Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

January 20, 2013

Spinning and a giveaway

I haven't had a giveaway for quite a while now and I thought it was about time:) 

This yarn is my handspun. it is the November hooves club batts from enchanted knoll.
I joined this club in October after waiting a while for a space. I've had 3 lots of fibre now from them and all have been stunning. I've had other sellers batts before and they can be a little like the curates egg
They can look beautiful on the top but when you open them up they can sometimes have less than perfect stuff there. Doesn't often happen but I have been disappointed several times. Enchanted Knoll look exactly the same inside as they do on the outside and what I particularly like is there is no preparation needed. You can just spin:) 

Meet Common Grackle, the November batt offering. This was my first batt from the club and I loved spinning it. The sparkle and the various colours that were part of it. 
There is 118g approx and approximately 755yards. So why a giveaway? I'll be honest I have tried the beginning of 7 different shawl  patterns and none felt right. I've only actually used 2 or 3 yards, if that ,you can just see it wound round the middle there. It obviously does not want to stay with me so who would like it for Imbolc? I will leave the comments open until Friday then choose a winner. You will hopefully get it in time for Imbolc and I'd love to see what you make with it:)

I've also been knitting. This is another Dragonfly wings and the yarn is some I dyed 2 years ago I think?

 This is yet another Wingspan shawl. I do love this pattern. The purple yarn is some left over Posh Elinor I think? and the yellow mix is some left over sock that I dyed a while ago.This is quite large as you can see.
 Then on Ravelry we had a hat challenge and as I hadn't made one for a while I got the needles out. The pattern is Propello from Woolly Wormhead and the yarn is some of my handspun. The fibre was a gift from a good friend and my attempt at spinning thicker than my default lace to 4ply.

 waiting blocking

then blocked. I think this needs a light felting to finish off.

Then finally there is this
This is my December batts from Enchanted Knoll, colourway Rusty Cockerel.
860yards from just 94g. So pleased with the yardage on this.

Not sure what to make yet.

December 19, 2011

Finally, the winner

I have been very remiss and I apologise. I did say I would choose the winner of the shawl giveaway on the 8th December.
There has been a lot going on chez Moggies so I have been distracted. Add in that today is oncology day for Mr Mog and it may help explain. So sorry about the delay and without further ado the winner is:-

Very Lazy Daisy:)
can you contact me with your address please? if you comment and leave your email address I won't publish the comment but will be able to contact you.

So what have we been up to this past few weeks? Looking back not a lot but lots going on. It took around 5 weeks for the viral infection to finally leave but of course having 2 lots of antibiotics, 2 lots of steroids and a steroid inhaler left its mark on my body. I've had lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of live yogurt to combat it.

Mr Mog has been busy reorganising his railway both in and out of his shed. He has been waiting for several weeks now for a couple of dry days to paint the outside line area and relay the lines. Unfortunately I don't think we have had a day without rain for over a month. He is quite frustrated by it as you can imagine.

He is keeping well as far as we can tell although the Oncologist will prove or disprove that this lunchtime.  We try not to worry about his visits although being human the night before and the actual day are always a little fraught.
The spinning still continues to hold us both in thrall and there is something very relaxing about sitting spinning as dusk falls with good music on the player.
I've been making shawls, nothing new there then:)
But I seem to be being drawn to the dark side of shawl knitting, very reluctantly but firmly.

First I thought I'd maybe like to try lace weight. Talk about shock horror. This from the person who said she would NEVER knit finer that 4ply.
Don't ask me why I want to go finer, I suspect it is just the challenge but who knows. I didn't have any lace weight yarn in the house but some friends thought they better encourage the path diversion and forced a skein of lace yarn on to me. They were just a tad too late however as when the urge came I just had to start knitting there and then. I searched the stash and found some Crystal Palace kid merino, very fine and slightly haloed. Probably as it is a mix of nylon, merino and mohair. As you may or may not know I've always had a love affair with mohair.
So the yarn is fine and very soft. I'm only on my second ball of it, they are 25g balls. The shawl is nearly finished. I did my own pattern for it and there will be pictures soon I promise.

not content with lace knitting I have gone a wee bit further. I also wanted to try beading.
I've threaded around 200 beads onto another ball of the yarn and intend to do the border with occasional beads.
Am I foolish? Most probably, I mean to say why try two new ideas at the same time and both of them challenging?
But there you go I suspect it may only be an occasional foray into the dark side but who knows? The muse calls and I follow her beacon wherever it takes me.

