Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

{CSN Stores Giveaway WINNER}

First of all, thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway!
There were exactly 100 entries. Nice even number.

The $55 gift code to goes to:

Comment 25! Who said...

Congratulations Maryanne, both on winning the giveaway and the new babe on it's way!

Those that didn't enter, check back soon for another giveaway... from me!

Monday, November 15, 2010

{CSN Stores Giveaway} CLOSED

I am soo excited to share this giveaway with you guys today!

The good folks at CSN Stores contacted me about doing a giveaway for my readers and I said heck yeah! Have you ever visited their website? You could get lost there, spending hours searching through their 200+ online stores. sells everything from children's backpacks to cookware.

Want a peek at some of the things on my wish list?

This foyer table would look awesome in our entryway:

I'd love to whip up some goodies with this kitchenaid mixer:

And I know my two little girls would LOVE to spend hours playing with this water/sand box next summer:

Thanks to CSN Stores, one lucky reader will win a $55 gift code good to any of their online stores! Yay!

To enter for your chance to win:
Take look around a, come back and leave a comment telling me what you'd use your $55 gift code towards. Please include your email address!

**Bonus Entries**
{Please leave a seperate comment for each entry or they won't count}

* Follow Chicy Creations and leave a comment telling me you do. {1 extra entry}
* Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about this giveaway, come back and tell me you did with the link. {1 extra entry}
*Add Chicy Creations blog button to your side bar and leave another comment telling me you did. {1 extra entry}

Extra Details:

Giveaway is open to US and Canadian entries only. Extra shipping charges may apply for Canadian residents. Please leave a comment for each entry with a valid email address so I can contact the winner. Giveaway ends November 23rd at midnight MST. All entries after that time will be invalid.
A winner will be selected using and announced on November 24th. 

Good luck!
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