Showing posts with label Toman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toman. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Giant Snakehead Attraction

Ayer Ganda,... one of my favourite places to fish for Giant snakehead (Toman)..... slow sunrise in the morning with cooling breeze around the water has welcomed me to return to this water.... 
This time a couple from France,.. Julien and his wife Magdalina had come for the Toman challenge...
Toman fishing in Malaysia is not an easy game for a beginner who is not so experienced in lure casting method.... Normally the first day is just a warm up practice for the first timer, but some will have beginner's luck to start with.......
A hot afternoon break under the shade of the rubber trees.....
Curiosity has brought Magdalina scouring around the rubber tree plantation....
Sight fishing Toman is kind of a waiting game also,... where by you have to get ready to cast a lure to a fish at anytime... and patiently wait for the Toman to surface for air... Of course a lightning fast cast a lure into it's striking zone requires a hell of a casting skill....
 And it is a total satisfaction once you really catch it.... 
Toman fishing is a very challenging fishing game,... patience, fast casting and accuracy are the 3 most essential method ingredient of all.... Besides that you need to fight the powerful Toman out from it's refuge near the structures.... 
 Beautiful catches from Julien during the trip......
 Hope they will be back soon for another exciting escapade.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kenyir Lake Fishing Trip with Norio Tanabe

Norio Tanabe's group has come again to Malaysia to quench their thirst for Toman fishing.... Only Toman and nothing else will do for this enthusiastic group....
This time, our location is locked at Kenyir Dam....
Our boat-house is already waiting for us beforehand, saving us much transfer time this way...
Some picturesque scenes around the boat house....
This time our lady angler Rie has come for the challenge too.....
It seems the Tomans here are not that aggressive on lures. Many big sized Tomans chased but never take the bait...... After many attempts, finally landed this young guy....
Dark skies and heavy rain coming soon, better head back to the boat-house......
After the pouring rain, calmness engulf the night sky......
After the dinner and with booze in hand, everyone started their cock-and-bull stories.....
Well,.. our star Noro Tanabe - The Forever Young Master..... Cheers!!
Challenges of the next day.....
Sighhhhh! Fishing Toman in Kenyir Dam is really not easy at all.....
A wild Pygmy Elephant curiously watching us casting for Toman.....
Although the catches were not up to our expectations, we all had fun indeed.....

Monday, August 13, 2012

Swamp Snakehead Game Fishing

Forest Snakehead! Forest Snakehead! Here I come again.... Lately I was really into this Peat Swamp Snakehead Fishing.... To go there you will need to endure 2 hour plus of 4X4 off road drive from the outside main road where you start to enter the area.....
Some part of the road is really bad,.... Well, it is a good sign, that means nobody came here for quite some time already......
Finally, we reached our camp beside the swamp river......
The fishing site around the river.....
Yeahhh! A forest Snakehead caught with my soft rubber bait from DRANCKRAZY! Great!.....
Wow! Look at this fishing spot,... bigger size Snakeheads are definitely abound.....
That evening near the camp site I managed to hook up a bigger Forest Snakehead,.... Yes! Goody!
Everybody is busy preparing their bed camps before the night fall.....
Relaxing and talking about the day's fishing experiences......
When night fell,... a group of Orang Asli (indigenous people) came near by our camp site to catch some fish.....
This is what their night catch after a few hours.....
Some kind of small Catfish....
It look like a kind of Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leeri) to me.... Beautiful!!
The next morning, and I am ready to explore a deeper part of this peat swamp forest in hope to look for a better fishing spot....
Some juvenile Tomans were caught around the camp site..... 
Forested peat swamps, which is maintained by rainfall and groundwater,.... are commonly found in tropical regions where by more than 60% of the world’s tropical peat lands are found in South-East Asia....
Peat swamp forests are unique habitats for endemic species of snakehead fish found here.....
This ecosystem of waterlogged forests, with its low nutrients and dissolved oxygen levels in the acidic black water is the unique home for the local snakehead such as Bujuk, Haruan, Toman Bunga and Toman......
Every water hole beneaf the bush and the covered roots of the tree is a potential spot for a "Bujuk" Forest Snakehead...... 
And the open area is where the "Toman" Giant Snakehead is...... which is a top predator in this waters....
Lost a good size Toman,... look at the tail end of the minnow, the whole rings and hook was pulled out instantly by a strong bite.....
Plenty of young Tomans in this area, they will gulp down every thing insight......
Yes! A bigger size Toman has landed.....
My fishing mate, Chaw casting with a live frog has rewarded him with a nice "Bujuk" Forest Snakehead......
But for me, I only practise in using artificial bait,... anyhow astonishing results were produced by using the legendary 酔狂lure..... this DRANGE series of soft lure has the most fish like texture and a specially designed softness which allow maximum penetration.....
Plenty of catches by using the soft plastic baits......
Wooo! Caught another bigger size Toman..... NICE!!
Where by the live frog bait members are not outdone yet,....
Look at their nimble approach to hard reach places, it is a tough act indeed.....
Wow! Not a bad result for the live bait members,..... Hey! You guys are catching too much , don't you think so?!......
Wow!~ A rare Emperor Snakehead was caught too.....
This Forest Snakehead was the bigger catch by Klang Lim.....
Found a cute Leaf Fish 馬來枯葉虎(Nandus nebulosus).....
Back to our camp.....
Some of the sumptious dishes,.... fried small catfish and it was good to go with beers....
Steam Forest Snakehead,.... Yummy!!