Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Peanut Butter Bread

This is a great quick bread. If I haven't started a normal wheat bread by 8 in the morning, I can still manage this for a yummy kids' lunch.

  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-3/4 cup milk
  • 2-1/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder

Cream together the peanut butter and sugar. Add the vanilla and salt and mix well. Now add half the milk and half the flour, and all of the baking powder. Mix very well. Add the remaining milk and flour, and mix again until the batter is nice and smooth. Turn the mixture into a well oiled 9 by 5-inch loaf pan, or two smaller loaf pans. Bake at 350° for about an hour, 45 minutes for smaller loaves. Remove from the oven, and allow to cool for about 10 minutes before removing from the pan.

Chocolate mousse

(I got this recipe from the Eat Clean Newsletter - it is yummy and healthy)

Tofu Chocolate Mousse


• 1 cup dark chocolate chips or dark chocolate bars, broken into pieces

• 16 oz silken tofu* at room temperature, drained

• 3/4 cup warmed skim milk or soy, rice or almond milk

• 1 tsp / 5 ml best-quality vanilla

*NOTE: You must use silken tofu for this recipe.


Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler or in the microwave. Make sure to let the chocolate melt slowly. Stir until chocolate is uniformly smooth.

In a food processor, combine tofu, melted chocolate, warmed milk and vanilla. Process until smooth. Place tofu mixture in fine-mesh strainer or sieve, pushing through with the back of a wooden spoon, into a medium decorative serving bowl. Serve from the bowl or ladle into individual serving bowls. Chill and serve.

**Make this recipe with white chocolate chips for a different spin on decadence.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How are these guys 9 already?

Troy, Owen, and Mom
(Not "Saint" and "Patrick" as the nurse suggested...)

We had a fun day... enjoy our slide show!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I looked out the window

and what did I see?!?!?

Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree!

Bob was just called to be the Primary Chorister. Based on just today, he will be awesome!
He is also serving as Assistant Scoutmaster. Busy, busy!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

okay. . . we can do this. . . right?

Wow. Well, we are training for the SLC marathon, as many of you know, and we have been faithfully following the training schedule. This week, on Saturday, we hit the summit of our training schedule- a 20-mile run. We have never run that far together, and we were (to be honest) doubtful about how we would do. But we decided to do our best and try. So we woke up yesterday morning and got going. We ran 10 miles out, and that way we obviously have to run the second 10 miles in order to get back. We downloaded the same playlist off of iTunes on our iPhones and started the songs at the same time so we would hear the same songs at the same points along the way. Surprisingly, we did well. I think the little energy gel packs we have started to use on our longer distances helped a lot. At any rate, this is a picture of us- AFTER we finished! We look happy because we did it. We have read and heard many people say that if you an do 20, you are good to go for the marathon, so we are building our confidence. We still have 4 more weeks of training to go and approximately 152 more miles to run before we attempt the big race, but we are hopeful that all will go well. Yay us!

*Jonas is training for the half marathon! He is pretty awesome!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fun Weekend

El Paso Rhino Ice Hockey Game

Cattleman's Steakhouse

Friday, March 4, 2011

Writing samples

The kids worked on different styles of writing this week. They each chose a story and wrote about it several ways: informative, narrative, persuasive, and poetry. . .
Lots of words in this post, perhaps next time we'll do an all pictures post!




On a hot day in Texas, Reuben, the celebrity of the family, wears sunglasses. Reuben is so cute that everyone starts doing a jig in the middle of the dining room. As you can read, the Bush family loves their baby.


Reuben walked on to the stage. Everyone cheered. Reuben was top baby. Reuben had a mike in his hand and his milk bottle in the other. Reuben was wearing a tuxedo. Under the tuxedo he was wearing a red shirt. His shoes where black and shiny and he was doing the craziest dance moves you have ever seen. It was crazy, awesome, cute, and funny.


You should go see the show of Reuben on the stage. He actually has a mike. It is funny, awesome, and cute. You should really come and see it!


There once was a baby named Reuben.

His dance show was a really good win.

His voice was so cute,

Like an owl he did hoot.

And we cheered and we clapped as his kin.




A bear attacked the Bush family on March 27, 2011. Their dad grabbed a 3-foot squash and smashed its head. Robert Joel Bush said, “It felt weird to smash the bear’s head.” After he smashed the bear’s head, the bear ran away because it was scared.


I saw the big black bear creep into the house. I ran fast to tell Dad. Dad grabbed a huge three-foot squash. When the big black bear jumped out… Dad smashed the bear’s head. The big black bear ran away fast.



Squash is not only good for your body but it is good for fighting bears. Buy this squash now. New in stores. It is there feet long and very low price. You should buy it. Call (xxx)xxx-xxx. From Squash Company.


Bad bear

Looked in the house

At 3:00 PM

Caught us cutting a 3-foot squash

King Dad was ready

Big and strong

Excited but scared

A smash on the head

Ran the bear away


(by the way, she actually likes oatmeal...)



Leslie Bush, age 11, got ready for breakfast. When she took her bowl out of the microwave, it grabbed her hand and bit hard! She screamed and so did her family. Then as they all watched, the oatmeal hopped out of the bowl and slithered out of the door, grumbling under its breath.