Yule or Winter Solstice is very nearly on us and we are putting up a tree and some sparkles this afternoon after the hospital. Have all our candles ready for the moment of dark turning into light. A time when we put out all the lights then start to light candles one by one to honour the return of the Sun King and the lighter days. What are you doing?

I had a few great ideas for painting Dorothea and I did as they suggested. Thank you:)
 I telephoned our local garage and asked if they could help me with the spraying. I mentioned that I intended to take Dorothea to various wool festivals to display the shawls etc we have on sale for the Air Ambulance fund raising.
 They very kindly took on the task of spraying her and doesn't she look great? The colour is a platinum silver and perfect for displaying shawls.
 Mr Mog thought she needed some lights for Yule and she has the latest shawl to keep her warm.

The shawl is Dragonfly wings free pattern on Ravelry and the yarn is Posh Hannah.

Phew think that is the update so far. I'll let you know how Mr mog gets on at the hospital.

November 29, 2011

Yule giveaway

I decided to do a giveaway for Yule to celebrate the turn of the wheel. You will find the item further down this post:)
I decided to pass Minerva, my shop model, on to a new home as she was a little too large for the craft room and too heavy when she needed moving. I obviously still needed something to display the shawls on so I decided to go for something a little more dainty.
Meet Dorothea. Why Dorothea? That is what she said she is called and who am I to argue with that?

 I didn't like the duck egg blue or the black areas where the paint had rubbed off so the paints came out. I think this will be a very slow project and goodness knows how I will get the inside part painted. All ideas gratefully received. I'm starting with purple as a base coat then will add various Lumiere metallics and irridescents. Then finally a sparkle.
 As you can see there is rather a long way to go yet.

I seem to be a little better thankfully. I had a chest X-ray on Friday, results tomorrow. The infection appears to be gone but I still have a very wheezy,tight chest. Possibly the asthma lingering rather than leaving with the infection which it usually does.
The doctor  didn't know why I was still ill hence the X-ray. I'm hoping this may be the end of infections for the Winter.
Mr Mog succumbed to it as well, after all it seemed unfair to keep it to myself, he also is getting over it now.

So Yule or Winter Solstice. The shortest day, longest night of the year. A time to celebrate the turn of the wheel as it heads towards the light half of the year . I recently finished a new shawl and as the colours remind me of Holly I thought it might be a good gift for someone. It is quite a large shawl and very warm. The yarn is Zauberball 4ply so it isn't too heavy despite the size.
 If you would like to be considered for the giveaway please leave a comment. I'll choose the winner on the 8th December which will hopefully give time for the shawl to get to you before Yule
 I haven't shown any spinning lately have I?  This first one is oatmeal BFL dyed in the copper colour way by Freyalyn I love her dyeing she has a great eye for colour. There are 590yards here and it weighs 104g
 This is merino silk from the Threshing Barn There are 475yards and 117g here.
I seem to have a bit of a thing for merino silk at the moment. I've some of Freyalyns copper in Merino silk waiting to be spun up. There is merino silk on Tilly Traveller and Merino silk on the Victoria also.

September 15, 2010

Giveaway winner:)

I've been very remiss. I posted at the beginning of August and offered a giveaway of my handspun yarn to someone.
giveaway post
There were lots of comments and Mr Mog has chosen a winner.

As you can see there is slightly more yarn in the giveaway than I originally said. This is because it is a year almost since Mr mog started spinning and he decided to add 2 skeins to the pot. He has wound them ready for knitting and if you want the others winding P~H let me know:)
Congratulations:) and thank you everyone for entering.

August 02, 2010

Single skeins, what use? and a giveaway

I've been taking stock of fibre and yarn etc and wondering where I go from here. I've been spinning for almost a year now, it certainly doesn't seem that long since I first decided to have a go. As I'm sure all new spinners do I purchased 100g here, 100g there. All very well but apart from hats, socks what can you make with 100g? Not very much at all. As you can see from the picture I have many 100g skeins, this is just part of it. I've also knit quite a few up of course.

