The latest game at Reject HQ (AKA the Shed-o-War) saw four of us squaring up in a Napoleonic battle that tested our metal as well as our wits. Postie presented us with the closing stages of the north of the Battle of Eckmühl (also known as "Eggmühl") during the War of the Fifth Coalition of the Austrian Empire and the United Kingdom against Napoleon's French Empire and Bavaria.
The entire battle took place on the 21st April and 22nd April 1809 but we focused just on the action near the town of Luckenpaint on the 21st. Posties version of this action brought together the two sides in a non linear encounter battle which quickly developed into a cross between a complex and cerebral chess game and a blood soaked slugging match.
The entire battle took place on the 21st April and 22nd April 1809 but we focused just on the action near the town of Luckenpaint on the 21st. Posties version of this action brought together the two sides in a non linear encounter battle which quickly developed into a cross between a complex and cerebral chess game and a blood soaked slugging match.
Order of Battle
1st reserve Corps - c/o Gen Luchtenstein (Me!)
1st Brigade (Advance Guard - General Kecsey)
5th/6th Jagers - 2 Regiments
21st Line (Rohan) - 3 Regiments
5th Chevaulegers - 1 Regiement
Horse Artillery - Light Gun
1st Division - General Von Lunclenau
2nd Brigade - Gen Reinhard
2nd Line (Ferdinand) - 3 Regiments
33rd Line (Graf Sztaray) - 3 Regiments
Light Gun Battery
2nd Cavalry Brigade - Gen von Svegenthal
2nd Curassiers
3rd Curassiers
3rd Cavalry Brigade - Gen von Schneller
1st Curassiers
6th Curassiers
2nd Reserve Corps c/o Gen Kunmayer (Richard)
Grenadier Brigade - Gen d'Aspre
German Grenadiers - 3 Regiments
Hungarian Grenadiers - 2 Regiments
Light Gun Battery
1st Cavalry Brigade - Gen von Clary
3rd Dragoons - 1 Regiments
Reserve Artillery
Heavy Guns - 3 Batteries
3rd Corps c/o Marchal Davout (Ian)
4th Division - Gen St Hilare
1st Brigade - Gen Lorencez
10th Legar - 3 Regiments (Elite)
3rd Line - 3 Regiments
57th Line - 3 Regiments
Medium Gun Battery
2nd Brigade - Gen Destabenrath
72nd Line - 3 Regiments
105th Line - 3 Regiments
Medium Gun Battery
1st Cavalry Division - Gen Nansouty (Surjit)
1st Cavalry Brigade - Gen Defrance
1st Carabiniers
2nd Carabniers
2nd Cavalry Brigade - Gen Doumerc
2nd Curassiers
9th Curassiers
3rd Cavalry Brigade - Geb st Germain
3rd Curassiers
12th Curassiers
2nd Cavalry Division - Gen Montbron
4th Cavalry Brigade - Gen Pafal
5th Hussars
7th Hussars
Horse Artillery Battery
11th Chasseurs 'a' cheval
Reserve Artillery
Heavy Guns - 2 Batteries
The Action
The French are marching fast towards the Austrian positions. Off table the French 2nd Cavalry Division under Gen Montbron is hastening towards the battlefield. Across the table the Austrian Advance Guard the 1st Brigade is partially in position with the 2nd Brigade marching up the road towards the position. The Second Austrian Reserve Corps under Gen Kunmayer is at the far end of the battlefield with a long march ahead of them. Behind the hills on the right of the picture the Austrian 2nd and 3rd Cavalry (Curassier) Brigades remain hidden.
Even taking into account my deplorable handling of the Austrian reserve cavalry I was very happy with the way the Advance Corp handled themselves. Both sides had taken a severe mauling but it definitely felt that the French had had the worse of the battle so far. Despite concentrating their whole army on a narrow front they had not been able to sweep the Austrians away without a tough fight.
Everyone had a great game and despite the tough fight we all felt that the battle was one of the best we had played for a long time. The French had cleverly decided to concentrate their attack on a small section of the Austrian lines but stubborn resistance by the advance guard had blunted the hammer blow. Even the failed Divisional Morale Check had played into the hands of the Austrians allowing them to fall back in good order to their pre determined second line of defence.
An excellent game enjoyed by all the players on both sides. A pretty good result for all concerned.
The Action
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Postie explains the opening deployment to Richard |
The French take advantage of their +2 bonus on initiative to move quickly towards the Austrians. Meanwhile the Austrian advance guard quickly take up position to hold up the French. |
Richards 2nd Corps starts it long march across the battlefield towards the enemy. |
With the Austrian Advance Guard holding the central hill the 1st Division turn off the road and line up behind the ridge, ready to change formation into line if the French dare to advance. |
Meanwhile the French 2nd Cavalry Division under Gen Montbron arrives. |
The Austrian advance guard have taken position in the hill and in the narrow gap across the road. They look terribly outnumbered as French units converge on their position from all sides. |
A wider shot the same scene showing the mass of French units crowding the gap and seemingly ready to pour across the ridge at any time. |
The Austrian Cavalry sweep down around the flank of the French but a hail of well aimed volley fire brings both Brigades to a juddering halt right under the French guns. |
Its getting congested around this gap... |
Seeing on opportunity the Austrian 5th Chevaulegers charge the disordered French in the gap. |
A wide shot shows the slow realignment of the Austrian lines diagonally across the battlefield. The gap is temporarily clear but the Austrians are now falling back on the left flank. |
Even taking into account my deplorable handling of the Austrian reserve cavalry I was very happy with the way the Advance Corp handled themselves. Both sides had taken a severe mauling but it definitely felt that the French had had the worse of the battle so far. Despite concentrating their whole army on a narrow front they had not been able to sweep the Austrians away without a tough fight.
To my surprise Postie awarded me a special prize for the spectacularly successful charge of my Chevaulegers against the French in the Gap. |
A couple of Happy Wargamers! |
Everyone had a great game and despite the tough fight we all felt that the battle was one of the best we had played for a long time. The French had cleverly decided to concentrate their attack on a small section of the Austrian lines but stubborn resistance by the advance guard had blunted the hammer blow. Even the failed Divisional Morale Check had played into the hands of the Austrians allowing them to fall back in good order to their pre determined second line of defence.
An excellent game enjoyed by all the players on both sides. A pretty good result for all concerned.