Leslie Bush said, “I am never eating oatmeal again!”


Oatmeal looks horrible and tastes horrible. Though it may be healthy, I personally have seen it come alive! When the oatmeal did, it was angry and mean! I hope you never eat oatmeal again. I definitely won’t! Oatmeal is a sad, strange food.


I am alive. I open my eyes. It doesn’t work very well, because I can only see blurry shapes. As I look around, I notice lights, heat and that I am growing and moving in circles! As I started to tip over, I wanted the movement to stop. I was angry that it didn’t. As a bit of me fell out of the bowl and on the surface I was rotating around on, I finally stopped going in circles. Now there is a door opening, and now a big blurry shape is reaching for me! Quickly, I bite it! It is now making a loud screeching noise, so I am getting out of the bowl, slithering away trying not to be angry.



All the way gross









At precisely 11:46 lat night, Fort Wright, a fort established in 1997 on the group of islands called Gardner Pinnacles, broke communication with the rest of the world. The major-general stationed there cannot be reached. President Obama dispatched five Blackhawks and three Chinook helicopters to investigate. Citizens in Hawaii are nervous about possible conflict near them.


Waves lapped against the sides of the boat. The patched sail fluttered in a cool breeze. Stars twinkled overhead, almost taunting the poor, ragged fisherman with only three fish to show for a hard day’s work. The night was welcome to him, for it ended the exhausting day. At the same time, he wished it would never come, for the end of the day meant he would have to return home with only three fish to feed his wife and five hungry mouths until he went fishing again.

It was in this character of mind that the fisherman pulled in his nets, lifted the large rock tied to a fraying rope that served as his anchor, and began to sail back to his home on the island three miles away.

Unfortunately, he didn’t even sail fifteen feet before a boat slightly larger than his pulled alongside him. A few men jumped aboard. Fear coursed through his body as he watched the shapes ransack his boat. One stepped toward him and forced him to look at the floor of the small boat. The others grabbed everything they could lay their hands on, including his meager catch of fish. Five minutes later, they were gone.

Saddened, angered, reluctant, and somewhat relieved, the fisherman entered the bay that housed his small village. His house was the one closest to the water, and he could see a few candles lit in their small hut. His faithful wife had waited up for him.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the island. Startled, the fisherman jumped to his feet, covering his ears. He easily spotted the source of destruction. The American fort was in flames. Gunshots rang through the air. Fear constricted the fisherman’s chest for the second time that night. His boat was still 30 feet from the sand of the beach and from his house. He threw his “anchor” overboard and jumped in the water, swimming with all his might for the shore. As he ran in the house, he discovered his entire family wide awake and cowering on the dirt floor under blankets, since they had no bed. Roughly rousing them off of the floor, he set about the hut grabbing everything of importance, urging them to do the same. Less then two minutes later, he and his family were sailing out of the bay. They were all crying with fear and with confusion. He looked back at the fort, now fully ablaze. Screams rent the air.

The conflict had begun.


Because of what happened last night, many fear for our country. I am one of them. I fear that we are growing weak. So weak, in fact, that we send a couple of helicopters to settle a potential rebellion. Are we so afraid and so weak that we cannot quench an assault on our forts? Fort Wright has lost contact with the world. This could only happen n the case of an attack. I say, show the natives that WE ARE NOT to be trifled with! Show them WHO THEY ANSWER TO! If they wish to fight, ladies and gentlemen, I say FIGHT!

Poetry (haiku)

The night is breezy

Fire and gunshots ring through the air

Conflict has begun

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rantings about our dentist (You're fired!)

On Tuesday I took Evelyn to the dentist. She needed to have a cavity filled, waaahhhhh. I picked this dentist when I saw their online pictures of their friendly office and waiting area. It is decorated with a Noah's ark theme, and they also use kid-friendly dentist terms like "Mr. Thirsty", and "counting teeth". Last week the kids enjoyed video games and tv in the pre-waiting room, then being called back to the kids playroom (more tv and video games) and then being seen by the hygienist and dentist, even though the entire process took 3 hours for 3 kids.
Back to Evelyn's visit. She was nervous about having a cavity filled. She was also suddenly shy since there were no siblings to help her through the visit. So, I promised her I would go back with her. Oops. They didn't allow me to. They didn't even let me go to the kids' playroom area with her. She screamed. A lot. I should have just pulled her out of there, but I convinced myself it was a little bit like nursery at church, and she would calm down and it would be a growing experience. I was ushered firmly back into the pre-waiting room and I stewed and worried there. Then, 50 MINUTES LATER, they clarified her treatment plan and let me know they were just about to take her back. Why did they have to separate my terrified child from me for 50 minutes?

I kind of understand a policy to not have the parent there for the procedure (although I have held my kids' hands during cavity treatment before). I do not understand having separate waiting areas when both are very kid-(albeit tv)-friendly. I also do not like the idea of giving a child ICE CREAM without my permission after having a cavity filled. More business? Not from me. I'll take my seven kids elsewhere, thank you.

Lesson learned: Trust my instincts. Be a mom.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Roll em, roll em, roll em.... rawhide!

This was taken today in front of our home. Hilarious.