Showing posts with label Cameron Highland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cameron Highland. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cameron Highland Tree House

A short trip to Cameron Highland around the corner of Chinese New Year... This time we came to a place called Terra Farm Tree House situated at the mountainside of Brinchang... A farm house that is build from the surrounding natural resources by the Indigenous people there... It is just 5 km away from the nearest town but you need 4 X 4 to access.....
From the entrance at bottom of the hill you need to walk up 400m to the Tree House where by take you around 20 min slow walk.... It is quite tough walk up for those who lacks exercise, but it sure is a good opportunity to destress a bit and feel the fresh air around the forest...
My girl is already starting to take her own sweet time with the hanging hammock...
There are 6 Tree Houses sitting along the ridge forest trail at these mountainside with very basic facility, it is a no frills lodging at all but this is the best way to get close to mother nature....
These Tree House is fully build with bamboo and palm's leaf from this forest....
Well, consider yourself staying at a 5 star camping site with an abound of fresh air and scenic view...
A good hang out time with the family around the fire wood while waiting for bugs...
Fresh air in the morning with hot beet root rice for breakfast.... what a healthy way to start the day...
My girls love this place very much and hope to come back for another stay.....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cameron Highland Outing

After a long while, I decided to bring my wife and 2 princesses for an excursion to Cameron Highlands again....
We saw a little native girl fishing around the river near the water fall........
Oh.... A dwarf snakehead which is commonly found in tributaries......
My kids are having fun at one of the Aborigines (Orang Asli) village......
At the Red Tea plantation........
A walk up to the mossy forest on Brinchang Mountain.....
Happy outing...... My eldest munching on her favourite must have sweet corn.....
The mossy forest of Brinchang mountain.....
Too exhausted..............
Mommy and the youngest outshining the sunflowers at a farm...........
Flowers at the farm.......Orang Asli peddling harvest produce from the forest..........Some beetles procured from this trip.........A Stag Beetle
A couple of Flower Beetles.......

Monday, January 5, 2009

My New Year Vacation

My friends are having a count-down party to celebrate in New Year Eve, but not for me. I had to sleep early to get myself ready in the next morning to go to Kenyir Lake with my family..... Just for a little get away. Winding road & Zigzag course make more stopping...... In the end, we took 5 hours to reach the jetty where we will transit by boat.
Reach Kenyir Lake..........Still raining........ It is raining the whole morning, even heavier rain at the time we reach there..... and the 20 min boat ride is freezing cold. There is our destination, Remis Rakit a floating chalet at Bertuang River......
The rain start to fall heavier after we reach there,.....
So, since no where to go. we could just enjoy the atmosphere here and made our-self ..........RelaxxxxWhy papa eat by himself ??I wanna eat fried bee hun too!!!............ Well, eat and sleep is the best you can do here........Zzzzzzz! Little scorpion too, sleeping at my feet ( Scary!! )The rain never stop......Chalet operator caught a lot of small fish by the upper side of the river.....Local fish's name "Ikan Memperas" "Ikan Terbol" (Osteochilus hasseltii)
"Ikan Rong"
"Ikan Kawan"
"Ikan Lampam" (Javanese barp)
"Ikan Fidau" or "Ikan Seliman" Some special looking mouth.......
"ikan Patong"
Busy cleaning the catches......
" Ikan Baung"!....Yummy, yummy....Become our dinner......
Fish maw and Fish eggs..... for cooking.....High Cholesterol, but really good taste indeed.......Delicious!We decided to go to Cameron Highland on the next morning...... But still raining.........Stop by at Elephant Conservation Centre......Spectacular view, on the way from Gua Musang to Cameron Highland....Don't miss the Steamboat at Cameron, especially during cold weather in the raining season....