!!!! How has every one's day went??? Mine was great!!!!!!! I got some blogging done this morning and then since I had my housework done I dug into the crafting. What a wonderful day!!!!

My first card is a sketch over at Mojo Monday!! I so love these sketch's they have. I have used one of my new Sugar Nellie Manga images called Pets Corner. I tell you what these Manga images are just the bomb!!!! I so love when they release these. Just so adorable!!! He has been colored with my copic's as always lol
I used some papers from BoBunny and added my wording from Cuddly Buddly with punches from SU along with the SU ribbon. Added some of these flat glitter pearls and there you have it.

Then I worked on this project today for my granddaughter. I thought it would be nice to put some candy in for her since Valentines day was getting close. I have used the image Coffee Time from the new release of Manga's from Sugar Nellie. Another adorable image that is for sure. I have used the Milk Carton containers and box pattern and added some lace and flowers from the one and only Wild Orchid Crafts. The patterned paper I have used is from MME and then the regular card stock and ribbon is from SU. I really enjoyed making this did take me most of the day but was fun to make.
Here is a close up of the image! Isn't she just the cutest?????? And check those flowers out!!

And here is a side view.

Friday, February 5, 2010

So Cute!!!!!

Hello all!!!!!! It's the weekend !!! FINALLY!!! I so love the weekends when I don't have to work lol
So I got home from work tonight got my house work done so I could spend the weekend playing and enjoying myself. Needless to say the weather is not fit to be out in. Rain , Snow and by Saturday Evening we are to have 4-8 inches of snow. So I know where I will be lol
On to my play time so far. My first card is another one of those cute Little Rascals from I Brake For Stamps. I think these are so cute. This one is Susanne! I have colored her with my copics and added some spica glitter pens in places.
My papers are from BoBunny and I have used one of the MS border punches, along with the L-em branch. I used the heart nestabilites and one of the cuttlebug folders. And those gorgeous flowers are from Wild Orchid Crafts. You have read so many times how much I love these and I can't express enough how much I know you all would love them. I used the sketch over at A Spoonful Of Sugar and really enjoyed using this sketch.

Now for my second card. This is one of the adorable digital images from Sugar Nellie called Dutch Boy. Isn't he so handsome??? And what is so nice about these you want them you have them right now!!! That is really awesome for me for I don't have to wait to get them lol
I have colored him with my copic's and used some pop dots to him. Added some peel offs from Anita's, added some button brads from my stash, and the wording is from Cuddly Buddly using some SU punches along with the photo corner punches. My papers are from K&Co. The sketch I am using is from Friday Sketchers.

I do hope you all have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for stopping bye to visit me, I so do appreciate it. Big Hugs

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My weekend play time

Well the weekend is over almost!!! I did manage to get the weekend off, and after getting my bedroom finally all redone and everything put back Saturday I managed some play time the rest of the evening and today.

Here is my card for the Sugar Bowl, there is a lovely sketch this time by Lilian. I have used my papers from Bo Bunny and one of my new images from Sugar Nellie that was in my Dt package. Oh I so love this new sugar and spice collection. This image is called Raven (so adorable). If you have not ordered your images from this collection you should for they are just so wonderful to color. I have seen several out in blog land.
Anyway back to my card. I have used some snowflake punches from McGill and MS and have added some snowflake charms and a peel off from Starform for my wording. I have colored my image in with my copic's. So hope to see you all over at the Sugar Bowl!!!

This is a pizza box that I made just for fun and have used one of the Christmas images from Sugar Nellie called Christmas Eve Girl and she is from the Mary Hall collection. I have used papers from BG and SU and my wording is from Cuddly Buddly. Ribbon is from my stash and the poinsettia is from the Hobby House. My image has been colored in with my copics and I added some lace to the side of the box.

This is a card I made for a couple of challenges. Mojo Monday for a wonderful sketch and the Copic Creation and that challenge is to color a snowman. I have used papers from October Afternoon and my image if from Cuddly Buddly. Colored with my copics as always lol I used my nestibilites and punches from SU for the wording and the wording is from The Angel Company.

Another challenge here is a sketch from the wonderful Dawny P for the Papertake Challenge. I have not been able to participate with them for some time so made sure while I had some time to do so this week. I have used BG papers and an ever so cute image from Whiff of Joy this is Oakley with ornament isn't he so handsome??? I have colored him with my copics. and have used a Christmas flourish from Inkadinkado. The wording is a peel off from Starform and I have used a nameplate from SU. I so enjoy Dawny's sketch's and it felt so good to get to participate.

Well that is it for me for the weekend. I did get my DT cards done for the week also but you will have to wait and see my scheduled post for them lol Have to return to work tomorrow in the early early am so see you all around blog land this week I hope. Thanks for stopping bye and seeing me I so appreciate it so very much Hugs my dear friends

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ho Ho HO

It's Friday!!!!!!! But I can't say that on a good note for I have to work Saturday!! YELK!!! Oh well!!