I've decided to be more organised in future. Apart from my favourite dyers where I know I will enjoy having 100g of fibre I'll only purchase 300g or more at a time. This would give me chance to knit larger items which would be better for me. After all a decent size shawl can take 300g, unless it is laceweight:)
So on to the giveaway, I've decided to let some skeins of handspun go. If you would like them, please comment on this post. I'll draw the winner on the anniversary of my first starting spinning, end of august. They will be chosen from my stash, I will decide colour and you will receive 2 skeins.

December 21, 2009

Solstice giveaway winners:)

Congratulations to the winners of the shawl and the hand spun yarn, names drawn today. Hope you enjoy the gifts. I will send after Christmas around 29th December to allow the mail to get back to normal.
Oh you want to know who won?

please email with your addresses:)
BTW BW, watch out for pictures tomorrow of the Lord and Lady wrapped up for the weather:))

December 20, 2009

On Solstice Eve , we shall have snow

'Tis Winter Solstice Eve, the eve of Yule and all its festivities. The longest night and the shortest day. After this the days get longer as we turn towards the light once more. Maybe only a minute or two a day but soon to be much brighter.
A sombre time for a lot of people with the darkness and the cold. I haven't suffered as much this year as some previous years. I know that we have to have the inward thoughtful times to balance the energies of spring and summer. There are some days I could wish for longer brighter days but I also enjoy the snuggling up inside in a warm chair or bed. Time to reflect on the year passed and the year to come.
We had freezing ice yesterday morning and minus 3. Teatime we had a lot of rain.
This morning we woke to this:-

A covering of snow where ever we looked. Not mushy snow but real crisp crunchy snow:)
The Lord and Lady are contemplating the labyrinth with its coating of white.
Mr Mog's railway and trees are no longer green and Buddha's glass was full of white powdery snow.
The stepping stones are whiter than usual.

Doesn't the car look clean? A mantle of snow to keep the dirt away.
The road as you can see is a road less travelled today.
We set off to see a dear friend but blizzards and maniac drivers on roads thick with snow drove us home again. No sense in risking accidents, why do people ignore weather conditions and drive at their usual breakneck speeds?
We have roast rib of beef in the oven and a pear cake cooling, the spinning wheel calls me to come and spin silk. I fear dear friends I must answer it's call.
I wish you all a happy Winter Solstice how ever you celebrate. I'll draw the winners for the hand spun yarn and shawl tomorrow so watch this blog.

December 15, 2009

Hospice knitting 2009, the total + solstice giveaway

I thought you might like to see the grand total of items going to the hospice this year. They will be going to St Catherine's hospice this time.

Do you want to know the totals?
There are 17 pairs of socks, 2 hats, 1 cowl, 2 scarves and 6 shawls or wraps. Enough to keep the patients and their families warm I think. This is the third year of knitting for the hospice and not the last.
Wonder what I should knit next year?
Many thanks again to all the very kind people who donated yarn for this project it has been much appreciated.

On to the Solstice giveaway, I thought you would like to see the prizes.
One very warm snuggly shawl and a pin to hold it closed.
1 skein of my very first hand spun, Falkland yarn and enough for a hat, gloves or cowl. Maybe even socks.
The winner will be announced on the Winter Solstice, Monday. I'll get Mr Mog to draw a name from the comments this month.

December 08, 2009

Of this and that and giveaways.

The lurgy still lingers and is worse if anything. I rang the surgery today because I can feel it has gone on my chest, after many years of flu etc turning into pleurisy and other chest infections I know my own body and I know when I have to seek extra help.
Now bear in mind all the notices in the doctors regarding swine flu etc and not coming into the surgery. I telephoned to get a prescription for antibiotics, Got told the triage nurse would ring. This was 8am, 9.40 no call so I rang back. "Oh she has not yet started" Was told she would ring after 11.30/ Almost noon came a call, and after explaining the symptoms and how the change in temperature makes me cough more, I have to go in at tea time for appointment. Wonder how they know it isn't swine flu? Obviously not bothered I'll be infectious are they?

