Sunday, May 30, 2010


One of my VERY favorite things in this world is watching the three of them play together PEACEFULLY!
It has also been so fun watching Andi play on her own - SO fun! She runs all over and is totally enjoying her freedom. I think you can tell by the quantity of pictures that it's been SO much fun!

And our Mister Ryan gave us a show before church today. He played, he sang, he laughed. Loved it!

Date Night!

Furlough week was interesting. Well, actually it really wasn't interesting but it did make me think. We had a week with nothing to do, wow, do you know what that does to a girl that likes to get out. And not only me, but to kids that like to get out. And with it being cold, I wasn't up to packing them up and heading to the pool or the park. So yes, it was a long week. Honestly, it made me nervous about a non-productive summer. Guess we will have to go visit some friends :) Prepare guys!!

Then to top it off, my allergies kicked up when the weather changed and then you add in the changes we are mentally preparing for and the stress that brings along, those allergies turned into a cold Thursday. Ugh!

So when Annette called, missing the kids and wanting a sleepover, it was a blessing we so very much needed. We never get time these days, time to just talk, sit in silence, feed only ourselves.
Andrew got home from work Friday and I felt awful - horrible really. So he packed up the kids - only forgetting a bottle and Andi's Almond Milk - and took the kids to Acton. Whew, not only was I getting a date night I was also getting an hour of down time here at home.

Once he returned, my Grey's episode was over and I was SO ready for dinner. We headed over to Mimi's (always makes us think of Wes!) and had a peaceful dinner.
They asked us "How Many?" to which we replied, "TWO!". Yep, no high chairs, no boosters, no crayons. Seriously, I think our last date was in Jan. or something like that.

Look, two cups, two plates - NO MESS!

Dinner was wonderful and the company was hilarious! I downed three cokes to get me through the night. That too was exciting because we never order soda. For one, we really don't drink it. But for two, if we are ever in the mood, we still don't order it because the kids will want to drink it. So yes, I splurged! And it worked.

After dinner we walked over to Target to make a return. Then we seriously wandered around. It was so freeing. I don't even know how long we were there, we didn't have to pay attention. I think we roamed every aisle and only left with toilet cleaner, chapstick that was on sale - haha, we just had fun looking.

When we got in the car at 8:30pm, we knew we weren't going to a movie. We headed home to watch a movie Annette let us borrow. Well, I watched half of it and Andrew slept. 10:30 we were in bed passed out instantly - That was nice! Andrew got a full night's sleep. Unfortunately because I couldn't breathe too well, I got up at the normal times. But at least it wasn't to the sound of Andi screaming!

Good Timing

I needed to finish getting ready - Andi founds tupperware to occupy her.

Driving J to school - drove straight into a swarm of something that splattered all over my windshield.

Because of Furlough week, I didn't have to work Thursday after all - we got to join in on the Menchies Field Trip.

Barbara, aka Grandma K, asked for a ride - this put us in the same parking lot as my mom who just so happened to want to grab lunch! Yum, she treated us to our fav!

THURSDAY = Good Timing!

Souplantation (Way Back When)

Somehow this video appeared on my camera - it was taken way back when Shay and Mike came to visit. We all went to Souplantation after the Poppy Festival.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It's one of those dresses I thought would never fit - 2T, whadda ya know... it fits. She's a long one!

Four Miles = TWO Strollers

Because we don't have one of these:

We had to use these:

We had a free Saturday morning and Andrew was actually willing to go on a journey with me. Wahoo! I can only take Andi to the far park because we have so many hills and so many strollers that don't accommodate us appropriately, so it was great having a partner in crime. I love this walk because it's a great workout but I just can't do it on my own. But this was great, we did a lot of talking and a lot of laughing. AND SCREAMING. I was so grossed out when we almost stepped on the dead snake!
When we FINALLY arrived at the park, the kids were thrilled. They love this park and yet we rarely go to it. Probably because I can't walk them to this park and because play group is never here. Those are the only time we go to the park. So yes, they were excited.
But then the sprinklers came on and Ryan ventured up the hill to play in them - we were done at the point! It was 11:30 and we needed to get home to do lunch in an hour.
Andi knocked out on the way home and slept in the stroller, in the backyard, all through lunch. What an odd, sleepy week!
After naps we bundled them up and headed to Acton for our friend's, Ryan, Graduation Party. He just finished his Engineering degree at Berkeley. SO AWESOME!
Now what's with our Jewish son you ask.... He found this infant beanie and wanted to wear it all day! I thought he looked cute :)


Not bad for a click and run!

Diann Ison-Herbst 10/27/1946 - 4/30/2010

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

For TWENTY YEARS Diann battled cancer. She was a fighter. She was incredible. She was so sweet. She was one of my dad's best friends. When I picture Diann, I picture her and Steve coming to our house in Hawthorne. She would bring her car for my dad to fix. Was it a mustang? I'm not sure. I remember her smile. I remember her love for the beach - because it reminds me of my own. I remember her height :) I will always remember her!
Friday, her services, her "Celebration of Life", was held at the "Glass Church" in Palos Verdes. That is where I want mine held!
I brought the kids with me and so about five minutes into it, I ended up outside with three crazy children. Not dressed for beach weather - duh, what was I thinking. But they didn't care it was cold.
The service was incredible - seriously perfect. I don't think there was a dry eye - it was beautiful in every way which is just how it should have been!


Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God has chosen for me.
I took His hand when I heard him call;
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way;
I've now found peace at the end of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss;
Oh yes, these things, I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
Look for the sunshine of tomorrow.

My life's been full, I savored much;
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seems all to brief;
Don't lengthen your pain with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and peace to thee,
God wanted me now-He set me free

Author: Shannon Lee Moseley.

I love this poem because it's so hard to remember this when you are sad. Andrew and I were talking and ever since Wes died, we are able to better feel the pain one experiences when they lose someone. Watching these people say good-bye to a very dear friend just breaks my heart. But then I remember that I am happy for you. She is free of all the pain this life had to offer her. Man, what a feeling that must be. But it was a tough day, a tough but beautiful day.

Hangin' in Acton

Oh how we love them!
They are a great example to me in so many ways but one tops my list:
I love how the two of them take the time to escape together, walk together and reconnect even in the middle of chaos.
Ok so maybe they're just passing gas, but it's still cute :) jk


For the past few months we have been having a once a month Anderson family sunday dinner and we have tried to focus it on the birthdays for that month. A few weeks back we asked Jackson what he wanted to do for his birthday party - "The Park!". So 3pm Sunday afternoon, Papa, gramma Nette, Tori, Ivan, Mya, Zoe, Chris, Lorenzo and Aunt Jill (Ben had to work), all came out here for our "Sunday Dinner". It was potluck style and turned out just perfect.

Jill and Ben TOTALLY came through on the PINATA - seriously, this thing was awesome. Jackson was in heaven. We still have the head saved in his room.

When we got home from the park, Jackson was dying to try out the gift from his cousins - THE OCTOPUS! It's such a bummer it has been too cold since then.

When I asked Jackson what he wanted to do on his birthday, he said "Um, I think go swimming!" Yes sir! Luckily, he was blessed with another gorgeous day - seriously, does he have a connection to the weatherman?

Bri is TERRIFIED of bees. So when she took a step and felt something on her foot, she began a CRAZY dance. But that joyful expression turned into fear. She was NOT pleased and a bit freaked out. It was cute how Mark took care of her and how Andi wanted to also help. As soon as she spotted the two of them sitting by the pool, she made her way over.

Grandpa was stuck in traffic so when he arrived, the kids went to greet him. Mark helped them out by lifting them on up.

Jackson was so excited it was his birthday - which is great because his bisabuelos got him a card that sang, "I'm so excited!". His musical cards made him want to dance - he felt the music!

How old are you today? four (with his fingers)

What is your favorite color? green

What is your favorite animal? gorilla

What is your favorite food? rice

What do you want to be when you grow up? play games and don't do bad stuff

Who is your favorite cartoon character? Shaggy - he's pretty silly

What is your favorite sport? Basketball

What is your favorite cartoon? Scooby Doo

Where is your favorite place to go? to work - the pool the best and the beach

What's your favorite restaurant? pasta and noodles and tofu

What is your favorite toy? Buzz Lightyear and play-doh and my playhouse - and playing drinks - playing with everything

What do love about school? playroom and play outside

Where do you love to sleep? In your bed

What's so exciting about being four? I'm so excited to have my birthday and to blow the candles.

"See ya. Remember, don't open the door at your house cause bugs might get in it!"

We love you bud!!

Not What I Planned

Tuesday or Thursday of last week (Becky maybe you remember which day it was...) I got out of the shower, got dressed for a good workout, and took J to school. When the babies and I got home, I was getting things together so we could head out for a two hour walk. That all changed when I closed Ryan's fingers in the door - THREE OF THEM!!
The poor kid was devastated and need some love. Andi was cranky and became rather jealous. So I put her in bed and sat on the couch cuddling with Ryan. Then I realized, his head was getting awfully heavy. He's always been a sac of potatoes, but this was worse. I look down - he's passed out!!
I cleaned all around him and he didn't budge. This is so rare because my kids are BED BABIES! They don't like sleeping anywhere but their bed.
But then it was time to get J and lo and behold, before I even get down Poppy Andi is passed out!
It was a sleepy day!

Happy Birthday Markie

Title: When I told Jackson we were going to Mark's Birthday, he asked, "Who is Mark?". I said, "Uncle Mark!". To which he replied, "Oh, MARKIE!".
Sunday was Mark's Birthday, but we celebrated Monday night. He wanted carne asade - YUM! It was a late dinner so we weren't able to hang around too long, but it was a nice night. My grandparents were planning on coming out for J's birthday, so when plans changed and Mark ended up staying in town for his birthday, they came out for the entire week! Now if only we could get them to move out here!!!

Mark doesn't like sweets - so it's funny how we always have a cake on his birthday when he doesn't even eat it (I used to be that way until kids :() So grandma and mom had fun picking out a cake they would like - hey, whatever works right! Turns out Vallarta makes a pretty mean cake.
And yes, I smashed Andi's face into the cake, and yes, she didn't mind, and yes, she kept on eating!