“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul - - - - - - - - - - - “if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.” - John F. Kennedy - - - - - - - - - - - - “Imagine finding someone you love more than anything in the world, who you would risk your life for but couldn’t marry. And you couldn’t have that special day the way your friends do – you know, wear the ring on your finger and have it mean the same thing as everybody else. Just put yourself in that person’s shoes. It makes me feel sick to my stomach …. When I shared a picture of my tattoo on my Twitter page and said, ‘ALL LOVE is equal,’ a lot of people mocked me – they said, ‘What happened to you? You used to be a Christian girl!’ And I said, ‘Well, if you were a true Christian, you would have your facts straight. Christianity is about love.’ The debate resulted in a lot of threats and hate mail to people who agreed and disagreed with me. At one point I had to say, ‘Dude, everyone lay off.’ Can’t people have friendly debates about sensitive topics without it turning into unnecessary threats?” - Pop star Miley Cyrus on her marriage equality tattoo - - - - - - - - - - -
Showing posts with label straight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label straight. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee Break: 41 Seconds

I posted this German short film on my old blog in 2008 and I thought I'd share it.  It's short, humorous, and pretty hot at the same time.

Today's Saturday Morning Coffee Break is about two best friends (supposedly straight), who have a kissing dilemma.  The blonde boy is dating a girl who just finished telling him his best friend (the brunette), kisses better than he does.

So he calls him up and discusses this with him...  what ensues is a kiss 41 seconds long!
If you wish to look back at some previous issues, click my logo below and enjoy.   
Make sure to check out Saturday Morning Coffee Break every Saturday for another classic or current gay short film.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee Break: Different

What if things were a little "Different" and instead of gays being discriminated against, it were straight people - In our churches, schools, and our daily lives?
Justin has a secret crush on Joanne, a girl he wants to invite to the prom; Unbeknownst to him, she already has a date with another girl from school (a cover).  Meanwhile the quarterback of the football team, Bobby, thinks Justin is playing hard to get.  But the fact is, Justin is straight and in the closet.  Later, things start to get ugly when Justin gets caught sneaking a kiss from Joanne.

Today's Saturday Morning Coffee Break was the winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Student Film at the Rhode Island International Film Festival in 2004.  While I usually find myself saying to "enjoy" today's feature - not so sure about this one, but it's one that makes you look at things a little bit "Differently".
If you wish to look back at some previous issues, click my logo below and enjoy.   
Make sure to check out Saturday Morning Coffee Break every Saturday for another classic or current gay short film.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee Break: Help Straight Couples From Getting Divorced and Hating Their Children

If you're waking up on a Saturday morning and I'm on your Facebook news feed, you're probably familiar with my Saturday Morning Coffee Break series.  Every weekend I ask my readers to grab a cup of coffee and join me for a short gay film.  It can range anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes, or maybe more.  Regardless, I try to post films focusing on being in the closet, coming out, falling in love, hate, abuse, bullying, and/or parenting, but most importantly, videos representing who we are in some form or another.

In today's issue, we come across a video that was written and posted by YouTube vlogger, Brandon Muller.  He and a few of his friends produced an anti-marriage ad that is quite humorous and I had to share it. 

In the following Ultimate Anti-Gay Marriage Ad, a couple confronts the horrific consequences of same-sex marriage, while their daughter worries if mommy and daddy will still love her if this sacrilege is allowed.

While it is an advertisement for a cause, it is in essence a short film.  Check it out.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday Morning Coffee Break: Bucket List Night

So this week I thought I'd pull away from the norm and show a comedic short with gay undertones.  Grab your Java, sit back and enjoy this week's Saturday Morning Coffee Break!

Soren and Dan are your quintessential straight best friends who sit down to go over each other's "Bucket List".  Unbeknownst to them they learn things about one another they probably wished they'd never known. LOL.

For those who don't know what a bucket list is; It's a list of things you wish to do before you die, hence the idiom "kicked the bucket"Check it out, it's pretty funny.

If you wish to look back at some previous issues, click my logo below and enjoy.   
Make sure to check out Saturday Morning Coffee Break every Saturday for another classic or current gay short film.

Friday, February 15, 2013

How Straight Guys React To Watching Gay Porn - Too Funny

Ever wonder how a straight guy would react to watching gay porn?  LOL.  Now's your chance.   These guys are just too cute.

