Showing posts with label Swirlydoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swirlydoos. Show all posts

Monday, March 31, 2014

monday...Swirlydoos March Kit Layout #5 (and a goodbye)

Happy Monday! Welcome to my very last layout for Swirlydoos as my DT contract is over using their March Kit, Salutations! I want to thank Krissy for giving me the opportunity to design for Swirlydoos. It was definitely a dream come true!

I used the neutral colors for this layout of me during my baby shower back in February. My cousin took a few pictures of me and I fell in love with this one and had to scrap it right away! The glittery picks included in this kit are perfect for achieving the outdoorsy feel I wanted while keeping the layout elegant.

Here are some close ups of this layout:

Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for all of your support and lovely comments! Have a great week everyone! :)

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

sunday...Swirlydoos March Kit Layout #4

Happy Sunday bloggers! Today I want to share with you my last few projects with the Swirlydoos March Kit, Salutations! These also happen to be my last projects with Swirlydoos since my contract ends at the end of this month.

"The Best Moment" Layout

For this layout, I used the reds/blacks of the kit for this romantic picture of my hubby and I on Valentine's Day this year. I used the tags and wooden frames to draw the eye to the center of the page where I had the picture.

Here are a few close ups:

I also made a card:

Finally, I made this layered and distressed card with the bits and pieces of leftovers on my desk.
Here's a close up of it:

Thank for stopping by my blog today! Come back tomorrow and I'll share my last layout for Swirlydoos. It also happens to be my favorite! :)

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Friday, March 21, 2014

friday...Swirlydoos March Kit Layout #3

Happy Friday! What are you all doing this weekend? Anything fun planned? My plan is to organize the scrapbook room, although that might be a bit hard since I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant and can't bend over too much anymore! Let's see how that goes! :)

Today I'm sharing another layout that I made with the Swirlydoos March Kit, Salutations!

"With Love" Layout

For this layout I used a picture of my hubby and I this past Valentine's Day. We dressed up and went out to dinner a few days before Valentine's Day itself because I couldn't handle the large crowds. He was a good sport and took a few pictures with me before we went out. 

 I fuzzy cut the flowers on the left side and added them to this grey paper, which I randomly distressed. I used one of the tags as my title for this layout. I'm just having so much fun using these gorgeous Prima tags on my layouts this month!

The white and brown flowers are from my stash and I used the red flowers from the Flower Add-On. 

I handmade some leaves (stamped and die cut) and butterflies and added them to my layout. I also tore random spots and tucked in white punched cardstock underneath the pattern paper.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! have a wonderful weekend!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

wednesday...Swirlydoos March Kit Layout #2

Happy Wednesday! It's the middle of the week! Today I'm back sharing with you another layout that I made with the Swirlydoos March Kit, Salutations!

"Motherhood" Layout
For this layout, I used a white square doily from my stash which I framed with the gorgeous red trim included in the kit. I used another picture which I love from when I turned 32 weeks.

I used a few flowers from the Flower Add-On Kit and stamped and die cut the leaves to compliment the layout. I inked the tips of the leaves with red and brown to give it a different hue. I also added some cute butterflies to my layout.

I layered a bunch of tags underneath my photo and I love how much dimension it gives the layout!

Finally, I cut out the title with my Pazzles Inspiration out of black cardstock.

Thanks for taking your time to look through my creations! :)

Friday, March 14, 2014

friday...Swirlydoos March Kit Layout #1

Happy Friday everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to start sharing my layouts made with Swirlydoos March Kit, Salutations, but here's the first one! This month's kit is gorgeous and so elegant! It is also my last one as a DT for Swirlydoos since my contract with them is ending at the end of the month and my son is due next month! I can't believe how fast time flies! I'm definitely going to miss working with Swirlydoos kits and sharing my creations with my followers but understandably my son will probably occupy most of my time :)

"32 weeks" Layout

This layout is based on the sketch. I simply rotated the sketch clockwise to end up with the pictures on top. The pictures were taken 2 weeks ago when I turned 32 weeks.

Here's this month's sketch:

Here are some close ups:

 I used a few the red and black flowers from the Flower Add-On Kit because they complimented my photos so well. The doily I made using a die and white cardstock from my stash. 

