Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Andi Anderson

This picture is OBVIOUSLY AFTER my EPIDURAL! This pregnancy and labor and delivery was VERY different from my other two. Where to begin.... Because both the boys were early and because I was HUGE, I thought for sure I would go into labor early. This is an awful way to enter the last few weeks of your pregnancy because you are on pins and needles each and every second. So needless to say, I was going crazy waiting for it all to begin and each false alarm was very upsetting.
But then Tuesday morning around 2:50am I thought it had to be it. My contractions were SO real but they weren't very close to one another. With the boys I felt them when they were about 3-5minutes apart and at that interval, you can pretty much count on going to the hospital. But here I was, in pain, but only 8-10 minutes apart. I woke Andrew up around 4am because they went to about 6min. and we talked and planned and so forth. But then at about 5am, it all stopped. I got up to take a shower and see what was going on - nothing. I think about 5:30am I fell back asleep. 6:30am the boys woke up and so we were all up - Andrew made crepes and I had occasional pain but I didn't know what to think of it. So I decided that either way, I was going to go to the doctor's to check things out.
9am the office opened and I called. At that time I was also back to ten minutes apart and thinking this could be it. My nurse, Donna, told me to come on in and maybe they would break my water. Annette arrived here at 10:15am and Jackson was very understanding that we had to go to the doctor's to get Baby Andi.
I got there and was dilated to four and not really in active labor. After walking around for 20minutes, I came back dilated to 6, fully effaced, and ready to go. After breaking my water at 12pm, the show really started. I had never been that far without an epidural and I do not recommend it. We went straight to the labor and delivery floor and I wanted to scream. I felt so gross and so miserable. A LONG half hour or so later I got the drugs - YES!!!! You wait nine months for that pleasure and so I really feel I got jipped because I only had the "goods" for about an hour and a half :( Which meant, I wasn't feeling it as much as I have in the past and so I really felt things this time. Granted it wasn't drug free, but it was more than I wanted.

After maybe five minutes of pushing, Andi made her way into our world! We thought she had dark hair - turns out it's WAY blonde!

My parents were waiting OUTSIDE the door of course but were in there the minute they got the word.

We couldn't believe the resemblance to Jackson.

Later Annette and Tori brought the boys - our first attempt at a family picture was interesting to say the least! At first Jackson was not thrilled to be in the room - he saw my IV's and basically turned the other way and left me in his dust! But once Andi was brought into the room, Jackson was willing to come back and wanted to see "Baby Anni". Just like he was with Ryan, Jackson was so in love! Ryan, ummm not really sure what was going on :)

We were just there 11 months ago, Andi is healthy, and I couldn't sleep due to all the noises and the thought of my sad little man away from us - SO we asked to leave a day early and so after our 24hours from delivery, we were able to leave!!!

We can't believe just a few months ago Ryan was in this very seat looking this small. Actually - SMALLER. Ryan was 7lbs 6oz and Andi was 8lbs 3oz (but leaving today she's only 8lbs - still my biggest because Jackson was 7lbs 12 oz).

It's great to be home. We were blessed once again to have our families so close, willing and able to watch the boys. But I think we will all rest better tonight being back together under one roof in our own beds - there's nothing like it :)

Mr. Ryan is now officially the BIG BROTHER!

Andi has been very sleepy since we have been home - what a day for us all!


Julia Everts said...

OH MY GOSH!!! SHE IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love this post! I love all the pictures! I love that your a mother....again, only after a short time of having your little Ryan. It's all so exciting! Congrats again! Can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

Rachel, she is absolutely precious!! What a beautiful, loving family you have.

Ashleigh said...


I've been checking and checking.

She looks so cute and so alert in those ones of the 3 of you.

We are very happy for you guys. Amazing that you are already home!

Keep those pictures coming.

Jenn said...

she is so precious! and you look gorgeous! i love your family. you are truly blessed!

jena wise said...

she really is pretty. a perfect addition to your family. I still cannot believe that at 11 months (tomorrow), Ryan is a big brother!

you look SO HAPPY. and so refreshed. I'm so happy for you!

Jamie said...

Rachel...congrats! She is beautiful! Just like her mommy! I hope she is a good sleeper for you:)

The Watson's said...

so exciting. I hop-e to have a boy next then we can talk about the difference in labor. Love ya, get rest! Wish I were there to help!

d said...

She is so beautiful, and she does look a lot like Jackson! You look great and much too refreshed to be leaving the hospital! I felt the exact same way as you about leaving ASAP. TOO much noise and too many interruptions, just get me home!!!
I love you and I can't wait to meet little Andi!

Anonymous said...

OMG Rachel she is BEAUTIFUL!!! And you look amazing. I've been checking every day, but yesterday I didn't get a chance to. I'm glad you're home, there's really no place like it. Congratulations!

Laurie Nguyen said...

Your daughter is gorgeous! Congratulations! (And you look fabulous in the pictures, especially considering you just had a baby!)

McLove said...

She is beautiful. Congratualtions:) You look great in the pics:) Get some rest!

Paige said...

Andi is simply beautiful! I think she looks like an Anderson. I don't remember Jackson having those cheecks. I can't wait to meet her. I bet you're busy but knowing the wonder women you are, I'm sure you have her sleeping through the night already! Love you guys.
P.S. I only hope I can look as good as you do right after giving birth

tphillips said...

Rach she is absolutely precious! I couldn't be more happy for you guys! You did an awesome job! Please let me know if you guys need anything at all...we are right down the street!
BTW~ you look AMAZING...

Alyssa said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Finally over! She is so cute!!!! I love the pictures with your boys looking at their new little sister! So precious!

Jenn said...

Congratulations! She is So beautiful, can't wait to meet here! You look great as well- let us know if you need something!

Rojahn Family said...

Ohhhhhh, Rachel!!!! How cute is SHE!!??? And how fun to finally not be pregnant! It must seem like you've been pregnant for like 18 months!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You all look soooooo happy. Happy momma means happy family for sure! Call me if you need ANYTHING!

We love you guys and are soooo happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!

RachelAA said...

YES that's exactly how I feel - it has been a LONG 18 months!!!!!

Mandi Snider said...

Congrats!!! What a neat blog! Thank you so much for sharing your story! It was so very fun to read!!! Man I am nervous to have kids some day!!!! You are a great woman!