I'm not going to say it's NSFW, but you may want to turn the sound down if your at work, because there are some faint sounds. LOL. And NO, there are no racy images; It's just a funny video folks, Calm down. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Quoted - Rob Nash on Gay Pride Day

"I get sick of listening to straight people complain about, "Well, hey, we don't have a heterosexual-pride day, why do you need a gay-pride day?"  I remember when I was a kid I'd always ask my mom:  "Why don't we have a Kid's Day?  We have a Mother's Day and a Father's Day, but why don't we have a Kid's Day?"  My mom would always say, "Every day is Kid's Day."  To all those heterosexuals that bitch about gay pride, I say the same thing:  Every day is heterosexual-pride day!  Can't you people enjoy your banquet and not piss on those of us enjoying our crumbs over here in the corner?"~Rob Nash on Gay Pride Day

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Must Watch: Set Fire To The Rain

Some of us get married thinking it will change who we are.  Some of us date girls or boys in high school to make our parents proud, or we don't want them finding out we're gay. Gay people often find themselves in this situation, and the fact that we're so afraid to come out - we hurt a lot of people in the process.  Straight and Gays alike should see this video, especially if you like music and dance.

I know that everyone is tired of hearing about Adele and Whitney, but this is not about them. 
Ryan shared this video with me this morning and asked if I had ever posted it on one of my blogs.  I hadn't, so I'm doing it now.  In the music video you have an Adele impersonator, 3 dancers, and a story of a man struggling with his sexuality, while a girl who thought she had everything, is now facing a struggle of her own.  It truly sets fire to the rain.
YouTube: The music video portrays a man struggling with his sexuality, while the girl in love with him fights to hold on as everything she thought she knew comes crashing down before her. The song speaks of a foolish love that's so hard to let go. This theme is not uncommon, most of us have been subjected to this type of unrequited love in some way, shape, or form. Whether gay or straight, single or taken, if you have not experienced this kind of pain, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Men vs. Women Hygiene Products

Omg Hilarious, but it's so true.  Give a straight man one of these bottles and that would be all he would need.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If The World Were A Village of 100 People: Issue No. 13 - Age

This is the 13th poster out of the 20 posters I have shared with you over the past several months.

Every week I have been asking, "What if the world were a village of 100 people?"  And by using statistics based on the spread of the population in the world, Toby Ng Design created these posters as another way of looking at how our world is today. 

If you missed any of the previous issues, click here.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

If The World Were A Village of 100 People: Issue No. 12 - Sexual Orientation

This is the 12th poster out of the 20 posters I have shared with you over the past several months.

Every week I have been asking, "What if the world were a village of 100 people?"  And by using statistics based on the spread of the population in the world, Toby Ng Design created these posters as another way of looking at how our world is today. 

If you missed any of the previous issues, click here.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Post Secret Fridays - Issue 057

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

See More Secrets. Follow PostSecret on Twitter.

Want to see a previous issue? Go here.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Promotion of Hatred Exists

Thank you so much for the blog you posted yesterday, my love. Yeah, Bryan Fischer got me really upset Tuesday night when he talked about us like a disease in need of a cure. And he continued to irritate me when he referenced us being gay, a "lifestyle".

Exercise, clothing, vacationing, and how you present yourself are a lifestyle. A monogamous or non-monogamous relationship are also considered a lifestyle or a choice, but the actual attraction and love two individuals of the same gender share is NO lifestyle, and it's definitely not a choice. This has to be taught to everyone who uses that terminology, because it's really starting to piss me off.

The other thing this guy was trying to enforce, was that we, "the gays," are the ones who brought AIDS to America. What is this, 1980? Yes, men having sex with men are still the largest group of people that get HIV, but when I pull up the CDC website, I read that gay men only account for 53%, not 91% like that bastard claimed last night.

Gay men that use injection drugs count for another 4%, Straights make up 31% and straight injection drug users make up an additional 12% as reported in 2006 by the CDC in the US. This disease "may have" begun in the gay community, and I use "may have," because it's a theory. It is not a "gay only" disease. In fact, worldwide heterosexual intercourse does make up the majority of HIV cases.

If Mr. Family Values wants to help us out with the AIDS epidemic, he should have taught us how to safely have man to man sex - He shouldn't hide and shame it back to the 1980s. Sex education isn't the only way to promote safe sex; The American people need to have proper education when it comes to being gay in this country. In the 1950's the homosexuals were labeled as "child predators," when in fact, the child predators were actually straight males or females. Granted, if you check out most of the underage twinks at the clubs who can blame them. (Cough, cough) Kidding! Then came 1969 with the stonewall riots and other displays of the GLBT community fighting for its' rights. After the era of, "We're here, we're queer, get used to it" came the 1980's and HIV/AIDS epidemic. A new fight began, not only for our rights, but for our lives as well.

