Showing posts with label win lose or blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label win lose or blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Win, Lose, or Blog- Now Accepting Season 6 applications!

We are now accepting applications (here) for Season six contestents on Win, Lose, or Blog! Last season our 8 contestants lost 90.8 pounds in 7 weeks! Win, Lose, or Blog is a Big Loser inspired weight loss challenge for the blogging world. Health & Fitness are my passions in life and I hope this competition will inspire others to lead healthier lifes too! I have been working with four fabulous ladies to create this fun and exciting new blog. 

What does Win, Lose, or Blog have to offer you?
Want to be a contestant? Apply here.

Each season of the challenge (lasting 7 weeks) we will choose eight contestants. This is your chance to win some MAJOR prizes! The "big loser" (based on percentage of body weight lost) will win one big AWESOME prize. Second and third place contestants will also win some great prizes. And everyone else will get something just for participating.

Want to Play along?
Want to lose weight right along with our contestants? Post your weekly loss each week on our Tuesday Update post and you're in the running for some fantastic prizes! Last season TWO of our mini-contestants won fabulous prizes and lost a TON of weight in the process.

Just want to follow along?
We have multiple health and fitness gurus on our team who are going to be posting information, recipes, tips, inspiration and more. So come follow and get a little help living a healthier lifestyle. Also, at the end of each season followers will win awesome prizes just for leaving comments throughout the season. And you know it will be fun to watch the competition play out and cheer on the contestants :)

Go check it out!!! And spread the word!
Remember each comment you leave all season long counts as an entry for great prizes! Want to get a head start on those comments? Head on over to Win, Lose, or Blog, grab our button, and leave three comments for displaying our button on your blog and five comments for writing an exciting post announcing us to your blog friends. We want you to invite others to join the the fun and gain some motivation to live a healthier lifestyle.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Collage Video- Jazzercise DVD Giveaway {at Win, Lose, or Blog}

Win, Lose or Blog has a Collage Video giveaway going on right now!

Collage Video is THE online source for ALL your fitness dvd needs!

An ACE Certified instructor does EVERY dvd available from Collage Video, so they offer only the most effective videos.

This giveaway is for the Jazzercise Core DVD:

Head over here to enter and hurry! The giveaway ends June 27th.


Also, don't forget to apply for Season 5 if you are looking to lose some weight!
Click here to apply and see the awesome sponsors we have lined up so far!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Win, Lose, or Blog Season 5 Applications!

I just finished up competing in Season 4 of Win, Lose, or Blog and guess what...

I lost 23 lbs in 7 weeks!

I'm now a team member with the wonderful ladies behind Win, Lose or Blog and we are accepting Season 5 applications!

If you are looking to lose weight and need some motivation, keep reading...

We are now accepting applications (here) for Season four contestents on Win, Lose, or Blog! Last season our 8 contestants lost 106 pounds in 7 weeks! Win, Lose, or Blog is a Big Loser inspired weight loss challenge for the blogging world. Health and Fitness are my passions in life and I hope this competition will inspire others to lead healthier lifes too! I have the opportunity of working with four fabulous ladies to create this fun and exciting new blog. Lindsey Lu from Fitness for the Rest of Us, Jill from Women Who Do It All, Laura of Skinny Pants DreamsMaria of Two Belles Fitness and Huff & Buff.  

What does Win, Lose, or Blog have to offer you?
Want to be a contestant? Apply here.
Each season of the challenge (lasting 7 weeks) we will choose eight contestants. This is your chance to win some MAJOR prizes! The "big loser" (based on percentage of body weight lost) will win one big AWESOME prize. Second and third place contestants will also win some great prizes. And everyone else will get something just for participating.

Just want to follow along?
We have multiple health and fitness gurus on our team who are going to be posting information, recipes, tips, inspiration and more. So come follow and get a little help living a healthier lifestyle. Also, at the end of each season two followers will win awesome prizes just for leaving comments throughout the season. And you know it will be fun to watch the competition play out and cheer on the contestants :)

Go check it out!!! And spread the word!
Remember each comment you leave all season long counts as an entry for two great prizes! Want to get a head start on those comments? Head on over to Win, Lose, or Blog, grab our button, and leave three comments for displaying our button on your blog and five comments for writing an exciting post announcing us to your blog friends. We want you to invite others to join the the fun and gain some motivation to live a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

{10 Pounds Down Meal Plan Giveaway}

Jessica Smith, creator of the 10 Pounds Down, is giving away a downloadable 10 pounds down meal plan over at Win, Lose, or Blog this week.

One winner will receive the downloadable 60+ page document which includes:

Recipes with calorie counts
Weekly Meal Plans
Allows you to build your own tailored meals
1,200, 1,400, and 1,500 calorie base plans
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snack options
10 weeks of meal options
Restaurant options & calorie counts
Grocery list template
Substitution options
Tips to eliminate bloat
Caloric needs tutorial
Super weight loss foods
Easy ways to reduce your sugar intake
And MUCH more

Head over here to enter.

We are one week down in Season 4 over at Win, Lose, or Blog.

If you've missed how my first week went, you can check it out here.

Contestants first week's weight loss to be announced.

6 more weeks to go!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

{Win, Lose, or Blog and Last Day to Enter Giveaway!}

Today is the last day to enter this giveaway.
There are only 40 entries so far, so odds are looking good!


Have I ever posted a picture of myself on here?

I don't know if I have, but here goes...

There are several things wrong with this picture...

1. I'm sunburned...thanks San Diego.
2. I don't smile well for posed pictures by myself.
3. My weight.

I've always struggled with my weight. I was talking with my step sister this morning, who happens to be a size which I could show with the fingers on one hand, I can't even show my size with two hands...and I can't remember the last time I've been in a single digit pant size...oh wait, I think the last time was when I was 10 years old.

This isn't meant to be a self bashing post, I'm not going to lie, I think I have major hot mommy potential, but I have about 45 pounds to lose. I wasn't happy with my weight in high school, but it's been a bigger battle since. I'm curvy, which I don't mind one bit, I just wish those curves were a little more narrow. I'm ready for the curves to be smaller. I put in to be a season four contestant for Win, Lose, or Blog a few weeks ago, and guess what...I got selected!
For the next 7 weeks, me and 7 other contestants will be sharing our weight loss journey.

Want to keep up to date with me and my journey?
I really hope you will, I need all the motivation I can get.
Here's the link to the blog I will be journaling my weight loss progress:

Each week, I will be sending in photos of myself, as well of a photo of my weight on the scale to the Win, Lose, or Blog team leaders to validate weight loss progress.
YOU won't see those scale pictures unless I get brave enough to post them on my blog, but you will see my weight percentage loss each week.

We've got some awesome team leaders, including Allison from House of Hepworths. I adore her.

Season Four starts tomorrow, April 1st.
I'm excited to start.
I need your support.
Please feel free to follow me on this journey.

Here's to a smaller, single digit pant size and healthier life!
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