Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not What I Planned

Tuesday or Thursday of last week (Becky maybe you remember which day it was...) I got out of the shower, got dressed for a good workout, and took J to school. When the babies and I got home, I was getting things together so we could head out for a two hour walk. That all changed when I closed Ryan's fingers in the door - THREE OF THEM!!
The poor kid was devastated and need some love. Andi was cranky and became rather jealous. So I put her in bed and sat on the couch cuddling with Ryan. Then I realized, his head was getting awfully heavy. He's always been a sac of potatoes, but this was worse. I look down - he's passed out!!
I cleaned all around him and he didn't budge. This is so rare because my kids are BED BABIES! They don't like sleeping anywhere but their bed.
But then it was time to get J and lo and behold, before I even get down Poppy Andi is passed out!
It was a sleepy day!

1 comment:

Rojahn Family said...

Man! I thought when you said he passed out that he really did! I'm so glad he was just sleeping! AH!!! Poor baby! I'm glad he's okay.