Before we get to book business, I have a question. I recently did a negative review and the author is unhappy with it. I don't personally attack the author in the review, I just give my honest opinion of the book. The author wants me to take down the review, while I realize you want positive publicity for a book, you should also want a honest review of a book. I thought it would be obvious that I review books honest and I blog with integrity, since it's apparently not clear, I changed my review policy to reflect the fact that I will give my honest opinion of a book and I don't write only positive reviews or only negative reviews. I'm curious how do my fellow bloggers handle writing negative reviews? Authors, do you prefer negative reviews to no reviews?
Back to cooler things like books!
From the library (so much for not going in January, in my defense I needed a book for school and the GLBT challenge!)

Taboo to the touch
A fire in the cold
That was us
Welcome to a stage, where a soaring painting takes shape before your eyes, a big-booty poet stands at the mike, and there’s a seat right in front, just for you.
This is a place where wise old ladies live and boys act like horses.
This is a vision of love that was crushed and brought back to life.
And this is my story. I’m Orphea Proud. Welcome to the show.
As Orphea, who discovers her sexuality as a lesbian, shares her story, powerful questions of family, prejudice, and identity are explored.
-I'm so eager to read this book thanks Sarah for the recommendation. (ETA: Not Lizzy, sorry for the mix up. Still luv you Lixxy!) I really like the cover too and it sounds awesome so yay!

Ludelphia Bennett may be blind in one eye, but she can still put in a good stitch. Ludelphia sews all the time, especially when things go wrong.
But when Mama goes into labor early and gets deathly ill, it seems like even quilting won’t help. That’s when Ludelphia decides to do something drastic—leave Gee’s Bend for the very first time. Mama needs medicine that can only be found miles away in Camden. But that doesn’t stop Ludelphia. She just puts one foot in front of the other.
What ensues is a wonderful, riveting and sometimes dangerous adventure. Ludelphia weathers each challenge in a way that would make her mother proud, and ends up saving the day for her entire town.
Set in 1932 and inspired by the rich quilting history of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, Leaving Gee’s Bend is a delightful, satisfying story of a young girl facing a brave new world.
-I don't know anything about the quilting history of Gee's Bend and it counts for the 2010 YA/MG Debut Author challenge. Also, I've read mixed reviews of the novel so I'm eager to form my own opinion on it :) Thank you Putnam and SonsWon

Meet Maybelline Mary Katherine Mary Ann Chestnut, named for two Miss Americas and her mother Chessy's favorite brand of mascara. Chessy teaches the students in her charm school her Seven Select Rules for Young Ladies, but she won't tell Maybe who her real father is -- or protect her from her latest scuzzball boyfriend. So Maybe hitches a ride to California with her friends Hollywood and Thammasat Tantipinichwong Schneider (aka Ted) -- and what she finds there is funny, sad, true, and inspiring . . . vintage Lisa Yee.
-It sounds like a secondary character is a POC. Does anyone know if the main character is a POC (I know the author is)? Anyway, this book sounds good. Thanks Lizzy!
Cool New Link: Diversify Your Reading
ETA 1/25/10: Thank you everyone for the honest and helpful advice! I think I will do negative reviews but I work on not being so harsh and remembering that author's have feelings too (I think I do a good job of that but I can always do better) and their books are very personal. I'd rather do a negative reivew than no review.