Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poetry. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

Male Monday: The Dreamer

The Dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan, illustrated by Peter Sis 2010

Rating: 4.5/5

IQ "Without them there, Neftali lingered. He found a stick and defiantly wrote giant words in the damp sand. Neftali dropped the stick, feeling a peculiar sense of ownership. He spread his arms and listened to the ocean's thunderous applause. He bowed. The ocean was now his audience." Neftali, pg. 234

The Dreamer is a creative look at the early years of Neftali Reyes, aka, Pablo Neruda. Neftali is often sick so he misses school. While he stays at home, he likes to daydream while looking outside his window. His father wants him to become stronger, so he pushes Neftali to go outside. Neftali is happy to oblige because he loves to explore, but his father is not pleased when Neftali comes back with seashells and other interesting things he finds lying around outside (he has quite a collection). His father is harsh (he hates to see Neftali read or write) and Neftali has no friends at school. His stepmother is a doormat and his older brother (his protector) will soon be leaving him. All Neftali has is the lush Chilean countryside, his books and imagination.

Is it a coincidence that in my Spanish class we had to read and translate one of Pablo Neruda's most famous poems, Tonight I Can Write (or as it's known in Spanish, Puedo Escribir) right after I finished reading this book? I hope to one day be fluent enough in Spanish so that I can read his poetry in its original, beautiful form. I have to admit, my biggest qualm with this book was the magical realism. It was a nice touch to be sure, but I was expecting more biography. I came away from this book thinking that I really didn't know that much about Pablo Neruda, which was disappointing since I didn't know much to begin with (although I did learn about why Neftali Reyes changed his name to Pablo Neruda). Or at least, not as much as I wanted to know. Plus I'm not sure what's fact and what's fiction. This was unfair on my part because I expected something different from this book, but nevertheless, my expectations influenced my feelings on the book.

That being said, the magical realism allows for the author and illustrator to be truly creative. In The Dreamer, Neftali daydreams that words lift off pages and out of drawers (he keeps a drawer filled with his favorite words) and the drawings and poetry throughout this book seem to do the same. Perhaps the best way to describe the writing is by using the author's own words, "The rhythm of his rain-soaked childhood became a sequence of words. His memories of the understory of the great forest burst into lyrical phrases, as resinous as the sap of a pine cone, as crisp as the shell of a beetle. Sentences grew long, then pulled up short, taking on the tempo of the waves upon the shore, or swayed gently, like the plaintive song of a lone harmonica." (pg. 344). She is describing the work of Pablo Neruda, but this could just as easily be referring to her writing in this book. The drawings help the reader to better visualize what Neftali sees in his daydreams and they are extremely well done. They are whimsical in nature and make this book one that you will want to keep on your bookshelf, if only to look at the 'pretty' pictures (of course the writing is exquisite as well).

The Dreamer is not going to reflect much on Pablo Neruda's adulthood. It does talk about his childhood and his demanding father along with his complacent stepmother. However I wasn't stasifeid with the information shared about his family. I wanted more! What happened to his mother? Why was his father such a jerk? Granted Neftali is a young boy for most of the book so he may not know the answers to the questions that I ask (and I could and will look them up). The setting of Chile comes alive through both the words and the drawings. In fact, I would say I learned more about the geography of Chile than I did about Pablo Neruda. Which may not be such a bad thing. Not only did the book extensively cover Chile's landscapes and animals, it also discussed the issue of indigenous people being forced off their homeland. In Chile, the Mapuche people had been there for hundreds of years and yet Chileans were trying to kick them off their land and create more businesses and homes. They refused to work WITH the Mapuche merely because not all the Mapuche spoke Spanish or knew how to read and write. The issue of native people being forced to leave by foreigners is (sadly) nothing new, but it was new to me in that it occurred in Chile and I found it quite enlightening to read about. This book is filled with memorable lines and I want to share one more with you "I will start by writing more stories, stories that might make people whisper behind closed doors. Did you know that many whispers can make a very loud noise?" (pg. 307). These words are said by Neftali's uncle, Orlando, but I think it's safe to say, Pablo Neruda's poetry also started whispers that created a loud noise (after all the government did invade his home). Furthermore, there are whispers that The Dreamer is a strong Newbery contender. My guess would be a Latina has never won the Newbery, but I can't say for sure. The only other rumored Newbery contender I've read is One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams Garcia and I would be happy with either one winning.

