Friday, September 20, 2013

Scripture Cookies

So, we're trying the cookie thing again... this time with a bit more supervision and a different recipe:

Scripture Cookies!

2 ¼ cups of 1 King 4:22
1 teaspoon D&C 101:39
1 teaspoon 1 Corinthians 4:6
¾ cups of each kind Jeremiah 6:20
1 cup of Psalms 55:21
1 teaspoon of Ezra 10:36
2 Isaiah 10:14
1 cup of Proverbs 17:1

Mix and spoon on to an ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.  
Read Joseph Smith History 1:37.  

While we waited we also discovered some of the Little People's favorite scriptures...

Robin's: Luke 9:58

Lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc: 1 Nephi 7:15

Firefighters: Malachi 3:2

Angel: Exodus 3:2

Ariel, the little mermaid: Genesis 1:20

Plumber: Alma 58:12

(Repentant) Pirate: 2 Nephi 26:32

Friday, September 13, 2013

Atomic Cookies

To help the kids learn about the structure of atoms, I let them loose in the kitchen to make cookies. Yikes.  (But if I make cookies, then double yikes on the amount of cookie dough I consume...)  They used a new recipe that was titled the "Yummiest Cookies".  Then they topped them with different candies, chocolate chips, nuts, raisins, etc. to represent the protons, neutrons, and electrons.  They loved making the dough and decorating.

Then came the disaster.  In the oven they totally spread and flattened out.

But lo!  Inspiration struck and I reminded the kids that rarely is an atom just alone.  They connect and build molecules and so on and so forth.

 Giant cookie = Visible matter!

And the kids enjoyed their cookie crumbs on oatmeal.  I might make cookie butter with the other leftovers soon...  
Oh the things I do to NOT waste food!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Stuffed Animal Adventures

The kids each picked a "favorite" stuffed animal and let them stay up all night.  
This is what the stuffed animals were up to all night long:

Hanging out on the couch
deciding what to do first...



More eating (a jab at Jonas, this is his favorite sleight of hand snack!)

More eating

More reading 

Playing the piano

Playing Littlest Pet Shop

Ice cream... more food!


(I had the kids write stories based on the pictures for their creative writing.  This was fun!)

Random Fun

Fun with Dad and Gideon and the camera!
(I have about 20 more pictures of them copying each others' faces, totally adorable!)

Taking Leslie for a parking lot practice drive!

Ice cream to keep the little ones happy on a mutual night!

Sumo wrestling championships for an active history lesson on samurai!

Playing with planes!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Micah is 9!

Micah turned 9 yesterday.  He is so funny (and fun)!   He wanted to have a Mexican-food themed birthday, so we had cheesy chips for breakfast and chili and cornbread for dinner.  We had a piñata and that was an awesome beginning tradition... I can tell all the kids will want to keep that going!  He is thankful for all the birthday well wishers and the presents too.

We love you Micah!

Piñata surprise in the morning


Chili pepper cake!

Micah swinging away! (And the other kids thinking this is a neat new tradition)


silly Micah!

red hot chili pepper (on the cake, not the flavor!)