
October 01, 2015

My Month in Numbers: August 2015

Here we are, one more month of 2015 behind us... and here I am with a new "fake pocket page" to showcase my month in numbers:

I created this spread with the September This Life Noted kit from Scraptastic Club and the printable This Life Noted digital files (+ velum from my stash)

The highlights of this month are the time spent together close to home at the end of the summer, a quick getaway and going back to school.

☛ My Month In Numbers is an original idea by Julie Kirk that I have decided to use to document our lives through the year "a la Project Life" (minus the page protectors). You can view all my previous pages here. And you can see all the participants' entries on the Month in Numbers Pinterest board.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Darling page, Nathalie! Do you keep track as the month goes on for what you'll include or is it based on photos you've taken? I'd love to try this, but I worry I'd forget as the month goes on. :)

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the photos and how you included "Inside Out"!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Quelle harmonie parfaite entre les decos, photos, papiers! Waouh!!
    et puis c'est fou comme tes garçons ont changé, je ne les ai jamais vu avec les cheveux si courts je crois ;)


I read and appreciate each and everyone of your comments. I also answer questions within the comment section. Merci!