I love all the texture I achieved on this very simply layout!

I added a cluster on the opposite side of the photos for balance.

here's one last view at the whole layout from the side.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Have a great weekend! :)

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

thursday...Swirlydoos March Kit Reveal and Blog Hop

Welcome to:
March Scrapbook Kit Reveal & Blog Hop!

If you came here from Angelica's blog, then you are on the right track. If not, go back to Swirlydoos' blog and start from there. We have some amazing projects for you to see today !! Make sure to leave a comment on all of the blogs for a chance to win!!! Make sure you have LIKED & FOLLOWED Swirlydoos on Facebook!!!

Swirlydoos is proud to bring you our beautiful March collection:


And check out these coordinating add ons that perfectly compliment our March scrapbook kit!

Are you a subscriber? If so, your kit is on it's way! If not, check out the Swirlydoos store to see if there are any March kits or add ons in the store!

Has it sold out? - become a subscriber and not only will you never miss a kit again, but you'll also pay less for your monthly scrapbook kits!

*Mention this blog hop and save 10% on your first kit*

We have some absolutely beautiful scrapbook projects for you to see today! So, without any further ado, here are the projects that I made with this gorgeous and elegant kit!

"32 weeks" Layout
This layout is based on the sketch. I simply rotated the sketch clockwise to end up with the pictures on top. The pictures were taken 2 weeks ago when I turned 32 weeks. I used a few the red and black flowers from the Flower Add-On Kit because they complimented my photos so well. The doily I made using a die and white cardstock from my stash. 

Here's this month's sketch:

"Motherhood" Layout
For my second layout I used a white square doily from my stash which I framed with the gorgeous red trim included in the kit. I used another picture which I love from when I turned 32 weeks. I used a few flowers from the Flower Add-On Kit and stamped and die cut the leaves to compliment the layout. I also cut out with my Pazzles inspiration the title out of black cardstock.

"With Love" Layout
Last but not least, I made this layout using a picture of my hubby and I this past Valentine's Day. We dressed up and went out to dinner a few days before Valentine's Day itself because I couldn't handle the large crowds. He was a good sport and took a few pictures with me before we went out. The white and brown flowers are from my stash and I used the red flowers from the Flower Add-On. I fuzzy cut the flowers on the left side and added them to this grey paper, which I randomly distressed. 

Come back throughout the month and I'll share with you close ups and how-to for each layout!

So, let's get started! Make sure to leave a comment on all of the blogs for a chance to win!!! 

You have until midnight, eastern time, on Friday 3/7 to complete the hop. Winners will be announced on the Swirlydoos Blog on Saturday 3/8. In order to qualify to win here is what you need to do:
1: Visit all of the blogs and leave a comment on each. This way we know you were there. Take your time. There are REALLY beautiful things to see along the way.
2: Before you leave each blog, look for the “special” words and write it down. 
Once you have visited all the blogs and collected all the special words, they will create a sentence. 
3: Finally, go back to the Swirlydoos blog and leave a comment letting us know how much fun you had, tell us the sentence that was created with all of the special words you collected. Can't wait to hear from you.

My special word is : YOU

The party continues over at  Swirlydoos blog!

Here is the order and blog addresses:

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Monday, March 3, 2014

monday...Swirlydoos February Kit Layout #5

Happy Monday! It's the beginning of the week and a new month! I can't believe that it's March already! In less than 6 weeks I'll get to meet my son!

Anyway, today I'm sharing with you my last layout using the February Swirlydoos Kit!

I used a picture of my mom and I at my baby shower. I turned it B&W because the background was too busy. I used flowers from the main kit as well as the flower add on and kept the design simple. I did lots of distressing in the bottom of the page to balance out the top design. I love how this layout looks and have a feeling that my mom might take it with her when she comes visit! I'm planning on displaying it on a shadow box in my hallway (I have 5 shadow boxes that I display and rotate my newest layouts).

Here are some close ups:

Thanks for stopping by my bog today and checking out my latest layout! Come back on Wednesday for the Swirlydoos March Kit Reveal and Blog hop! You DO NOT want to miss it!!!

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