A miscellany today, where to begin?
It is a gorgeous day today but there is still much snow across on the mountains. It is nice to feel the tentative warmth of the sun and it gives hope of summer to come.
One would think that social services were expected to pay for care out of their own pockets from the depressing comments I've recently had from them.
It is becoming more unlikely that they will fund anything despite aged aunt being below the financial threshold. I am sure they are hoping that if they keep saying no aunt will back down.
Suffice it to say that the fight hasn't finished, I'm determined to take it as far as I need to if that ensures a speedy answer.
I've been in touch with chief exec of the council involved,also the local MP just for starters.
Methinks or wonders if the election that Goldfish Brown hopes to hold in April may help the case. We shall see.
All I do know is that Aunt wants to move near to her family and she wants some care at this fragile and vulnerable stage. She does not want to be made to jump through hoops for it.
Anyway, on to some spinning.
This fabulous yarn started out as BFL fibre from my good friend Anne who sells fibre and yarn through her etsy shop Mam a Mi. with her daughter. The colours are stunning and the fibre so soft and easy to spin.
The bug that I had last week is still hanging about. I'm still having occasional bouts of queasiness and the like. Not as bad as last week but certainly not gone completely.
I'm enjoying spinning on Lulu Lendrum very much, it is very comfortable with the ergonomic shape and exceedingly quiet.
It is mothers day this Sunday and we will be visiting MiL on the day. She is settling well into her care home and looks much better now she is receiving regular meals and 24 hour care.