Showing posts with label gardenwatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gardenwatch. Show all posts

January 28, 2007

New Blogger, knitting and so forth

Been moved to new Blogger:( Not sure I like it yet and have tentatively started a wordpress blog with nothing on it yet, just in case. It says you can import blogger but sadly old not new.
We will see how it goes next few days.
I'm knitting the lacy prairie shawl from Folk Shawls. Pictures soon but I've done around 15 inches of it and its not too bad so far. Its holes so does that count as lace??? Jo, Marianne Ms Knit??
Also still working on the Cavendish throw in Noro as and when the holey thing gets too boring.
Finished 2 more Calorimetry and an ear flap hat that awaits felting and is pink:)) For a friend not me. I don't like baby pinks particularily.
What else? I'm sore, very sore and can't take my pain relief as my stomach is being tetchy. Makes for long long nights and lots of pain. I did garden watch today and had an amazing amount of birds, blue tits, great tits, gold finches, green finches, chaffinches, wren, robin, siskins, sparrows. Can't remember what else. The new niger feeder Mr Mog put up is really attracting the goldfinches. They are so pretty aren't they?
Busy getting the final parcel ready for my SP, it will probably go out tomorrow to her. My SP sending to me is Brooke White Willlow
Check out her blog, she has been a great SP and its been wonderful getting to know her.
Well I am going to go and knit me some more holes:)

Poetry for Brigid Imbolc

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree BY  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay a...