It is time for Just Magnolia again and the challenge this week is MASKING.
I have not done this forever so it was nice to be doing this again for a change.

I have used Santa from Magnolia and the winter bench. They have been colored with my copic's and I have used Liquid Applique on the fur of Santa's suit. The sentiment is from Cuddly Buddly and it is punched out with some SU punches, and my papers are from BoBunny, the wording at the top is from a rub on set from American Crafts and my flower is from the Hobby House that a very dear friend picked up for me, aren't these flowers gorgeous???

I have made my challenge into a Christmas Bag that I got from the Magnolia Ink Magazine that was done by Claudia.

Well hope to see you all at Just Magnolia.
Here is a side view of the bag.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bright and Zingy!!!!!!

It is that time again!!! We have another challenge for you over at Just Magnolia!!!
This week we are asking you to make a card BRIGHT AND ZINGY!!!! I really had to stretch on this one lol But ended up using the lovely Hippo she has been colored with my copic's and my papers are from DCWV. I also used the Fiskars apron punch. and some SU ribbon and the wording is from Cuddly Buddly.

So hope to see you all over at the challenge blog.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sugar Nellie DT project

Good Evening!!! How is the end of the weekend going for you all??? I know my free weekend went really fast but I did manange to get a lot done.

Tonight I wanted to show you a project I finally finished with the Sugar Nellie Stamps I got in my DT package. I just love these Manga Christmas stamps they are just so wonderful to color. I have used the Top Notch Die from Stampin Up by Sizzix and made a candy bag. I got the idea from Chic N Scratch.

I colored the Manga kids with my copic's. I have used some SU punches for my wording and one wording is computer generated where the other is from Cuddly Buddly. I used some glamour dust on the Santa suit fur and I used a poinsettia die from Bosskut.
Here is a view of the top

And a view of the side.

Thanks for stopping bye and so hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Will be back later to show a couple more I have almost finished.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sugar Nellie and Magnolia

Sugar Bowl Challenge Blog
Good Morning!!! I hope everyone is doing great today so far. I thought I would share the rest of my play time I had yesterday. Sure felt good not to have to go to work so love a vacation day when it gets you out of working the weekend lol

So for the Sugar Bowl Challenge this week Tiets had a wonderful sketch for us. I so love her sketch's so many layers I so love that.

I colored one of the new Manga Christmas images from Sugar Nellie(so love these images) they are so easy to color but she has been colored with my copic's, and I added some glamour dust to the stars. I have used the MS winter trees border punch and added some prima flowers with flat pearls in the center along with some MS branch punchs. The wording is from Cuddly Buddy and I used some SU punches for that. SO make sure you all go join in the challenge there is always wonderful prizes from Sugar Nellie. And just in case you haven't seen it they have there Christmas Country Cousins stamps available in the shop, What are you waiting for they are gorgeous go get them!!!!

Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog

Now this card is for Simon Says Stamp Challenge where there theme is Halloween and I have to say I so love Halloween!!!

Here I have used Tilda with pumpkin and she has been colored in with my copic's as usual. I used the MS spider border and corner punch and I used the SU modern label punch with one of the G stamps. My papers are from BoBunny and I ran my purple cardstock through my spider web cuttlebug embossing folder. My ribbon was from my stash.

Heidi always has wonderful prizes so make sure you go check out the challenge and join in the fun.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Friday Sketchers #8

Wow this week over at Friday Sketchers Beatrix has another great sketch. I had a great time picking the paper and putting this one together. I used one of the images that Annie sent me from Cuddly Buddly. Thanks Annie. I also colored these with my copic markers and added some Prima flowers to it. I used some pop dots on the back of the image for some dimension. The saying if from the PrintWorks Collection

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Friday Sketchers #3

This week at Friday Sketchers
Carole has a wonderful sketch for us. I used the cubbly buddly stamp. I think they are so cute. I also used some die cuts from Debbie's Die Cuts which are new and I just love them. The new one is a circle coaster and I distressed it with some vintage ink and then embossed it in the cuttlebug folder. I then took my pink ink and dabbed on top of the raised images. I colored the image in with my copic markers and I also used one of Debbie's name plate die cuts for the wording.

Monday, May 5, 2008

SSR Desgn Challenge

May's SSR Newsletter design challenge was sponsored by WorldWin Paper. This paper is just to die for, so many different textures. I just love the ruche paper i have used it here so much texture then the other is the cascata line. The stamps i used here are Cuddly Buddly, Penny Black, Magnolia, Stampin Up. Make sure you check out the newsletter there is so much wonderful art there. I am sure glad i got the chance to do May and June's challenge before i had my surgery. i so love these