Sunday, July 31, 2011

All tied up in callings

Sometimes I feel like my two callings keep me pretty busy- primary chorister and scout leader. Other times I feel I could do more. Today was the 5th Sunday of the month, and that means I had the whole 45 minutes with the primary doing singing time. We had a great time. I brought most of my ties with me and laid them out for the kids to see. Then one by one they came up and picked a tie and a primary song to sing. I then put the tie on them. They really loved it. I couldn't resist at the end, so I got a picture of the kids (those that would) in my ties. I love my calling and I love these wonderful kids!
Unfortunately, and to their disappointment, I had to collect all my ties at the end of the hour.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Working on the backyard

Well, while Dresden and the kids are away at her mother's house in UT, swimming and enjoying the close of a school year, I have been hard at work here in El Paso. I have been focusing on projects that take a lot of time, so they don't take time away from the family, as I am already away from them. One of the biggest projects is the backyard. I cleaned all the debris off of it first, tried to get rid of all the rocks, cement, trash and pieces of wood, and then spread compost all over it. Getting the compost in the back took hours of backbreaking shoveling and many wheelbarrow trips. Thankfully I have a good friend, Steve Traylor, who helped me. Then I had to spread out the compost on the yard, and today I did the hardest part of the job- remove 5 tree trunks from the yard- the trees died in February when we had our freeze. But I planned on tilling the compost into the yard, and I had to get the stups and roots out before I can do this. It took me almost all morning with a shovel, pick axe, and some tree limb cutters. I was exhausted after I got it done, but it is done! So here is what the yard looks like now:
And here is the pile of rubble and trash and tree stumps that I got out of the yard. Phew!
My next step will be the installation of a sprinkler system and then we will plant grass and a garden next month. Can't wait!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

50 Nifty United States

So! We have finally finished our homeschool unit of American History. We studied important landmarks, amazing inventors, and tried to copy some of our nation's accomplished artists. We studied our country's history through each United States President. The kids made an awesome Power Point presentation that highlights each president.

Next we studied each state in the order that they joined the Union. The children each made their own state notebook, complete with a freehand drawing of the state, interesting features and facts. They memorized their locations and capitols. We had some fun activities to celebrate each state. For example, in Kansas, they hold a Pancake Relay Race each year. We held our own (pictures and videos are at home and inaccessible).

I also took it upon myself to find recipes for each state... There are some great websites that offer state recipes. I was really thankful for some new and yummy recipes, but also extremely grateful when I gave myself a "day off" and just had artichokes (California) or cereal (Michigan). Some of our yummiest recipes will be incorporated into our meal plans. I discovered that my children are not big fans of anything made with cornmeal and that made some of our recipes "failures" in their eyes.

Some favorites are (no surprise that most of the favorites are desserts...):

Vermont's Apple Pie (according to LAW, this must be served with cheddar cheese, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a tall glass of milk)
Illinois' (Chicago) Deep Dish Pizza
Kentucky's Hot Brown Sandwich
South Dakota's Sunflower Cookies
Montana's Mountain Berry Dessert
Wyoming's Cowboy Cookie
Oklahoma's PBJ smoothie
Utah's Green Jello (I couldn't resist)
Indiana's Butterscotch Pie
New York's Cheesecake
Maryland's Golden Apple Oatmeal
Oregon's Trail Mix

Anyway, we ended our studies with a celebration Hawaiian "Luau" (since we are finishing up with Hawaii today). We decorated (thanks Poppa Keith and Jeanene) and had Hawaiian Waffles with Hawaiian Syrup.

Now for some real vacation time, and then we'll start school... in September. Ahhhhhhhhh!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pioneer Day

This just says (or sings) it all. I love their enthusiasm and faith. They are modern day pioneers. The future is as bright as our faith!

To Be A Pioneer
(LDS Children's Songbook)

You don't have to push a handcart,
Leave your family dear,
Or walk a thousand miles or more
To be a pioneer!

You do need to have great courage,
Faith to conquer fear,
And work with might for a cause that's right
To be a pioneer!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


For the longest time I have had an odd quirk with my sleeping habits. I must cross my ankles to sleep. It doesn't matter if I am on my back, my side, my front.... the ankles have to be crossed. Plus, sometimes I like to hook my big toe on my other foot's heel.

And I cannot count how many times I have woken up with a pain in my neck because I am up in a yoga cobra position, with my arms folded as if praying. Ouch. How long have I been sleeping like that, I always wonder. And was I praying and fell asleep, or did I subconsciously think I need to pray more? It certainly gives new meaning to "pray always"... even in my sleep, right?

Just thought I'd share something weird about me. You know, a new weird thing about me. One you probably didn't know already.

Fun hair

The cub scouts had a super awesome wow activity last night... they got mohawks!
We'll be shaving it all off before we leave for Utah this week...

And last night I twisted Evelyn's hair into little rubber bands. She's got curly hair today!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Beauty contest

A few weeks ago, Evelyn wanted to have a beauty contest. We got her all gussied up and two of the boys decided to be involved with a handsome contest... The other children were the judges. Evelyn won the beauty contest, but the judges awarded prizes for best outfit, and happiest contestant. Thanks Evelyn for a fun activity!

Enjoy some pictures I just found!

Princess Evelyn

He can still do his cool eyebrow trick

So serious...

The judges deliberate

Our three winners... !
(I think they were tired of my picture taking mode)

Endure to the end

Leslie gave a wonderful lesson on enduring to the end this week for Family Home Evening. She involved all the kids in scripture hunts, and we had two mini-object lessons for the lesson. The first one the kids kind of failed at: a reverence test. (We're going to be working on that this week... and we'll have our treat if we can muster up some more reverence tomorrow night.) The second one was more of a fun activity, and the kids all enjoyed enduring to the end through Nerves of Steel. This is a game where they have to keep their arms up and endure a tickle fest (laughing is allowed, turning away from the tickler is not). Leslie and I thought this was pretty appropriate, since we are supposed to be cheerful as we endure to the end!

A helpful scripture is found in Doctrine in Covenants 14:7 which says, "And if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God."

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bang, bang, she shot me!

Check out Leslie's cute haircut!
She looks older and even more beautiful than before.
Oh boy, will we be in trouble in a few years!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Girl's Camp! (by Leslie)

Girls Camp was a good experience. I had a great time. Enjoy the pictures and words to explain them.

I don't have a favorite part, I liked all of it. (Even when it was our turn to clean.)
We did crafts, like painting rocks, sewing aprons and making key chains.
We went on walks to enjoy nature, we did skits with our wards, ours was about boy scouts.
And we made friends.
The testimony meeting was good too, but I did not get a picture of that.

sorry none of it is in order....

White Sands Park

Young Women in my ward


apron that I made

camp song area

hurt friend


more crafts



new friends