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Showing posts with label list. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Top Ten Characters I Want as Family Members

This is my first time particpating in this meme but I've always read a few of these lists every week because they are so much fun to read. Now I get to share, yay!

This week's topic is Top Ten People You (I) Would Want in Your (My) Family. The meme is hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

1. Hands down I want Mare from Mare's War as my grandmother. Although I would give anything to have one more conversation with my own maternal grandmother. I even talk about how I should call her more in my original (very young) review. I only learned my lesson for a few months unfortunately. But this is getting to sad, so moving on. Mare wears stilettos, bright red lipstick (my grandmother does too) and drives fast. She's also chockful of stories, she went on some awesome adventures and she was in the army during World War II. Oh you know, no big deal. Psych! How cool would that be, the places Mare has been, the things she's seen. I want a book dedicated solely to her time in the war and afterwards.

2. I adore my little brother but it would be really fun to have Lamar (from How Lamar's Bad Prank Won a Buba-Sized Trophy) as my brother too. He would have me rolling all the time and he could teach me how to bowl! So much fun.

3. Yumi from I Wanna Be Your Shoebox as my sister. I like my sister and she's similar in age to Yumi but Yumi is so..with it. She's a fighter, loyal to the core and quriky.

4. Junior from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian as my cousin. He's SO FUNNY! And I would actually just want to hug him and share books with him and just discuss life. As corny as that sounds. I don't have many cousins in America so it would be nice to have someone with such a great personality. I would also remind him that he's poor because he's stupid or ugly, I would tell him that he's one of the most intelligent people I know and a handsome kid ;)

5. Davie from 32 Candles as my older sister. I don't have an older sister and I sometimes wish that I did. I would want her to be just like Davie, kind and crazy. Cuz Davie kinda loses it in the book but then she pulls herself together and she sings at a nightclub. Plus she could give me tips on how to reinvent myself after high school. I accept my Invitation to Crazy

6. Rosalee from Bleeding Violet as my mom. I know that sounds insane but I'm not an affectionate person so I would like that Rosalee wouldn't constantly be trying to smother me in hugs. Like my own mother, Rosalee is incredibely strong and I love that about her. Although I wouldn't go on any 'field trips' with Rosalee nor would I want to live in Portero.. And hey, Rosalee is gorgeous. Although so is my mom and I don't have her looks so maybe I'm just doomed not to look like gorgeous women?

7. I love my dad but I wouldn't mind Percivel (Percy) from Devil's Kiss being my second dad. Not only is he a nice guy but he could teach me how to use various weapons. Sweet :)

8. Maddie from Saving Maddie as another cousin. I need all the stlye help I can get so besides Davie, Maddie could also help me. I dearly wish I was confident as her. Maybe she could me with that too? She would also be fun to just hang out with, especially when some Christians at our school got too intense and I needed someone who knew when to relax.

9. Marcelo from Marcelo in the World as my older brother. Well yes Marcelo and I are the same age but he's several months older ok? ;p Marcelo is brillant and shy but I feel like he could easily step into the role of protective older brother. Also he could discuss religion with Maddie and me for as long as we wanted (not that I would want to for very long, I think all his deep questions would leave me at a loss for words after awhile).

10. Genna from A Wish After Midnight may be two years younger than myself but she's basically my twin. From her heritage (half Panamanian-half Black) to her personality (well a bit more of an attitude in the 1860s) to her thoughts about being Black. <3

So who would be in your family?