Enough of the whinging:) These pictures are of the park recently and then sheep and knitting to tempt you to read further. Yes I know you could scan ahead but you won't will you?
The park is looking lovely in its winter plumage, some of it bare trees but some like the bamboo above still very much green and lush. The way the stems are I think something sleeps in here.

Then the pheasant berry or Chinese nutmeg always looks at its best this time of year. The mixture of flowers and berries remind me of the decorations in my nanny's hat:) Where we used to live the pheasants loved this time of year and were always helping themselves to berries. There was always a deep blood red stain under the bushes where berries fell and were trampled.
This little fellow was meandering along the path enjoying the winter sunshine. He obviously wasn't ready for total hibernation yet.
Neither was he at all bothered by our presence, his nose to the ground looking for food.
Despite the faded glory of many of the trees, lots of them also had new growth on show. A link between decay and life, new growth ready to blossom come the warmer days.
Isn't it lovely when you get the place to yourselves? Although not long after these pictures were taken we were surrounded by dogs and their owners going walkies.
This little chap and many of his relations were busy looking for food, a long while since we have seen so many in one day.
I love the flow of oak leaves across the bench, stopping for a while before resuming their flight on the wind.
Even the chestnut had big fat buds on show.
Don't you like the idea of the moss colonising the concrete here? Threads travelling along meeting up with others as they travel.
Then I did say knitting I believe? Here you see the first sock from my own hand spun, I am so proud of it, like a new parent showing off her baby in the pram:) It reminds me of sock yarns like regia etc with their painted panels but also the colours are very reminiscent of Noro don't you think?

A close up of the garter stitch heel, notice that there aren't(many) visible lumpy bits.
We also have a new sheep joining the moggie homestead. Our last tea cosy is around 10 years old and getting a little sad now. This seemed like the perfect replacement.
Haven't they got cheeky faces?
Now on to the giveaway. I'm giving away 1 skein of hand spun, spun by moi and 1 shawl to celebrate the winter Solstice. If you would like to win leave a comment before 21st December.
Haven't decided if it is 2 prizes or both to one person yet.
Pictures of what you can win in another post. This is by way of being a thank you for reading my meanderings:)

November 06, 2009

Femmes and Samhain giveaway winner.

The following femmes are still awaiting new homes, each link takes you to the appropriate post. post
Mackentia femme of the flames,
Ilyana femme of the winter sunset
Fireca femme of the winter sunrise
Indigo ocean femme
I'd love them to find new homes for Yule:)
We put the names of all who commented in October into a witches hat and the winner of the shawl is

Congratulations, please send your address and I'll post the shawl to you.

October 16, 2009

Samhain giveaway

I decided to have a giveaway for Samhain to celebrate the turn of the wheel.
This shawl is the prize. Hand dyed mohair and a large shawl to keep you warm during outside rituals.
The colours remind me of misty skies and the way that mist mutes the colours of the trees and plants. It is very soft and very light to wear, yet warm.
If you would like to win this shawl leave a comment for me. I'll draw the winner on Samhain.
A close up of the colours.

Elsewhere and handspun

I've finished my Winter Solstice Elsewhere. I love the colours in this. I wanted something that reflected winter skies in all their glory. I think I've captured that:)

It still needs blocking but I made this slightly larger to allow me to layer something under it for winter.

I love knitting with bluefaced Leicester aran yarn. I purchased it from and recommend them for undyed yarn and fibre.
I've also been spinning, so has Mr Mog but that is another story altogether.
This is some Falkland tops from FeltstudioUK, that I purchased in a ravelry destash. My first spinning of Falklands fibre and it was so easy. It practically spun itself:) I'm still spinning thick and thin in parts but it is getting better I think. I love Daniella's colours. They are very muted for me but a delight none the less.
This was before I set it, it is now on the line drying.
I got 334 yards from 200g which I'm inordinately pleased with:)
Currently on the wheel is some glittery fibre from Laal Bear, my first glitter yarn. Laal Bear's batts are so soft and she dyes such luscious colours. Today the sun is shining and it makes such a difference to my spirits. I'm awaiting a parcel of fibre then I hope to go and take the air on the promenade.
My next blog post has a giveaway for Samhain so stay tuned:)

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...