Showing posts with label Christingle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christingle. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lowering the tone - daft Christmas pictures

With apologies to those who are here for incisive theology and cutting edge missional reflections, here are some very silly pictures.

Here's the Vicar who dressed as a Christingle. And yes, if you're local, we're repeating the Christingle at Palmers Garden centre, Friday 21st December 4pm. The good news is that the cafe is bigger this year, so there's a chance we'll actually fit everyone in.

and this is just superb

Four candles

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Garden Centre Christingle

Had our 2nd of 3 Christingles this evening at Brimsmore Garden Centre, on the outskirts of Yeovil, which went very well.

The Garden centre staff pitched in by prepping all the oranges for us, Yeovil Town Band did the music, and there was even mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. 60-70 people there by the end (attendance tends to rise as the service progresses, as people wandering through the store hear the singing and stop by to join in).

11 down, 7 to go.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christingle Thanks

Thankyou to Brimsmore Garden Centre, who hosted our Christingle service last night. A good time was had by all, around 80 people there with a bit of standing room by the garden tools, and 1 orange left once everyone had finished making their Christingle oranges. Raised £150 + for the Childrens Society as well, so I'm really chuffed with that.

Yeovil Town Band provided the accompaniment, and right at the end, as all the candles were lit, someone looked up at the underside of the glass roof (we were in the conservatory) and saw all the candle flames reflected like stars. Lovely.