Showing posts with label welcome yarn wreath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label welcome yarn wreath. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2011

{One Project Down...100 to go!}

Finally finished a project last night that I had started over a month ago....

I worked on it one night, had half of it done, but didn't get around to pulling it out to finish until last night.

I got the wreath at Hobby Lobby for around $2 or $3 I think? It could have been on sale. It's a straw wreath. I left the plastic wrap on the wreath and wrapped it in yarn, somewhat sloppily {that's a real word}. Pretty self explanatory, but if you need help there, check out this post.

The flowers were inspired by this wreath done by A Pretty Life in the Suburbs.

The welcome letters are metal scrapbook letters, hot glued right to the pennant.

PS, I might be the last crafter out there to use pennants in a project.

One month to finish a project is better than never, right?

What projects have you been putting off finishing?

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