Thursday, December 25, 2008

Disney World...

Can it stand the invasion???!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A few of my favorite things!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This past week we had a great time before buzzing our boys' hair off...

Jonas and Owen both lost teeth this month. Owen lost a total of 3 in one week - we are still trying to get used to his smile.

Evelyn loves to help me bake (and taste!). She pushes a chair or bench to the counter and chants "I see! I help!"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


8 years ago we welcomed our third child into our family. Two days later he passed away. The surrounding events are crisply remembered, and the miracles from our two days with our sweet baby and the past 8 years come to mind as we celebrate David's birthday today. We still curl inward with indescribable pain at his passing, but with hearts filled with faith, we look forward to the miracle of the resurrection, and to the many miracles of being a family forever.

(Bob's hand on David's belly, day 1)

Christmas is a special season for us - we are so thankful for our Father in Heaven's gift to us of His Only Begotton Son, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, our lives have meaning, direction, hope, love, comfort, peace, and many other beautiful and unspeakable gifts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bike Mania

The kids are enjoying some warmer weather... with learning to ride bikes! Now they are riding while I walk in our neighborhood pushing Evelyn in the stroller. We are having so much fun!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Getting ready......

for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting ready for Christmas is fun to do, fun to do, fun to do...
Getting ready for Christmas is fun to do, oh when, oh when is my nap?!!!?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Arrow of Light

Congrats to Jonas on his arrow of light. He also bridged over to Boy Scouts on Wednesday! Oh wow, is he growing up fast. We are thankful to have him and his amazing example in our family.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So, the “secret” is out. My husband goes by multiple names. He needs lots of names to capture his awesome-ness.

The complete story is as follows: He has never loved his name of “Robert”, “Bob”, or his childhood nickname: “Bobby”. While he was on his mission, he was “Elder Bush”, “Bush”, or “Bushito”. When companions would find out his first name, they would say “That does not fit you!”

When he started college, he had a clean break from all who knew him (excepting family), and started going by his middle name, “Joel”. Classmates and workmates called him “Joel”. We still lived in the same ward as his parents, so he continued to be called “Bob” by family and ward members. Before caller id, it was easy to know who was calling just by who they asked to speak with. One neighbor never figured out any of these names and insisted on calling him “Don”, but that is neither here nor there…

When we moved to Virginia, we moved away from all family, and the world began to call him Joel. Pretty much the only people who continue to call my husband Bob are his family (and he is fine with that!).

Just how have I adapted to all this, you might ask? It is simple enough. When I am around family, he is Bob. When I am around those who work with him or at church, he is Joel. At home, he is Dad. In private? No, let’s not go there…

I love my husband, and all his many roles and names! He is awesome!

P.S. We do love the name “Robert” as evidenced by our firstborn son’s name, Robert Jonas (and he goes by his middle name…).