Disclosure: Received from Lyn. Mil gracias Lyn!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Becoming Billie Holiday

Becoming Billie Holiday by Carole Boston Weatherford, Art by Floyd Cooper

Rating: 5/5

IQ "If he ["two-bit critic"] dares, he'll get a mouthful, hear just how I got to Harlem and became Lady Day. Oh, the tales I'll tell." pg. 11 Intro: What Shall I Say?

I was delighted to read this book. It's a YA poetry book with illustrations about the life of Billie Holiday in her heyday as told by Billie. It starts with her birth, but ends in her twenties, before her tragic fall. There are about 98 poems, 95 of those poems have the names of songs sung by Billie Holiday, the other three tie into the poem's content.

I knew very little about Billie Holiday. I once recorded Lady Sings the Blues (the movie about Billie Holiday starring Diana Ross), but it ended up getting deleted before I could watch it. Therefore this was my first time reading about Billie Holiday. After I finished this book I did some more research on Billie Holiday and I also began listening to her music. I was only familiar with two of her songs: Gloomy Sunday (the amazing Dia Reeves introduced me to that one because she considers it a theme song for Bleeding Violet) and Strange Fruit (which I just realized was the former name of Dia's WiP. Crazy coincidence!). Anyway, the point is, I learned so much about Billie Holiday and she is so talented. Her story leaps off the pages through the exquisite illustrations and the wonderful poems. I'm amazed at the author's ability to connect her poems about Billie Holiday with song titles, she brought her to life and she presented her thoughts in an authentic manner.

Eleanora Fagan (Billie's real name) had a hard life, she was born to her thirteen (!) year old mother and spent her early years with various relatives. She was raped, ditched school, ended up in a reform school of sorts, worked in a brothel and eventually became the jazz/blues star. I never knew that Billie suffered because of her weight, but she never let it get her down. She was proud of her body and shot right back at critics. Her emotional, deep and low voice more than made up for her "roly-poly" body and she's a great role model to girls in that you shouldn't listen to the critics and to love yourself (not that she always did that) because you are more than outside appearances. I'm not sure if the whole book is true but I loved reading about the reason behind the flower Billie always wore in her hair and why she changed her name (Billie for her favorite movie star, Holiday because it was sort-of like her absentee father's name of Halliday). The story ends with Coda: Strange Fruit, which was one of the highlights of Billie's career. I never knew the meaning behind Strange Fruit or how it came about so reading the poem about it was an eye-opener. I then listened (REALLY) listened to the song again. One of my favorite poems, "With Thee I Swing" is about Billie being tired of all the racism she faces traveling with an all-white band (she was the first African American woman to do so)

Racism ripped America at the seams,
and jazz stitched the nation together
one song at a time. But music
alone couldn't mend the tear.
The needle pricked my fingers
till my soul was sore, and I longed to hop a train for home." (pg. 103)

Becoming Billie Holiday is a great book to introduce teenagers to Billie Holiday and re-introduce her to her fans. It presents a fresh (and more positive) perspective on her life, it trumpets her achievements, but it does not shy away from the hardships she dealt with. The poems and illustrations are vivid and fitting for such a dynamic lady. I highly recommend that you listen to a Billie Holiday CD or playlist while you read this book :) The book includes an afterword, a list of references for further reading/listening and brief biographies of key people in Billie's life and during her time.

Disclosure: Received from the author. Thank you so much Carole!

Listen to an interview with the author, Carole Boston Weatherford where she talks about the book, Lady Day and some Billie Holiday songs are played (she also reads from the book and she does a lovely job reading it!) Everyone should also listen to Billie Holiday's fantastic song, Strange Fruit. My new favorite song by her is Getting Some Fun Out of Life (after all, isn't that what we all need sometimes?)