I take pride in knowing that our gay community has been proactive when it comes to promoting STD awareness, and spreading the message across that having safe sex is really the most important thing in this day and age - we've come a long way since then. Unfortunately, some gay idiots think they're immortal, don't care, have a death wish - I don't know, but they don't play safe. HIV and AIDS are not a thing of the past. I tell myself that quite possibly they don't know, but with the internet and all it's glory how can you not. Despite my assumption of a non-ignorant youth, there still needs to be some sort of education. Bring back mandatory sex education classes in school that talks more about gay sex and protection versus abstinence only, and I guarantee that the HIV rates will drop. Not talking about gay and straight sex and how to protect yourself against it, is what is leading to the spread of all these STDs and the struggle to treat it.

Going back to the education of "being gay," the American society needs to know that being gay is not about being suicidal, ashamed, closeted, drugged up, dying of AIDS, a villain, a loner, or someone to feel sorry for. Show someone that is proud of who they are - that is in a loving relationship with their parents and a partner. Show the public that gay exists outside of Project Runway. That gay kids in our schools are being bullied, That while others may be strong, others need our help. Glee is educating the public in the best way possible, and because of them hopefully the American people will be even more accepting of us. Glee has helped educate the public in the best way possible, and because of them hopefully the American people will be more accepting of us. This episode, which aired on Tuesday spread a message of acceptance and self-love; And with hope, it was heard by the hundreds of bullied and suicidal teens out there - possibly saving their life.

Of course the "American Family Association" doesn't want this and they'll say anything to scare America back to the 1950's when the homosexual was the boogie man predator. The sad thing is that by promoting hate and shouting "Gay is Bad" has serious consequences. All it does is make an innocent child think they're different - like they're the worst possible thing that exists on our world. God does not promote this hatred, so SHAME ON THEM for portraying it.

Unfortunately, they and organizations like them will always be around, because someone's always got to hate. Call it religious freedom or freedom of speech, it's still hate no matter how you call it. Like the Ku Klux Klan, the AFA will one day shrink to almost nothing. Until then, things like the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, as well as other major gay civil rights accomplishments will continue to make the word GAY a less uncomfortable subject to talk about. Maybe one day we will have all our rights, including the ability to marry, and we can all thank Glee for it's positive influence on gay people. Even if Kurt is annoying at times, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Straight But Not Narrow

The really sexy Josh Hutcherson has come out in support of all the straights.  In a new campaign to support the Trevor Project, the Straight But Not Narrow campaign describes itself as the "go to" site for straight folks.  

This is a way of getting the message across that "it’s an unfortunate reality that most of the bullying and harassment that gay teens face comes from them."

Furthermore, the site continues to say, "Just be you, Cause that's good enough for us."
So, whether you like girls, you like guys, you like both, you like neither (well, that would kinda suck, but you get the idea)…. what difference does it really make? There’s a whole lot more to a person than who they date. And yeah, we’re all different. But we believe that it’s those differences that make us interesting. Why would we all want to be exactly the same? Where’s the excitement in that?

While I find the concept of this campaign really progressive, it's hard to believe in it, because of the condemnation we face everyday.  But then again, every little bit helps, and we thank Josh for his contribution.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Let's Go Back to Vegas...

Just when you thought life was too short... MTV's Real World returns to Las Vegas;  But this time you'll have fun watching the scandal that turns the house upside down...


Yep, that's his name.  Dustin Zito, the "gay for pay" star that was plastered all over the internet last summer.  Well, I guess I shouldn't have said, 'house.'  This year's cast will be staying in the Hard Rock Hotel.
MTV says in a statement. "Romance among the cast members is at an all time high, and as secrets each cast member has brought with them are revealed, those relationships will be challenged and tested." An exclusive first look at the new season of The Real World: Las Vegas, which will premiere in March, shows all the fun – and drama! – you'd expect from the city: pool parties, nightclubs, gambling, sex, fights, and destroyed hotel rooms.
I'm kinda burned out on Reality TV, but this supposedly straight boy, who's does gay porn for pay, has me intrigued.  I guess it doesn't help that he's really cute and has a nice body too boot.

Check out the MTV Real World: Back to Las Vegas Promo here:

Want to see more of Dustin?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How To Seduce A Straight Boy in Ten Steps...Hot!!!

Okay.  The moment we have all been waiting for....

All you gay boys have been wanting to know how to seduce a straight boy?  And don't lie, because you either have, which I have.  Or you want to, which you can.
Well the answer is finally here; follow these ten easy steps and you will have your straight boy:

Oh, and by the way, it's Hot!!! 

I have organized my blogs with 3 days worth of postings, so if you wish to continue reading the days before that, and so forth and so forth, you can click the "Older Posts" button /\ /\ /\ right /\ up there.

There are 3 other ways you can find interesting topics to read as well.

*Clicking on any of the links under my "Favorite Categories" section on the left hand side of your screen

*Using the Google Search bar under the scrolling text.

*By choosing a date from the drop down list on the right hand side of your screen.

Hope you enjoy my daily posts, and hope to hear from you soon.

- Blade 7184 aka Peter