Showing posts with label contest update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contest update. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Da Winnah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the winner of an autographed copy of A Wish After Midnight by Zetta Elliott (as chosen by is....... *drumroll*


Congrats! I'll be emailing you shortly to get your address :)
The winner actually made a cast which you can see here It's a good cast, so check it out! I especially like her choice of Evangeline Lilly as Mrs. Brant and Robert Ri'chard as Paul (he's from the TV show One on One)

Thank you everyone for entering and following. You guys are so awesome!

*My Sept. contest update. It's looking good. More details to come. I'm still contacting publishing companies and some authors but I'm pretty sure it will work! Thanks everyone for all the advice and suggestions. It was so helpful. Everyone has been great, emailing and contacting people on my behalf. I can't say thank you enough!