Tuesday, November 29, 2011

15 years

It is not the grand and splendiferous date or gift that makes our wedding anniversary special. It is the love we have shared the past years, day in and day out, that makes our marriage fantastic. We truly look forward to eternity together!

(That being said, we did have a lovely weekend!)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011... Certainly memorable!

Greg and Blythe came for Thanksgiving! We had so much fun with them. We were sad that things did not work out to have my Mom with us. Of course we missed all of our family, and we are thankful for technology: phone calls, emails, and Skype are great! On Thursday we had a great time working and playing with food (okay and eating it too...) We had a beautiful and delicious smorgasbord.

I felt uplifted as we all shared our list of people and things we are grateful for. Some of those were written down on our Thankful For Tree this month. Others were shared in Thanksgiving acrostic poems. We prayed in gratitude and we tried to share our thanks vocally as well.

On Friday we decided to go "birding" with Greg on the one day it rained... in months! Consequently our 15 passenger van got stuck in the mud and then spun deeper into the dry sand below. 2 1/2 hours and 3 tired and soaking and muddy adults later, our van was set free (right before the tow truck reached us, of course). Our thanks goes out to the border patrol for helping us out as well, since we slid and spun all over the place just 50 feet from Mexico. Check out the diggings! We were really deep - the tires were covered!

The bright side of the day shone later when the sun came out and we were able to spot about 8 new species for Greg. I think the kids are hooked!

We came home and had another yummy feast with the missionaries: fondue with all our leftovers. Fondue is a great way to use up leftovers and everything tastes better with cheese!

We are extremely thankful for all of our loved ones, and especially the gospel of Jesus Christ which gives us the opportunity to be with everyone eternally. What a great Thanksgiving Day that will be!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pregnancy update

Happy news:
Well, I am 32 weeks along with baby #9. He is growing well and I have had numerous chances to see him on ultrasound, and will have many more viewings before he is born. He is head down, and his arms and fingers are usually close to his face and mouth. He really likes to kick my upper right rib area, and that is where is cute little bum hangs out most of the time, unless I lay down on my right side and then he tickles his way to the left side. He makes me laugh or jump when he kicks hard or unexpectedly. The kids have all enjoyed feeling and seeing him move around.

Not so happy news:
I have been diagnosed with placenta previa. Placenta previa is when the placenta covers the cervix. My placenta is completely blocking the baby's way out. So, after all my searching for a VBAC doctor that would allow me a trial of labor after 2 c-sections, now I am being forced by this placenta to have a 3rd c-section.
I am not happy about this, since c-sections are a major surgery and because they are much more difficult to recover from. There are also a lot of difficult memories with my previous c-sections. My first c-section was an emergency delivery of David, who had stopped moving at 32 weeks. We were blessed to have him live for 2 days. My c-section recovery was easy, but the emotional loss compensated for the physical ease. My second c-section was when I had our twins 15 months later - baby B was transverse and I opted for a c-section so I wouldn't have to undergo both methods of delivery. Recovering from that c-section and trying to take care of twins that had major breastfeeding issues was really, really hard.
I have not had any complications with the placenta previa. I have not had any 3rd trimester bleeding, and I have listened to my body when I developed contractions after running and brisk walking. Now I have slowed my exercise down to a very slow walk (soon to be waddle). I feel like a walking time bomb for complications, but my doctor told me not to worry- he reminded me that just because airplanes can fall from the sky doesn't mean that you should stay inside the house! Barring any future bleeding or contractions, we know now that our baby will be delivered sometime in the first week of January (at week 39).

Unknown news:
I know that sounds funny, but that is all I could think of to label this next bit. The doctors are extremely suspicious that I also have placenta acreta. This is when the placenta attaches to the uterus too deeply. This can result from multiple pregnancies and especially with previous uterine surgeries like c-sections. To truly determine if this is the case, the doctors are performing ultrasounds and are also ordering an MRI which can hopefully give us more information. We will probably not know for certain the seriousness or this placental problem until the c-section delivery. I do not want to unneccessarily scare anyone, but the current facts include various situations. The best case scenario would be that the placenta detaches without massive bleeding and that the c-section can be closed up quickly. The middle ground case situation would be that they have to perform a hysterectomy to stop any bleeding. This has varying levels of severity and problems. The worse case would include demise of either our baby or me (or both) due to blood loss.
Clearly, we are hoping and praying for "our version" of the best of all situations: for our baby and I to come through this delivery with the best of health. This is why I am posting this difficult problem to our blog: we'll need more prayers and faith so that the best thing, the Lord's will, can shine through this experience.

This quote has helped me often in the past, and I need to focus on it during this time as well.

It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.
It all works out. Don’t worry.
I say that to myself every morning.
It will all work out.
Put your trust in God,
and move forward with faith
and confidence in the future.
The Lord will not forsake us.
He will not forsake us.
If we will put our trust in Him,
if we will pray to Him,
if we will live worthy of His blessings,
He will hear our prayers.
--President Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2000

Thanks for reading all the way through this extremely wordy blog post. Here's a picture, me at 32 weeks!

P.S. Super thankful for technology!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Date #7

The day before our mother-son date, I learned that I had accidentally let my driver's license expire! Jonas had to be really creative and plan an outing that did not depend on a car! We walked to a nearby McDonalds (2.5 miles) and rented a Redbox movie. He also had a large vanilla milkshake. We walked and talked all the way home too. That night we tried to watch Captain America on our Clearplay DVD player, but the filter wouldn't download (I am techno-deficient after all...) We watched that one with Bob when he came home the next day and was able to figure out my computer issues.

I have really loved spending this one on one time with the kids.
I totally recommend it, no matter the age!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Happy Birthday Jonas!
We love you and hope you have another great year ahead of you.
You make us so proud with all your righteous choices.
You are an excellent example for your brothers and sisters, not to mention your parents!
You make raising a teenager easy!

(not jinxing myself, not jinxing myself, not jinxing myself...)

Krispy Kreme for breakfast, of course...

Waiting for presents...


Opening new scriptures (love the excitement!)

A new game to master!

Reading great letters from Grandma and Grandpa Bush

Decorating his cake army battlefield style

Watch out for the explosions!


Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you, Veterans!

Here are some sweet acrostic poems to help us remember our gratitude for our veterans!
(Forgive the children their big spelling mistake, and their mom for not noticing it until typing!)
Happy Veterans Day!

(By Troy)

(By Jonas)
Earlier wars
Today too
Axis and Allies
Not dead

(by Owen)

(By Leslie)

** We are especially thankful for our veteran.
He came home today after a six-week long assignment!**

AND, since this date will not reappear until next century 11-11-11...

(By Micah)
Eight +3 = 11

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kid Date Numero 6

Leslie and I had a delicious time at Subway (Pizza sub and Veggie sub) and then at Dairy Queen (mint oreo and cookie dough blizzards). We came home and watched a Redbox movie: Soul Surfer. It was fantastic. I am terrified of sharks, but even though we watched this with our Clearplay DVD player, Leslie and I huddled together until after the attack. Then we relaxed as we watched the re-enacted true story of a remarkable young woman and her family. I highly recommend this date to anyone! Good food, good company, good movie!